Castle On The Attack

Filed in National by on March 20, 2010

Mike Castle’s attack machine appears to be stirring. Yesterday I saw this message on Twitter:

Dozens of NCC employees to be laid off in July as a result of Coons’ budget. Read more:

I couldn’t get the first link to work, but the second link leads to the same message on his Facebook page.

It’s a bit ironic that Castle is criticizing Coons for cutting jobs considering Castle voted against the jobs bill (the one he said he’d support). If I were Chris Coons, I’d blast this Castle hypocrisy far and wide since Coons is having to deal with the fallout of Castle’s and the GOP’s economic policies from the lost decade.

Also, completely predictably, Castle announced that he’s voting no on health care reform.

If you want to know what kind of Senator Mike Castle will be, all you need to do is follow his Twitter feed. He’ll continue to vote with the GOP while making noises about caring about the people of Delaware. Then he’ll vote against our interests anyway.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. anon says:

    It is embarrassing for Coons to allow Mike Castle to land the first punch.

    The NCC budget problems were due to the banking and housing meltdown, with Castle on the Financial Services committee.

  2. Geezer says:

    No it’s not. What’s embarrassing — or ought to be — is that Mike Castle, Mr. Fiscal Responsibility, is now advocating the opposite.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Whining, whinging and kvetching are high art forms in the Republican party. Plus the opponent is just so very old. It’s too early to let that monster out of the closet.

    Keep it positive Chris. You’ve done an amazing job of keeping NCCo running with hardly any money. And, as Geezer notes, the lack of money is due to the Republicans’ lack of governance.

    There will be time to hold Castle accountable, when the non-wonks are actually paying attention. For now, we need to concentrate on raising money to combat their noise machine in the fall. Money will come to Castle from the four-corners. We need to be ready.


  4. anon says:

    For now, we need to concentrate on raising money to combat their noise machine in the fall.

    That is a sensible and prudent strategy from a political consultant point of view.

    However, my wallet is still closed to Coons until I see some fight, and hear something coming from him that sounds like Democrat. I do not want to be responsible for creating another Carper.

    I signed up for his email list and have got nothing so far.

  5. Rebecca says:

    For what it’s worth, IMHO, Coons has a TOTALLY, TOTALLY, TOTALLY different mind-set from Carper.

  6. Brooke says:

    anon, I agree, and I’m worried. 🙁 I like Chris, but in the MANY places I can hear from him, I’m not. Rebecca, I understand that he is handicapped (as the R’s like Castle are not) by actually trying to do the JOB voters hired him to do. But he can’t wait for the news cycle to wake up ‘non-wonks”. He has to do it himself, and soon. He has to be seen running WHILE doing unpopular things in governance, and making that a merit of his candidacy.

    I opened more emails of Markell holding his bike around the state than any other kind. I get a lot of email. You have to get people to open it. And last minute appeals for cash won’t do it.

  7. Phuny says:


    a simple factual statement now equals “attack machine”

    that said, Castle’s campaign team seams a little muddled… are they criticising Coons for tepid half measures in right sizing the bloated county payroll?

  8. bamboozer says:

    Regardless of hypocrisy, old age and outright lies Castle will be hard to beat. But I certainly think it can be done. Castle has lots of weaknesses, If Coons plays it cool he can win.

  9. just kiddin' says:

    I am skipping that race.

  10. cassandra m says:

    I signed up for his email list and have got nothing so far.

    Me either, now that you mention it.

    And I wonder why Castle isn’t praising Cris Coons for reducing the size of government which is *purported* to be a repub wet dream?

  11. I haven’t received anything from Coons campaign either.

  12. I got the link, but like you mine didn’t work which is why I didn’t post it yesterday. It is interesting. I am not sure what to think. I thought reducing cost was good. It doesn’t matter. Republicans are good because they will vote for free markets and a free people. Democrats are bad because they are following the ruling regime down a path to ruin. That is all I need to know before I vote this fall.

  13. Brooke says:

    Republican David, I totally support your right to use any means to determine your vote that you choose. Rock that Magic 8 Ball, man. But you can’t seriously talk about Republican’s “voting for free markets” when they support monopoly for the Insurance industry and restrict the sale of legal medical care as birth control, never mind abortion.

    Today’s Republicans aren’t about freedom. They supported the Patriot Act, they’d like to tear down all aspects of the Constitution that concern the separation of church and state, they oppose gay marriage and they just flat lie about reproductive rights. A really “freedom-loving” libertarian Republican would have a massive Gay wedding chapel built with a view over Bethany and be building his retirement with the cash individual “freedoms” brought him.

    Don’t bother to use that word “freedom”, dude. You have no idea what it means.