Oh Joe! Gaffe #3,891

Filed in National by on April 27, 2010

You know, I will take Joe Biden’s head slapping embarrasing yet funny gaffes as Vice President any day of the week and twice on Sunday in place of the embodiement of pure evil that was, and is, Dick Cheney.

The latest misadventure with the English language:

Hosting a National Teacher of the Year reception at the Naval Observatory Monday night, Biden reminded a crowd of some 70 attendees just how intimately familiar he is with education. “I’ve been sleeping with a teacher for a long time,” Biden said, according to the pool report, alluding to his wife Jill. “But it’s always been the same teacher.”

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  1. SRC says:

    That’s our homey and that’s why we indulge him w/our love. Besides he can’t help it: he’s Irish.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Where is the gaffe?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL, Jason. Not so much a gaffe, per se, but it is definitely a Biden Statement. “I’ve been sleeping with a teacher….” A completely true statement that can be interpreted in a naughty way given Biden’s rejoinder that “But it’s always been the same teacher.”

  4. It was a joke not a gaffe.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    It’s OK, his wife has slept with a Senator and a Vice-president since she married Joe.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and a Presidential candidate.

  7. Jason330 says:

    My rred neckbarometer guy loves Biden. He has certainly embraced the “I am who I am” sensibility. I love it.

  8. I agree with U.I. Did your sense of humor go comatose?

  9. Iowa Democrat says:

    That isn’t a gaffe, and it isn’t embarrassing either. Nor is he the first politician married to an educator to have said essentially the same thing. Bush said it several times. He said it a bit differently, and usually in response to questions regarding criticism by teacher organizations. Bush would say in effect I’m not anti-teacher, I love teachers, I’ve been sleeping with a teacher for ____(# of years of marriage)__ years. Conservative audiences (and the press the first time) loved it.