Teapartiers = Delaware GOP

Filed in National by on April 14, 2010

So apparently the Delaware GOP is on the same path as the rest of their party and publicly get in bed with these teabaggers. The teabaggers are having their annual collective tax pout at the state-funded (the state that collects taxes for just such efforts) Wilmington Riverfront (and other publically funded places throughout the state) this April 15. Tax Day. So droll. Anyway, guess who is smack in the middle of pimping this thing? You guessed it, the Delaware GOP:

Note to Tea Partiers — you do not get to claim independence from the GOP when they are — clearly — involved with pushing your events. So remember folks, when you see these guys taking advantage of tax-funded public areas to whinge about their taxes you are looking a a fully astroturfed and fulled pimped out group here sent out to advocate for policy that never impacts them, but does advantage their funders. Wonder what old “moderate” Mike thinks about his party leaving him behind for a teabagging.

h/t and thanks to our anonymous tipster.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (56)

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  1. nemski says:

    Republicans are showing, with their allegiance to the racist Tea Party movement, that the GOP is the other white meat.

  2. MJ says:

    LOL – Kmart parking lot in Rehoboth for a rally. I wonder what Kmart (Sears Holding) thinks about that.

  3. fightingbluehen says:

    Hey nemski, why don’t you, and your lot come up with a good argument about how the Constitution allows for this administrations over reaching policies, instead of calling people racists.

  4. John Manifold says:

    a good argument about how the Constitution allows for this administrations over reaching policies

    Majority vote by House and Senate, then signature by President.

  5. anon says:

    CRI has also come out of the closet, with noted “investigative reporter” and gun nut Lee Williams speaking at the Middletown event.

  6. MJ says:

    FBH – please explain to all of us: (1) where you got your law degree with an emphasis on Constitutional law and (2) what sections of the Constitution have been violated by the Obama administration.

    The teabaggers are simply put, a bunch of angry white people who are pissed off that the black guy won. I’d hate to find out how all of you would react to the first Jewish President.

  7. skippertee says:

    Good One MJ!

  8. I hope someone is there to take pictures of their signs, since they are GOP-approved.

  9. Not only majority vote, but a supermajority vote on health care reform and a lot of other initiatives.

  10. MJ says:

    I plan on taking pictures at the Kmart rally in Rehoboth. Should be fun. Maybe they’ll have more than the 2 people who showed up last fall to protest the stimulus money that was used to repair the boardwalk in RB.

  11. ‘Just plain folks’ Pepe Le Pew duPont and Charles Bouvier de Flanders Copeland to address the Great Unwashed at the Wilmington event. Will the ‘legitimate press’ see the irony in this?

    Wonder if they shake hands with the angry masses afterwards.

    My guess: They hire ‘virtual handshakers’ to do that dirty job for them. Or wear latex gloves.

    As for ‘Moderate Mike’, having the Greenville Royalty suspend their rapacious omnivorism, even for a couple of hours, shows that Mikey wants to act like a teabaggin’ homeboy.

    Which is why the Rethug Party is pulling the strings of the mindless minions.

  12. fightingbluehen says:

    MJ, (1)why do i need a law degree to understand the constitution ? (2) The only part of the constitution where you may have an argument is promoting the general welfare, but the problem with that is those powers to promote the general welfare are “few and defined” as stated in article 45# of the federalist papers.

    “The teabaggers are simply put, a bunch of angry white people who are pissed off that the black guy won. I’d hate to find out how all of you would react to the first Jewish President.”

    (1) A “teabagger” is someone who participates in sucking balls.

    (2)I have never been to a “tea party “,and I don’t care if our president is black or jewish.

    (3)That statement is why you’re a dick.

  13. fightingbluehen says:


  14. We’ve listened to a lot of uniformed blowhards talk about what’s “unConstitutional” so we’re not about to listen to another one. If someone is going to discuss the Constitutionality, it needs to be something more than just a general “Obama is doing bad things.” We want to see what the allegation is, and the source of your argument. Unless you’re a Constitutional scholar, or linking to one your argument will get the serious consideration it deserves, which is none.

  15. MJ says:

    FBH – my, my. I bet you were the schoolyard bully when you were 8 years old. Seems like you haven’t grown up (or grown a pair for that matter).

    You might want to occupy your time by watching all of those new shows on the Sarah Palin Network. Call up Rethuglican David – I understand he has a lot of free time.

  16. anon says:

    ‘Just plain folks’ Pepe Le Pew duPont and Charles Bouvier de Flanders Copeland to address the Great Unwashed at the Wilmington event. Will the ‘legitimate press’ see the irony in this?

    The du Ponts got on the wrong side of the French Revolution and the New Deal too. They never learn.

  17. pandora says:

    And despite the outrage, FBH has yet to list those over-reaching policies.

    Just wanted to sweep away the straw and point that out.

  18. anon says:


    They have an unlimited supply of code words for “uppity.”

  19. Republicans are not allowed to attend, promote and be a part of a movement open to everyone? Cass said “Note to Tea Partiers — you do not get to claim independence from the GOP when they are — clearly — involved with pushing your events.”

    Now she wants to rewrite the rules. Wrong answer. The tea party is not a GOP movement but 60% of the people are Republicans. Most are not part of the regular party machinery. If the GOP is to be successful after several errors in the last 4 years of its hold on Congress, it needs to partner with the grassroots movement. You do that by working with people not ignoring them. I guess that you want me to think that you are incapable of understanding the most basic principles of bridge building and forming alliances. I think that you are smarter than that so tell me the real motivation.

    Is it to try to say the party planned the Tea Party and movement is not real?

  20. FBH does not need to list the policies everytime. You already know what they are or you have a serious short term memory issue. I think Newt Gingrich said it well at the SRLC. View that video.

  21. MJ says:

    SRLC – oh yeah, that group of old white guys who gathered in New Orleans to have some “serious” discussions.

    And you, FBH and any other teabagging idiot should be able to rattle these “policies” off without any problem when you cite them in an argument. Oh wait, you can’t because there haven’t been any violations of the Constitution or the law under the current administration.

    Delusional – on this argument, you get a big FAIL!

  22. “Just plain folks’ Pepe Le Pew duPont and Charles Bouvier de Flanders Copeland” – – – is as funny as the common depiction here of billionaire GORE CORP’s family member and trust fund recipient, Chris Coons, as “just plain folk”. GAG

    Delaware Way hypocrites much? You guys blindly grasp onto the illusion of a Chris Coons everyman. He’s just another DINO when it comes to corporate interests. (Markell too, for that matter).

    The Gore’s and the duPont’s have equal representation on Boards across the state that enjoy the investment of huge pots of local money.

    Coons’ stepfather, Bob Gore, co-chairs the UD Trustee Board along with the duPies and they get to invest the billion + university endowment where ever they please.

    Coons’ step-grandmother, Vieve Gore, was a co-founder, along with the duPies, of the Delaware Community Foundation – – another fun local pot-o-gold investment sandbox for the local uber rich.

    Look no further than the DCF’s Corporate Education Branch – Rodel – Vision 2015 – for the fellow Advisory Board membership of Pete duPont, Tom Carper, Chris Coons (and until recently, Jack Markell).

  23. bamboozer says:

    I don’t think all Tea Partiers are rascist although some certainly are. I Do think they are 99% Conservative Republicans and “Independents” who always seem to vote Republican. In addition they are almost exclusively white and many are old enough to collect Socialism!!! Security and Medicare. It all a “Re-Branding” of the Republican Party.

    P.S. Way to stay classy Fightenbluehen!

  24. anon says:

    “You guys blindly grasp onto the illusion of a Chris Coons everyman. ”

    I don’t recall anybody saying that. What I mostly hear are complaints that we don’t know where Coons stands on key issues.

  25. They have an unlimited supply of code words for “uppity.”

    You owe me a keyboard.

  26. Another Mike says:

    Let’s see, overreaching …

    Health care reform? Well, that was approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the president. If I remember correctly from Schoolhouse Rock, that’s how a bill becomes a law.

    START II treaty? I think the patron saint negotiated one of those a generation ago. Still needs to be ratified by the Senate.

    Nominated a Hispanic woman to the Supreme Court? That must be it.

  27. Geezer says:

    “why don’t you, and your lot come up with a good argument about how the Constitution allows for this administrations over reaching policies, instead of calling people racists.”

    Because we’re under no obligation to educate or argue with conservatives. This is not a debate forum. If you want a debate, go elsewhere. This is the progressive version of FUBU.

    “why do i need a law degree to understand the constitution?”

    You don’t need a degree, but you do need to understand that “Constitutional Law” is not based solely upon the Constitution but upon over 200 years of rulings. All the bleating about what’s in it and what’s not is just that — bleating. The Supreme Court’s role isn’t in it, either. You’re just going to have to live with it, just like every generation of American’s since John Marshall’s time.

    IN short, I don’t think you know dick about any of this except for what your conservative “news” sources tell you.

  28. I have multiple problems with the Tea Parties and how they represent themselves (a partial list):
    – They only discovered the deficit once Obama became president even though most of it is due to Bush policies
    – They blame Obama for Bush’s initiatives (the bank bailouts, the auto company bailouts)
    – They constantly inflate their crowd size numbers
    – They claim to be independent, but are mostly Republicans
    – They bitch about “government overreach” but can’t identify the overreach.
    – They claim to be grassroots but have been organized by GOP groups and Fox News
    – They have many members that use racist slogans and signs, yet deny it
    – They have no actual policy prescriptions, they seem to be only an anarchist group. Just say no is not a policy

  29. anon says:

    Apparently a candidate has to be as destitute as KWS was to earn Nancy’s backing.

  30. richard says:

    Charlie Copeland!! Pete du Pont!! That’s a sign of a real grassroots movement? Although I can’t wait to find out what the tea party ceremony is going to be- any ideas? Given the speakers, it’s probably going to be inspired by something out of Skulls and Bones.

  31. At the tea parties, do they advise the teabaggers to drink tea with their pinkies up?

  32. WWJD says:

    Oh good it was about time for another Nancy rant on Chris Coons. Only makes me like him more!

  33. anon says:

    “why don’t you, and your lot come up with a good argument about how the Constitution allows for this administrations over reaching policies”

    Dope – in the American system the burden of proof is on those who think a law is unconstitutional. The place to challenge it is the Supreme Court.

    If you were a real patriot you would know this already.

  34. anon says:

    This is not a debate forum.

    I disagree.


  35. Hey, I’d like to see an intelligent debate on the Constitutionality of some laws, but I doubt FBH will read Glenn Greenwald.

  36. anon says:

    “Teabagger” is a situational language in which words have different meanings depending on context:

    Bush: Strong Executive Branch
    Obama: Overreaching

    Bush: Unitary Executive
    Obama: Arrogant

    Bush: Mandate
    Obama: Regime

    Bush: Strong
    Obama: Tyranny

  37. pandora says:

    You do realize we’re asking for specifics from people who view the world as good or evil or you’re either with us, or against us.

    These are the type of people who, if serving on a jury, would ignore the facts and say, “I know he’s guilty/innocent because I can feel it in my bones.”

  38. anon, the language is called “teabonics” and it has some alternate spellings different than standard American English.

  39. anon says:

    Oh yeah… I heard about teabonics and never went to see the canonical definition.

  40. Brooke says:

    They’re protesting government in Dover & Middletown. Well, that sort of makes sense.

    What are they protesting at K-Mart? The ability to make a living? Martha Stewart sheets? Inquiring minds want to know.

  41. anon says:

    anon, the language is called “teabonics”

    Is that the language spoken by “teaboners?”

    David A doesn’t want us calling teabaggers teabaggers anymore, so we need a new word.

    I’m thinking “tea**ckers. In the interest of civility of course.

  42. delacrat says:

    Is the GOP fracturing … or is it lurching to the right?

  43. Geezer says:

    “This is not a debate forum.”

    “I disagree.”

    Sorry, it’s not up for debate. Though I should have made clear, it’s not for debate between progressives and conservatives. They are trolls. They are not interested in anything but disrupting their perceived enemies.

  44. anon says:

    Rightwing ideas tend to prevail unnaturally because conservatives can always drag enough Dems along with them. Why? Because the conservative purchase of the media has changed the climate and is now bearing fruit.

    A modest proposal:

    By law, no TV journalist or pundit should be allowed to earn more than the median US salary.

    Balance would be immediately restored to the media.

  45. Brooke says:

    Oh, I doubt it, anon. I’ve never seen a shortage of people willing to be wrong for free. 😉

  46. anon says:

    Let’s see a newscaster try to boost Republicans while they worry about whether they can afford to get their car fixed, or if their kid is OK in the day care they can afford.

  47. MJ says:

    The Kmart-Rehoboth Beach teabagging demonstration – my guess is that the city denied them a permit to use the bandstand and boardwalk.

  48. anon,

    The trade-off is if they stop saying “Democrat party” we’ll stop saying “teabaggers.”

  49. anon says:

    I believe the e-mail says they’re meeting at KMart and gathering in protest on the sidewalk in front of the outlets, probably for greater visibility. The traffic is always backing up there.

  50. Donna says:

    The protest is not being held at KMart. The location was changed over a month ago. Obviously the Republican Party and the Tea Party are not coordinating.

  51. anon3 says:

    I understand per the pigsfly fb page – they will having a memorial event at the home depot in lewes.

  52. think123 says:

    Is the Tea Party/GOP offering anything new since Bush. I don’t see any change in direction. Why the heck would we want to do the same exact things Bush did? Does not make sense to keep saying cut taxes and deregulate after all we have been through. It would be cool if they had something new to say. As it is, it’s just an extension of the McCain Palin campaign 2008. Boring.

  53. exhausted says:

    Ummmm…what’s up with Miss Delaware being a listed speaker at a political protest?

  54. MJ says:

    trying hard to be like Miss California?

  55. anon says:

    Good question. Here is her web site and blog.

    Did she even show up? If she did I bet most of the attendees mistook her for their granddaughter.

    Two things:

    1. The tea party events are not listed on her official events calendar. Did she show up as “Miss Delaware” at a non-sanctioned event?

    2. Her ambition is “to become a lobbyist,” I s**t you not.