Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 21, 2010

Welcome to your Wednesday open thread. What’s on your mind? What can you share with dozens of virtual friends?

I love this idea, I wish I could attend – a Kenyan tea party.

The Kenyan government is taking on the Tea Partiers head on — hosting a “Real Tea Party” in the Capitol next Tuesday to promote the country’s status as the world’s number one exporter of tea. And they are explicitly contrasting it with the other tea parties that have been held of late on the Hill.

“The Government of Kenya, the world’s #1 tea exporter, cordially invites you to a proper Kenyan Tea Party on Capitol Hill (one without a political agenda),” the invitation boasts. (Click link to see the invitation.) “Please join Kenyan Deputy Prime Minister, the Honorable Uhuru Kenyatta, at Kenya’s tea tasting event, complete with food pairings and tea leaf readings.”

Oopsie! Club for Growth and Tea Party poster boy Marco Rubio is in some trouble for using the state party’s credit card for personal expenses.

In a development that could change the dynamics in one of the most closely-watched races of the year, the Miami Herald reports that federal investigators have begun several probes into spending and tax records at the Florida Republican party — including an investigation into the finances of Senate candidate Marco Rubio.

That investigation, run by the IRS, stems from an existing scandal surrounding the use of Florida GOP-issued American Express cards by elected officials and members of the party organization. The list of officials under investigation includes Rubio, and is essentially a search for evidence that could lead to future charges.

Rubio charge the state party for car repair, groceries and music from the Apple iTunes store. He charged $14,000 in personal expenses to the state party card. Some fiscal watchdog.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. RSmitty says:

    Hey! Shouldn’t there be some kind of “welcome mat” or “un-welcome mat” laid out around here?

  2. Will an un-welcome mat work? There’s a few people I’d like to send one to.

    Also, welcome back, I guess you didn’t give up politics for very long, huh?

  3. RSmitty says:

    Never gave up politics, I tried to give up blogging. Hey, it was almost a year, tho (just under 10 months). I actually will go back into at least my daytime hiatus (or significant slowdown), but it’s been a whirlwind 48 hours, so here I am for now. Don’t know if you are completely following, though. Click my name-link.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Urquhart just CRUSHED Rollins in GOP straw poll garnering 57 % of the vote. Read all about it at delaare’s Center-right political blog.

  5. RSmitty says:

    Jason, that’s almost like citing a straw poll of Coons against Castle from attendees on your deck. If RD17 (New Castle) does one, then Wade crushes everyone.

    BTW, how did Castle do in your deck-straw poll?

  6. pandora says:

    You know… I’ve actually missed the deck jokes.

  7. P.Schwartz says:

    Appeals Court Reinstates ACORN Funding Ban

    Human Events ^ | 04/21/2010 | Connie Hair
    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has issued a stay on the December 2009 injunction by Clinton-appointed Judge Nina Gershon that declared the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) funding ban was unconstitutional. The result of the stay is that the Congressional funding ban will go back into effect, and ACORN will not receive taxpayer dollars while the court reviews the case.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Bets on when Steele walks this back? African Americans Don’t Have a Reason to Vote GOP

    Well, duh.

    Really, we should start a Steele Walk Back Pool so we can place bets on how it takes Steele to walk this kind of stuff back when the people who really run his party get wind of it.

  9. anonone says:

    Well, nobody in their right mind has a reason to vote GOP.

  10. Yeah, there is one reason for sane people to vote for the GOP — the alternative is the Democrats.

  11. Geezer says:

    Wow. That’s just a goddam thigh-slapper, that one. You’re wasting yourself here, kid. Hit the comedy circuit.

  12. P.Schwartz says:

    From Yahoo News:

    Obama seeks Court nominee who backs women’s rights.

    WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, treading carefully in the explosive arena of abortion and the Supreme Court, said Wednesday he will choose a nominee who pays heed to the rights of women and the privacy of their bodies. Yet he said he won’t enforce any abortion rights “litmus tests.”

    Obama said it is “very important to me” that his court choice take women’s rights into account in interpreting the Constitution, his most expansive comments yet about how a woman’s right to choose will factor into his decision.

    Looks like Rahm forgot to explain what “litmus test” means to Obama. Time to update the teleprompter.