Is The News Journal In The Tank For Castle?

Filed in National by on April 21, 2010

Ron Williams gives a little throwaway item at the end of his column today:

Taking care to take credit

Did I miss something? I thought the governor’s office, not the county executive, was working to restart Valero since it was shut down.

“The deal is a demonstration of what strong Democratic leadership can do for Delaware and is the reason I’m running for the Senate.”

Oh, OK. Why didn’t you just say that? Now I understand.

Really, Ron? You see no role for county officials in bringing business to New Castle County? Jack Markell himself praised Chris Coons’s role in the Valero and Fisker deals, but he would have known that if the NJ had bothered to cover the Chris Coons announcement.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    The NJ has been “in the tank” for Castle for decades. When he go’s all out conservative the most they say is “Castle seeks a more balanced approach”. I have never seen criticism of Castle in the NJ and expect I never will.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Aww U.I., that’s our “liberal” press you’re talking about. One more Frank Luntz talking point that twists reality 180 degrees.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Being informed on much isn’t exactly Williams’ strong suit. And instead of Frank Luntz, I would not be at all surprised if this newest bit of resentment came right from his lunch buddy Tom Gordon.

  4. Geezer says:

    Ron Williams hates Coons because his lord and master Tom Gordon hates Coons. It’s really that simple.

  5. TommyWonk says:

    New Castle County had a role in arranging some of the financing, specifically tax-exempt facility bonds and recovery zone facility bonds. Some of the borrowing capacity for these bonds (which don’t encumber any government obligation) is allocated to NCC.

  6. anon says:

    RW will never give Chris any credit without taking a swipe at him and reminding everyone of “the good ol’ days” of Gordon and Freeberry with million dollar wild west projects and milk and honey for all county residents. The Gov. has constantly praised Chris for his engagement in economic development and helping to get things turned around……

  7. MJ says:

    wRONg Williams needs to pull his head out of his arse and put that bottle of bourbon away and start being a newsman again.

    Wait, what am I thinking? A leopard can’t change his spots. Oh well, one can always hope.

  8. Delaware Patriot says:

    Nope, wRONg likes the view so his head will stay in place.

    wRONg’s Lord amd Master is the bar the Hunter’s Den.

  9. anon says:

    I don’t even understand what that means, or who that quote was from, or what his point is. It’s like there are two paragraphs missing. Can anyone explain?

  10. gophilsgo says:

    And another in depth tidbit from Ron:

    When you’re recorder, life’s good

    Michael Kozikowski, the Democratic New Castle County Recorder of Deeds, was spotted recently cutting the rug at Marshallton’s local restaurant and watering hole, The Hunter’s Den, which was featured in a story in The News Journal’s Crossroads section.

    Kozikowski was replete with his Recorder of Deeds ID badge and automobile with magnetic Recorder of Deeds campaign signs. It’s not the sexiest elective office in the state — and like treasurer should be eliminated — but Kozikowski has always looked like he’s enjoying his elected official status.

  11. Ginger says:

    Give me a break does anyone really believe that NCC County Executive’s office and not the Governor’s office got Valero to reopen? The Governor and the County Executive have been close for decades. They got their feet wet politically together. Coons bucked the party establishment and unions and supported him in the primary, and now Markell’s repaying the favor.

    Look it is no secret William’s no fan of Coons, but he doesn’t need Gordon or anyone else to give him information to criticism, or poke fun at Coons. Yesterday posts claimed Castle must be getting his talking points regarding Coons breaking his tax pledge from Gordon, and now even more are claiming William’s is getting his talking points, on another obvious point from Gordon.

    Some of you are starting to sound paranoid.

  12. Jason330 says:

    “Is The News Journal In The Tank For Castle?” Is this the most rhetorical question ever?

  13. anon says:

    The editorial page? Yes, absolutely. The reporting staff? Generally, most like Castle on a personal level, and lack an opinion about Coons. Just like most of the electorate.

  14. The editorial page colors your perception of the rest of the paper.

  15. Geezer says:

    I never said anyone had to goad him to take his shot. Quite the contrary.

  16. anon says:

    UI – Why?

    Anyone with the willingness to call their offices and ask would quickly learn that the editorial page staffers have nothing to do with the rest of the newsroom. I’ve been in there, and they’re actually physically separated from the reporters and editors, off in their own little suite of offices.

    Practically speaking, from my conversations with other TNJ staffers, the publisher, Curtis Riddle, is pretty much an absentee executive with his other Gannett duties, and the executive editor, David Ledford, is too busy thinking grandiose thoughts and doing other Gannett duties and pinging away on his Blackberry to give two shits about what Ron Williams and John Sweeney and Rhonda Graham write in their editorials.

    Would you really think that a model like the Delaware State News, which runs no editorials but fills its pages with anonymous, incoherent commments from the Web, is better because it has no institutional opinion to “color” its news coverage?

  17. dv says:

    castle is a moderate. we need more like him in office. I will vote for him until he literally croaks on the floor.

  18. Truth Teller says:

    If we want to defeat Castle Then Coon’s should bow out in favor of TED K who seems to be getting things done in Washington and that more than I can say about Castle or Carper.

  19. Mary E says:

    Comment by Truth Teller:If we want to defeat Castle Then Coon’s should bow out in favor of TED K who seems to be getting things done in Washington and that more than I can say about Castle or Carper.

    I’ll second that, but unfortunately I don;t think Ted would go for it. Someone should start a draft Ted movement!!!!!!