Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 23, 2010

Welcome to the TGIF pre-weekend open thread-a-ganza. Post your thoughts, links and haikus below.

Dick Cheney said something I whole-heartedly agree with.

On Dennis Miller’s radio show today, Cheney suggested that his Leahy f-bomb was “the best thing” he had ever done:

MILLER: By the way, my, I also want to thank you, on the list of things I feel I should thank you for, almost kicking Patrick Leahy’s ass. Thank you very much.

CHENEY: Hehehehe.

MILLER: I love that move. One of my favorite stories. Muttering that.

CHENEY: You’d be surprised how many people liked that. That’s sort of the best thing I ever did.

I have to agree with that one. Cheney gave us the Iraq War, no-bid contacts for Halliburton, torture, outing CIA agents working on preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, shooting a man in the face, Liz Cheney and all-around dickishness. So I certainly agree that go f*&k yourself is Cheney’s biggest accomplishment.

I’m not sure why the giant oil rig explosion off the coast of Louisiana is not a bigger news story.

The oil rig that exploded, caught fire and then sank 36 hours later could lead to a major oil spill, officials said Thursday, and as a result a remotely operated vehicle is surveying the seas and assets ranging from aircraft to containment booms are ready to be deployed.

At a press conference, the officials also said hope was running out for 11 workers still missing after the blast Tuesday night off the coast of Louisiana. The Coast Guard said its search would probably continue into early Friday.

Officials had previously said the environmental damage appeared minimal, but new challenges have arisen now that the platform has sunk.

The well could be spilling up to 336,000 gallons of crude oil a day, the Coast Guard said, and the rig carried 700,000 gallons of diesel fuel.

Crude from the well had been burning off but when the rig sank earlier Thursday the fire was extinguished. What’s not clear is if the crude is still spewing below the surface.

This serves as a sobering lesson on why “drill baby drill” is not a solution to the energy crisis.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (28)

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  1. a.price says:

    jon stewart is the man

  2. anon says:

    For the oil rig, I think initial coverage of the environmental concerns was muted out of respect for the human tragedy which was still unfolding. There seems to be plenty of coverage now.

  3. anon says:

    Jack is on a roll:

    NEWARK, Del., April 22 /PRNewswire/ — The Fraunhofer Center for Molecular Biotechnology (“CMB”) in Newark, Delaware, the Fraunhofer Center for Manufacturing Innovation (“CMI”) in Boston, Massachusetts, the Boston University College of Engineering, and the biopharmaceutical company iBio, Inc. in Newark, Delaware, announced today that they have developed a fully automated, scalable “factory” that uses natural (non-genetically-modified) green plants to efficiently produce large quantities of vaccines and therapeutics within weeks.

    …Support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the Accelerated Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals program, along with funding from the State of Delaware were key in facilitating the design and construction of the pilot facility in Newark, Delaware.

    Isn’t it about time for some sorehead to post again about what an awful place Delaware is to do business?

  4. Glenn Beck is delusional.

    Capping a week in which he attempted to explain the “plan” he “think[s]” God wants him to “articulate,” Glenn Beck informed listeners of his radio show today that “an individual” at the Vatican purportedly told him that we are entering a “period of great darkness” and that Beck himself was “wildly important” to the upcoming struggle.

    He’s on a mission from God. Just like the Blues Brothers.

  5. Scott P says:

    So, you’re telling me, despite what we thought, that he’s motivated by the prophet motive, not the profit motive?

  6. Probably both, Scott.

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    Piggybacking on the a.price comment… how about you cats strap on a set and embed the Mohammed clip. Support Matt & Trey and support free speech. See Sully’s advice here:

    I have posted it. I lack many thing, ball ain’t one of them:

  8. delacrat says:

    Thanks to the NewsJournal, Michelle Rollins is now a Moderate.

  9. There’s now a LowdenCare chicken converter.

    The cost of heart by-pass surgery: 4482 chickens

  10. Scott P says:

    That is classic, UI. The disclaimer at the bottom alone is worth its weight in poultry.

  11. Scott P says:

    And does this mean we stop saying something costs 20 bucks, and start saying it’s 20 clucks?

  12. anon says:

    The worst part is, now every doctors office needs to keep chickens around in case somebody pays in sheep or pigs and they need to make change.

  13. The Fix has a mancrush on Governor Markell.

    Third, both committees are headed by governors with buzz behind them. RGA Chairman Haley Barbour (R-Miss.) is the insider’s choice for the GOP presidential nod in 2012 while DGA Chairman Jack Markell (Del.) has star written all over him.

  14. Geezer says:

    Who is the lone “insider” who wants Haley Barbour as the GOP presidential candidate? Elmer Fudd? Theodore Bilbo?

  15. MJ says:

    Bill Colley from WGOP doesn’t like Michelle Rollins

    But then again, Curly doesn’t like anyone, including himself.

  16. donviti says:

    Third, both committees are headed by governors with buzz behind them. RGA Chairman Haley Barbour (R-Miss.) is the insider’s choice for the GOP presidential nod in 2012 while DGA Chairman Jack Markell (Del.) has star written all over him.

    Visually I picture a vibrator up the arse

  17. Geezer says:

    You’ll notice nobody has ever seen Bill Colley and Mr. Hanky in the same place.

  18. Yeah, Geezer the “insider’s choice” line stuck out at me as well. As far as I know, Barbour is well-liked by Republicans and was a competent manager of the RNC. He also managed to get Bush to shovel a lot of money at him after Katrina.

    I don’t think Barbour has any kind of shot nationally. He’s not attractive enough, his accent is way too Foghorn Leghorn and his callous dismissal of the importance of slavery (that got way less attention than McDonnell’s) will doom him for the general (IMO). The buzz is that Barbour is considering a presidential run. Perhaps he’s a dark horse?

  19. MJ says:

    Scott Spencer just told Bill Colley on WGOP that he is a “pro-life Democrat.” Has anyone ever heard this before?

  20. Yes, I’ve heard this. I’m really not sure why we’re supposed to pay attention to Scott Spencer. He hasn’t filed the proper paperwork for the U.S. House race.

  21. MJ says:

    OMG – he is sounding like a Dixiecrat. “Everyone should fly the flag on Election Day.” “Support life,” and gave out a “pregnancy counseling” phone number. Someone just asked him if he knew the first 5 amendments to the Constitution. He didn’t.

    UI – that’s a change from last April when he was telling everyone at the Sussex County Democratic Dinner that he was pro-choice.

  22. RSmitty says:

    … a “pro-life Democrat.” Has anyone ever heard this before?

    Actually, yes. Sen Casey (D-PA) and his late father. Quite popular, too. In the time the senior Casey was active, I believe he once opposed a pro-choice Republican, or one that was less committal to the pro-life movement than he. I could have a fuzzy memory on that, but I seem to recall a race there where the senior Casey was involved and thinking it was a great political oxymoron.

  23. cassandra_m says:

    There’s lots of “pro-life” Democrats — I think that MJ was asking if anyone had heard Spenser claim to be “pro-life”. I think that one of us as asking Spenser about this at the JJ Dinner and he dodged and weaved on the question….

  24. RSmitty says:

    Ah, got it. My mistake. D’oh!

  25. RSmitty says:

    Wow, if Colley could dodge red balls like he does questions, he’d be a champ at dodge ball. I think NCCountians may have to look into personal security when visiting Sussex with Colley on the airwaves. Keep hyping it up, Bill, your intolerance is at a boil!

  26. MJ says:

    RSmitty – tolerance is not in Curley’s playbook. If you call his show and disagree with him, he hangs up on you and then talks about how you’re a delusional and dangerous liberal. At least the other 2 Stooges at WGOP will let you speak.

  27. pandora says:

    Spencer did dodge and weave that question, Cassandra. And if he’s downstate boasting about a position he ducked at the JJ dinner then why would anyone believe what he says? Just another actor playing for the audience of the moment.

  28. MJ says:

    I’ve said all along that Spencer is a bush-league player trying to break into the majors. Being “pro-life” isn’t a make-or-break issue for me, although I am strongly pro-choice. Dodging the question at one group and then heralding it to another is a deal breaker. Spencer needs to just start wearing a huge “L” on his forehead for loser.