Is Graham a RINO in Recovery?

Filed in National by on March 17, 2010

Sen. Linsdey Graham, John McCain’s BFF, talking about health care reform on South Carolina radio inteview:

Nancy Pelosi, I think, has got them all liquored up on sake and you know, they’re making a suicide run here.

Rep. Mike Honda, a Democrat of Japanese-American descent, was not too pleased:

I am disheartened that Senator Graham chose to use racially tinged rhetoric to express his opposition to health care reform. There is a way to engage in healthy debate without alienating Asian Americans, who are an important part of this democracy and healthcare reform.

I guess Graham is trying to rebuild his racist-conservative street cred after being called out as “half-a-sissy” by Tea Party activists in October.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. a.price says:

    How dare Rep Honda play the race card? Graham was CLEARLY using satire. When is all this silliness going to end? I have been out of the loop the past couple weeks and right now, it looks like we might actually get HCR passed.
    The Republicans are at this point… to use war metaphor, out of ammo, already threw their guns at us and are now standing there screaming “BANG BANG BANG! WE WIN! STOP FIGHTING NOW, WE JUST SAID WE WON…..eeer um…. SOCIALISM!” It is kind of like watching Cartman in a fight.
    It is really quite annoying.

  2. What should upset the Representative is the fact that Democrat party is being driven on a suicide run.

  3. nemski says:

    ^ RD ignores the racial undertones of Graham’s remarks which proves Graham is on the right track for Tea Party forgiveness.

  4. bamboozer says:

    It’s South Carolina, thier other Senator is Jim DeMint, arguably the worst of a bad bunch.Grahams going to have to do much better to stand out as a major jerk in this crowded field.