Anti Health Care Reform Activist Arrested For Death Threats

Filed in National by on April 7, 2010

Those tea partiers are just regular folks and when people accuse them of inciting violence they’re liar, right? Maybe not.

Federal prosecutors have charged a Washington state man, Charles Alan Wilson, with repeatedly making threatening calls to Sen. Patty Murray’s Seattle office, threatening to kill her because of her support for the health care bill.

In one message, according to court documents, he said, “I hope you realize, there’s a target on your back now. There are many people out there who want you dead. … Kill the —-ing senator. I’ll donate the lead.” In another, he describes himself as “a senior citizen on Social Security and Medicare” and says, “I want to thank you so much, very, very much, for signing my death warrant.”

Just in case you don’t believe it was related to the health care reform legislation and the fear-mongering conservatives, the FBI caught Wilson by pretending to be representatives from an anti-reform group.

FBI agents checked the office phone records against the times the voicemails were received, leading to Wilson’s number in Selah, Wash. As an additional check, an agent posing as a volunteer from a fictitious group opposed to the bill, called Patients United Now, called Wilson on April 1st and talked to him for 14 minutes. He said he “hated” the law and that he had repeatedly called Murray’s office to complain, referring to her with a phrase, “Sneaker Shoes Murray,” also often used on the voicemails.

He obviously felt free to share his feelings with the anti-reform group, didn’t he?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (27)

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  1. pandora says:

    I’m sure this guy will be excused because it’s understandable. After all, he’s really upset with the Ds for passing HCR. Upset with legislation = justifiable death threats.

    This is where we’re at, America.

  2. I’m sure it’s Patty Murray’s fault for talking about the death threats.

  3. anon says:

    Well, he is right about one thing – the Government is finally going to take away his liberty.

  4. anon says:

    Good point. He had a handgun and a concealed carry permit. The FBI report has the full text of the phone messages, which are a lot uglier than what got printed in the paper.

  5. Joanne Christian says:

    Wait till he sees prison healthcare. Depending which state, he may go evangelical–or become a convert.

  6. Scott P says:

    And again, why does it always seem that the loudest, angriest voices against the big, bad government go straight home (or from the phone) to the mailbox to grab their Social Security checks and Medicare cards?

  7. Seems that this guy is the same sort of loon the Obama-donor who threatened to murder Cantor and his family, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and even President Obama too. That does not make him the poster child for all opponents of ObamaCare, but pretty darn close.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Great point. …..kidding! Idiotic as usual. Situation normal. Carry on everybody.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    (sorry, it’s Politico) But there is another arrest today — this time of someone who was threatening Nancy Pelosi and her family.

  10. A. Nony Moose says:

    Nice job changing the words of that 4:00 pm comment. Let’s just call that typical liberal intellectual dishonesty.

  11. pandora says:

    Sorry, Moose, but you guys blew the crazy whistle, stop acting surprised when your call is answered. The guy who threatened Cantor, Pelosi, Obama, etc. is very different from the HCR thugs. He’s crazy about everything.

  12. A. Nony Moose says:

    After some 40 years of left-wing incitement to political violence over policy disagreements, I suggest that no liberal EVER suggest that a conservative “blew the crazy whistle”.

    After all, you folks consider folks like this to be heroes, respected academics and important political patrons, despite participation in murderous acts of terror — and still do not demand repentance and contrition.

  13. Jason330 says:

    Pssst…. Reaching 40 years into the past to justify your crazy argument means you lose. Just saying’.

  14. A. Nony Moose says:

    No, pointing to a 40 -year pattern of conduct on the part of the Left doesn’t mean I lose — it means that I have a sense of history, and you are bound by the empty polemics of last week’s newspaper.

  15. Jason330 says:

    If you were a normal human being and not an idiot doctrinaire zombie wing nut I might point you toward the words of Robert Kennedy to get a sense of where the Democrats were 40 years ago on the topic of political violence and intimidation. Then I might contrast that sentiment with your party’s leadership. But since you are an idiot you are not worth another minute of my time. Suffice to say you’ve had your ass handed to you four times within ten minutes.

  16. A. Nony Moose says:

    RFK — oh, you mean the Kennedy brother murdered by the Palestinian terrorist because of his support for Israel? How is that connected to the conservative side of the aisle, which has great respect and strong support for Israel?

    Get help, Jason — there are great medications out there that will help you overcome your delusions that you have ever bested me in any argument, whetehr in the last 10 minutes or the last 10 months.

  17. anon says:

    ever bested me in any argument

    I never managed to knock out that Bozo punch clown, either. He still has that stupid grin on his face.

  18. Jason330 says:

    As much as you seem to want me to, I can’t hand your ass to you again. It would be like punching a baby.

  19. delacrat says:

    A. Nony. Moose,

    From your post at 8:35 , we are to understand that if RFK were alive today, you would be OK with Charles Alan Wilson taking RFK out.

  20. I think we need a new rule: if you have to go back to a time before I was born to make your argument – you’ve already lost.

  21. A. Nony Moose says:

    Delecrat, you can “understand” anything you want from that comment, though clearly not with any degree of accuracy.

    Step away from the bong, wait for the THC level to drop and then reread that comment, which cannot be legitimately be interpreted in the way you have suggested.

  22. A. Nony Moose says:

    Sorry, UI, that you find historical literacy to be so lacking in my posts.

  23. A. Nony Moose says:

    Jason, I’d like nothing more than for you to keep your hand off my ass. It was stuff like that which caused all sorts of trouble for Congressman Massa. 🙂

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Reaching 40 years into the past to justify your crazy argument means you lose. Just saying

    Add to this rule that if the only crazy you can find is from an old leftist who is the only one left to remember and commemorate his own doings, you’ve pretty much lost any possibility of pretending that anyone supports those deeds.

    But then again one can’t expect much from a man whose mission in life is to be a social studies teacher in Texas, for cryin’ out loud.

  25. I think Moose needs to learn some contemporary literacy.