Not To Be Outdone By Arizona… Oklahoma Brings On The Crazy

Filed in National by on April 21, 2010

Via kos:

OKLAHOMA CITY—The Oklahoma Senate approved several bills Monday that opponents say would make it more difficult or uncomfortable for women to get abortions, including one that would require women seeking the procedures early in their pregnancies to undergo an invasive form of ultrasound…[The law] would require doctors to use a vaginal probe in cases where it would provide a clearer picture of the fetus than a regular ultrasound.

“You’re going to force someone to undergo an invasive medical procedure,” objected state Sen. Andrew Rice, D-Oklahoma City, who voted against the bill. “You have to invasively put an instrument inside the woman. This could be your 15-year-old daughter who was raped.”

Maybe we could subject women seeking an abortion to electro-shock therapy while we’re at it.  I’m really sick of this crap, and wish Anti-abortionists would stop treating abortion like an impulse buy.  They act like a woman approaches getting an abortion with the same impulse as buying a pair of shoes – as if they were strolling past an abortion clinic and think,  Hey, I should get one of those.  I was going to have the baby, but now…

It’s the same mindset that’s behind the 24 hour waiting period.

Doctor: Before you have an abortion you have to wait 24 hours.

Patient: Why?

Doctor: You should think about it.

Patient: OMG!  I knew I forgot to do something!  Thank you so much for reminding me to think!

Here’s the deal.  If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one.  And if you’re male and concerned you won’t have a say in whether your partner has an abortion – don’t have sex.  These are things you can control, but this isn’t really about personal control – it’s about controlling other people, mainly women.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (22)

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  1. The whole thinking behind the anti-abortion movement seems to be that women are children who are too dumb to make their own decisions. It’s surprising they think women can actually raise children.

  2. JustMe says:

    Odd how the people who denounce the waiting periods for abortions are in favor of them for gun purchases.

    These women are getting abortions and complaining about the “invasive” ultrasound? Please explain how an ultrasound is less invasive than an abortion.

    Abortion proponents want to shield the women from knowing how far developed the fetus is. That may make them reconsider.

    If you’re pro-choice, so be it but let it be an informed choice.

    p.s. I would extend this informed choice thing to keeping the baby, giving it up for adoption etc.

  3. pandora says:

    JustMe assumes a woman seeking an abortion is not making an informed choice. Thanks for proving the point of my post.

  4. It’s more big government conservatism at work!

  5. pandora says:

    Hmmm… here’s a question. Suppose the woman seeking an abortion already has children. Does she still need to be informed?

  6. Blücher says:

    So quick show of hands, how many of you support 24 hour waiting periods for guns?

  7. Scott P says:

    Someone should really keep a running tally in the National Wingnut Competition: State Division. It’s a close call between OK, GA, SC, and TX, although AZ has been making a run lately.

  8. Geezer says:

    If all the required checks can be done in less time, there’s no reason for a waiting period for guns, IMO. Are such laws aimed at getting people to reconsider? Sounds great, but what if you’re buying a gun because somebody threatened to kill you tonight?

  9. Don’t forget VA, Scott!

  10. pandora says:

    Agreed, Geezer. And it really shouldn’t be hard to speed up the process, but then what would gun nuts bitch about?

    Besides this is an apples and oranges debate. How about we make all men who don’t pay child support undergo a year living as a single mother, or… a penis probe so they fully understand that sex can result in pregnancy. Or, if it’s proved that they are the father they cannot walk away. Hey, forced marriage – just like the good old days the Rs love so much. Seriously, these men need to be “informed.”

  11. Geezer says:

    “Hmmm… here’s a question. Suppose the woman seeking an abortion…”

    …was free to do as her conscience and circumstance dictate, free of judgment from people who claim to know better than she what is morally correct, free from those who would relegate her womb to the control of the state from the moment of conception, free of having something personal turned into a public shaming from people with nothing better to do than cast stones at sinners…

    oh, well.

  12. pandora says:

    We are in agreement again, Geezer. I was simply pointing out the flaw in the Right’s “informed” argument. I mean, if you’ve already had a baby wouldn’t you be excused from the vaginal probe?

  13. Geezer says:

    P: No disagreement implied. I meant it as an amplification.

    “If you’ve already had a baby wouldn’t you be excused from the vaginal probe?”

    I doubt it. The idea is to get you to see the fetus in as much detail as possible, the better to trigger a maternal instinct that will lead to a conversion experience. Such an instinct should be all the stronger in a woman who has already given birth, right? All the more reason to probe her. Heck, let’s probe her twice!

  14. sunshine says:

    Really??? You are going to compare a woman having an abortion to somebody who wants to buy a gun? Two completely different situations. Women in this situation facing this decision should not be subject to any further probing or waiting periods. It is a hard enough decision no matter your situation. Contrary to popular belief not everyone seeking an abortion is using it as “birth control”. Talk to me when you have been placed in the situation where you are forced to make a heart wrenching decision knowing that your baby will die shortly after birth, if you even make it that far. In the end the decision was made for us and we lost the baby. My point is, Pandora is right it is not an impulse decision that you make on the fly. It is a decision that is thought over carefully and lived with for the rest of your life. So just remember not every abortion is oops I got knocked up and don’t want the responsibility of a baby. Also not every abortion is because you don’t “want” the baby. So no Geezer the answer is not oh let’s probe her then she’ll want the baby.

  15. Scott P says:

    Amen, Sunshine.

  16. Oh My Fucking God. Is this the beginning of The Handmaid’s Tale coming to life?

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    Um, did anyone let the insurance companies in on this lil’ goody? You can’t get a vaginal ultrasound routinely, unless there is a need–I don’t think persuasive parenting is one of them.

  18. Nosy says:

    In the case of abortions being performed at Planned Parenthood here in Delaware the doctor uses the vaginal ultrasound to find out exactly where the fetus is located in the womb and to make sure it isn’t a multiple pregnancy where something could get missed. My guess would be that this way the abortion procedure itself would be less invasive and safer.

  19. Melissa says:

    Nosy – I had an abortion at PP of Delaware last year and was not subjected to a transvaginal ultrasound, just a regular one for the purpose of determining the size and positioning of the fetus. Additionally, I was not forced to look at the images (although I asked to do so).

  20. Nosy says:

    Well a friend of mine had an abortion there last year and she confirms that it was a vaginal probe but was done for the same reasons as you stated. Maybe it’s the doctor’s choice? As I believe there are several doctors who perform services at PP.

  21. pandora says:

    Maybe… it’s based on an individual patient’s individual medical condition.

  22. anonone says:

    I heard a vaginal ultrasound once.