Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 4, 2010

Welcome to the Tuesday edition of your open thread. As always, nothing is off-topic in an open thread. The floor is yours.

Some good news in Oklahoma for once:

This is good news:

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma County District Judge Noma Gurich on Monday said she will sign an order putting a controversial ultrasound abortion law on hold.

The law forces women seeking a legal medical procedure to first undergo a vaginal ultrasound — whether they want to or not; to listen to a detailed description of the fetus — whether they want to or not; and to look at a picture of it — whether they want to or not.

This law will no doubt be challenged all the way to the Supreme Court, where currently we have a 5-justice majority that believes women are children who don’t know their own minds.

Sue Lowden’s campaign has a new health care plan – go to the Emergency Room.

Okay, chickens-for-checkups has taken another new turn: Sue Lowden’s campaign manager has now said that all Americans already have access to health care — because if you get shot in the chest, you can simply head over to the emergency room.

This will make it easier for Dems to argue that there’s a serious ideological reality underlying all the joking about Lowden’s proposal, since disavowed, to bring down health care costs with barter: Lowden doesn’t have any real plan to fix our health care mess.

Harry Reid is probably praying that his opponent is out-of-touch Sue Lowden.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Emergency rooms…? The only thing keeping the horrible Republican Party alive is the horrible Democratic Party.

  2. anonone says:

    Exactly, Jason, exactly.

  3. Oh yeah, here’s a video of teabaggers calling themselves teabaggers. So much for mizzundastood’s talking point.

    From Balloon Juice

  4. Supposedly serious conservatives at the Heritage Foundation:

    The audience member claimed Obama had put us at greater risk, and asked Cantor: “What would he have to do differently to be defined as a domestic enemy?” That prompted loud, approving laughter from the crowd.

    Cantor replied, in part: “No one thinks that the president is a domestic enemy,” prompting audible grumbling from the crowd which you can hear on the video at around the 1:10 mark.

    A source who was there tells me the grumbling was even more pronounced than the C-Span footage suggests. Indeed, Cantor was forced to repeat the beginning of his next sentence twice in order to get his speech back on track.

    Cantor eventually turned the audience to applause by vowing that Republicans would take the country back from Obama.

  5. Another closet case – this one a co-founder of Focus on the Family:

    From blogger Joe:

    Notorious NARTH member and vigorous gay adoption opponent Dr. George Rekers was caught by the Miami New Times as he returned from a ten-day vacation with a young male prostitute that he hired on Rentboy.com.

    Rekers is a board member of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), an organization that systematically attempts to turn gay people straight. And the Huffington Post recently singled out Rekers as a member of the American College of Pediatricians — an official-sounding outfit in Gainesville that purveys lurid, youth-directed literature accusing gays of en masse coprophilia. (In an email, the college’s Lisa Hawkins wrote, “ACPeds feels privileged to have a scholar of Dr. Rekers’ stature affiliated with our organization. I am sure you will find Prof. Rekers to be an immaculate clinician/scholar, and a warm human being.”)

  6. Brooke says:

    Well, it sounds like his warmth is more specialized than previously noted. 😉

  7. delacrat says:

    Prez thinks killing is funnnnnnnnnnnny.

    Nobel Peace Laureate cracks predator drone joke.

    Since Obomba’s drones have killed hundreds of people in Pakistan, do ya think that might have motivated a Pakistani to park a car bomb in Times Square?

  8. a.price says:

    I was offended by that Faux curse word he used. AND the eric massa tickling joke…. in fact, the president has no place making jokes of any kind! IMPEACH OBAMA THE JOKER!

  9. a.price says:

    I love the “the terrorists have total justification” argument the teabag left likes to make. you’re right Del. we have it commin’. In fact, IVE got a ducky idea. let’s ship all our wealth and children over there and let them be turned into bombs…. ya know so they dont have to use their own kids anymore.

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    Today I was digging out a stump in Lewes, and one of the latinos working for one of the big landscape companies pulled his mower over to me and tossed me a tow strap,and motioned for me to tie it to the stump. I tied it to the stump and the dude backed his mower up and freed the stump. The owner of the company probably wouldn’t be so happy seeing his mower used in that fashion, but for me that’s one star in my book for that immigrant.

  11. Brooke says:

    It’s nice when people practice courtesy, isn’t it? 🙂

  12. delacrat says:

    I love the “the terrorists have total justification” argument the teabag left likes to make. you’re right Del. we have it commin’.

    So why don’t we ever have it comin’ and they always do?

  13. Jason330 says:

    Chris Christie is one fat, racist, sad sack loser. You heard it here first.

  14. a.price says:

    I never said they always have it comming. nor did i say we NEVER have it commin’ i jsut dont understand why so many people are incapable of seeing the world in more than black and white. Either you are a war hawk or you love freedom. either you want every terrorist and anyone who looks like a terrorist dead, or you hate america. why cant we acknowledge that there are dangerous groups of people who want ot kill all of us and they must be stopped at all costs… at the same time, there are people who live among them who are innocent and great pains should be taken to protect them. OR why cant we say that while America has done some F-ed up things to the world, MOST Americans weren’t a part of that and those who think “well that’s what they get” are also guilty by association. Our entire national dialogue has degraded into having to chose a side and agree with every detail or else you arent a real such and such. It’s all about fire and brimstone and being the only one with the correct opinion.
    delcrat, you call me a genocidal monster because i support Israel’s right to defend itself. well, I think my FAMILY has a right defend themselves. Sure the L’kude party is insane. it is Darth Dick’s ideal government. The Palestinian people should have their own state. But don’t act like a) the Israelis are the only ones to mistreat them or b) they are totally innocent of all provocation.

    shades or gray people… shades of gray.

  15. delacrat says:

    “. why cant we acknowledge that there are dangerous groups of people who want ot kill all of us and they must be stopped at all costs”

    your contention that they “want to kill all of us” is moot, since they don’t have the ability to do that. Further, rendering your 2nd contention that “they must be stopped”, unjustified.

    And just what do you mean by “at all costs”. Back in the day, they called such reasoning, crackpot realism.

    But I don’t expect anyone that is not appalled by the highest officer in the land, making tasteless jokes about killing people, to be appalled by a return to crackpot realism.

  16. D.C. says:

    If Bush had made that joke this sorry lot would have screamed bloody murder!

  17. anonone says:

    Today is the 40th anniversary of the Kent State massacre.

    Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
    We’re finally on our own.
    This summer I hear the drumming,
    Four dead in Ohio.

    Gotta get down to it
    Soldiers are cutting us down
    Should have been done long ago.
    What if you knew her
    And found her dead on the ground
    How can you run when you know?

    Gotta get down to it
    Soldiers are cutting us down
    Should have been done long ago.
    What if you knew her
    And found her dead on the ground
    How can you run when you know?

    Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
    We’re finally on our own.
    This summer I hear the drumming,
    Four dead in Ohio.

    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.
    Four dead in Ohio.

    We must never forget the day America truly died.

  18. jason330 says:


    If Bush said “Chris Christie is one fat, racist, sad sack loser” it would have been only of the only cogent things he ever said.