Emptiest. Threat. Ever.

Filed in National by on March 16, 2010

Apparently, Democrats in Washington are on the verge of seriously hurting the feelings of Congressional Republicans. So much so, in fact, that this is what they have threatened to do:

While a bill-signing ceremony in the Rose Garden would provide at least a short-term boost to a beleaguered president, Republicans have made clear that the legislative procedure Democrats are using to avoid another filibuster would so anger them that they would not cooperate on other major initiatives this year.

If they jam through health care,” said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, then Democrats will have “poisoned the well” on other issues. He was interviewed Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

Really? He’s seriously threatening that if the Democrats pass health care reform, now Republicans will stop cooperating? I’ll second Ezra Klein’s question and ask, “If Graham doesn’t think the well is already poisoned, then I dare him to take a sip from it.” Seriously though, this might be the most ridiculous attempt at a threat I’ve ever heard. This would be like the Sixers saying. “If fans don’t start coming out to games, we’ll really start sucking.”


About the Author ()

A lifelong Delawarean who has left-of-center views -- and he's not afraid to use them.

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  1. I’m sure we’re all going to lose sleep worrying about what Lindsey Graham is going to do next.

  2. kavips says:

    just a reminder… FDR also tried working with Republicans in a bipartisan way during his first year of the presidency, and they too stymied him… He then took the other approach and ran over their dead bodies and it took thirty five years for Republicans to be taken seriously again… (Eisenhower obviously wasn’t a real Republican. He was a war hero who was also a pragmatist and continued the Democratic policies of Truman..)

    Hooray for the wisdom of Eisenhower.