Mommie Dearest

Filed in National by on April 10, 2010

What sort of monster does this?

Russia threatened to suspend all child adoptions by U.S. families Friday after a 7-year-old boy adopted by a woman from Tennessee was sent alone on a one-way flight back to Moscow with a note saying he was violent and had severe psychological problems.

Attaching the note was priceless.  I bet has received warmer, more detailed, Return Forms.  And I don’t care what problems the boy had, the adopted mother’s action crossed every line imaginable.  If this woman has other children I’d suggest removing them from her home immediately.   And isn’t Granny a wonderful person – my, what big teeth you have!

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. This is a horrible story. I have heard of other adopted children from Russia with severe behavioral problems (due to neglect). Of course, the adoptive mother should have done research or tried to get help for her son. I just hope the boy can find a loving home.

  2. a.price says:

    another heart warmer from the “real’ america.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    “But they were so cute on the 60 Minutes Special”…….

  4. Brooke says:

    I think there’s a lot of places to lay blame, here.

    There’s a woman I know who is just MAD that those dern bankers loaned her so much money on her house, when, as professionals, they ought to have known better. 😀

    Ridiculous as that sounds, it’s partly true.

    So, also, most new (and more experienced) parents have had days when, despite all research, they felt that no one TOLD them how difficult parenting would be.

    We don’t issue licenses to become parents. Fortunate for the continuation of the species, probably.

    But the adoption system, everywhere, is loaded with baby selling, misrepresentation, and power imbalances, and international adoption 10 times more so. It’s large scale slavery, more often than not.

    In a world with all that going on, this little boy may live to bless the day he’s on the shortlist for Russia’s Elian Gonzalas status. Her reprehensible behavior might be his best shot at getting significant help.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I personally know of a family that adopted a 7 year old foreign-born child that had severe psychological issues. The child would go days barely eating or regurgitating what they just ate. The child wouldn’t sleep and communicated with crying. The parents were at their wits end and finally (and unfortunately in a very ugly manner) found a new placement for the child.

    This particular woman behaved extremely poorly, but I wonder how many of us could take the severe psychological stress that parenting one of these children requires.

    Honestly, there might be some value in suspending adoptions until Russia can provide better support and knowledge transfer.