Chris Coons’ Statement on Signing of HCR

Filed in National by on March 23, 2010

Got this via one of our loyal readers:(I still don’t get any correspondence from the Coons campaign even though I’ve signed up for it.):

Congress made history Sunday night, adopting landmark health care reform critical for our nation’s economic future and the well being of its citizens.

It’s great news for the more than 100,000 Delaware residents who are uninsured and the 70,000 Delaware residents who will qualify for tax credits to help them afford the health insurance they need.

The bill passed Sunday night will also give 140,000 Delaware seniors access to free preventive care while lowering prescription drug costs for 25,000 seniors on a fixed income.

That’s why I proudly would have voted “yes” on health care reform.

It is disappointing that every single Republican in the House and Senate voted against these significant reforms, including Delaware’s Congressman Castle.

This was fundamentally about whose side are you on. I listened to the AARP, which endorsed this because it was good for seniors. I listened to the doctors and nurses, who endorsed this because it’s good for patients. Congressional Republicans sided with the insurance companies, who opposed this bill. I’m proud to stand with the AARP, doctors and nurses, instead of the insurance companies.

How would you have voted on health care reform? I’m interested to hear what you think and learn how you’ve been affected by the existing health insurance system.

More than a year and hundreds of proposed amendments after the effort began, President Obama signed this critical legislation today. I agree with the President that the legislation isn’t perfect, but we as a nation simply could not afford to wait any longer to make things better. All progress starts with one step forward, and last night, Congress took a big one toward a stronger economy and healthier public.

Will you share your opinion about health care reform and tell me how you’ve been affected by the current health insurance system?

Click here to share your story

Delaware needs a Senator who will stand with his constituents, not with his party. That’s why I’m running for the U.S. Senate — to make sure we continue to have a strong progressive voice in Washington committed to moving our state and our country forward.


I’m glad that he is highlighting the benefits of this bill for people here. And the best part is the bit about standing with constituents, not his party — which could have come from any Delaware Liberal post about Mike Castle. It looks like the part asking for your story gives you a chance to signup to hear from the Coons campaign, so those of us who have been waiting to hear from them, perhaps this is the cue to try again.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (13)

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  1. Phil says:

    What bout Obam waiting 5 days before he signs anything that crosses his desk?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    The HCR Bill was passed around 11PM on 21 March and was signed about 11:45 AM on 23 March.

    That’s not five days.

    Thanks for playing!

    ps. This thread is about Chris Coons’ statement so let’s not get too far off topic — I’ll move or delete those posts that are.

  3. Jason330 says:


  4. anon says:

    I don’t see the word “Democrat” or the word “Castle.”

    I guess that’s OK; it’s just one press release.

    But he did use the word “progressive,” which is unheard of for a Delaware candidate.

    So now I’m off to look for a donation link, for a modest donation.

  5. Look again:

    It is disappointing that every single Republican in the House and Senate voted against these significant reforms, including Delaware’s Congressman Castle.


    Congressional Republicans sided with the insurance companies, who opposed this bill.


    This was the kind of stuff I was waiting to see. I think I’ll go donate now as well.

  6. bamboozer says:

    Chris Coons has an uphill fight but it can be done. This is a good statement, far better than Castles lame and feeble screed.

  7. So, if Cassandra isn’t receiving Coons’ pressers and neither are others who signed up (myself included), and there is still nothing on his Senate site nor on his facebook….this is still a bullshit shadow candidacy.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Looks to be. Although he and his campaign manager seem earnest enough – there is so little substance. Look at it this way. time is the one thing a campaign can never get more of, and these guys don’t seem to be bothered by squandering it.

  9. John Manifold says:

    I’ve been skeptical of dilettante banker Michelle Rollins’ tummy-fire, but she sounds runnerish:

    “Four score and seven days ago, I awoke with a dread that said I can throw my shoe at the TV, but Nancy Pelosi does not go away.”

  10. Jason330 says:

    Sheesh. The DE GOP has gone full blown birther?

    “Lincoln was a Republican. Obama is a skinny lawyer.
    Lincoln was born in the United States. Obama is a skinny lawyer.”

  11. Jason330 says:


    “Four score and seven days ago, I awoke with a dread that said I can throw my shoe at the TV, but Nancy Pelosi does not go away,” Rollins said.

    87 days ago. Someone told me that everyone hates Pelosi. (Pause for laughter…wink at Celia Cohen)

    “It is time for those of us who believe in our American system to put aside our wonderful lives and say, the American system is too important to us to sit back and hope that someone fixes it.

    I had to come back from Jamaica because the back people here are getting uppity.

    “I’m not here to announce tonight, but I’m here to tell you I’m very close in the process to making that decision,

    I’m still waiting for the RNC to show me the money.

    because we cannot allow our grandchildren to be deprived of the lives and opportunities we had growing up as children in America.”

    because every little American girl deserves the right to marry well.

  12. anon1 says:

    who cares what chris coons thinks?

  13. Tom says:

    I’ve signed up multiple times, but heard nothing. In fact, haven’t seen anything from the campaign at all. Sometimes I wonder if he’s still running…