Morning Round Em Up

Filed in National by on May 7, 2010

The Brits are having their own very special Florida 2000 moment. No one won the election yesterday.


To anyone who ever said that the market knows all and solves all, you are a fool. A computer glitch yesterday coupled with a typo followed by ignorant panic caused the DOW to drop 1000 points in 5 minutes. If the market is that unstable, if the market is run by such incompetents, and is that susciptible to ignorance, it should not be allowed to steer our ship of state.


Joe Sestak began running a hardhitting ad in his race against Sen. Arlen Specter (R-D) earlier this week, reminding voters that Arlen was once the favorite of our good friends Rick Santorum and George W. Bush, and it has worked. Specter and Sestak are now tied at 43%.


Meanwhile, in Arkansas, Blanche Lincoln has seen her lead over Bill Halter shrink. In January, she led him 52% to 34%. Now she leads 44% to 32%, a drop of 6 points, and now she is under the 50% mark, a dangerous sign for an incumbent, especially in a primary.


The wonderful intellectual force that is known as Sarah Palin was tested yesterday. She decided to step into the California GOP Senate primary between failed HP executive Carly Fiorina over Assemb. Chuck DeVore (R) — the candidate who is seen as the most conservative in the race and a favorite of teabaggers. When her upset teabagger fans called her on it, Palin decided to double down on the stupid. Check it out.

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  1. With a little over a week until the PA primary, Sestak looks to be in good shape. I think a lot of people were really questioning his strategy of waiting until the end to unload his ads but it may be paying off.

  2. New jobs numbers:

    April added 290,000 jobs, 230,000 in the private sector (it’s not census hiring).
    Unemployment rate went up from 9.7% to 9.9% – a sign that more people are looking for work?
    February and March numbers were revised upwards.

  3. Here’s an article from the WaPo describing why the unemployment rate went up.

  4. a.price says:

    Could also be people have decided to look for non existent jobs again because Conservatives will continue to refuse to help them out.

  5. Here’s an interesting poll showing Chuck Grassley in Iowa below 50% and Democratic challenger Roxanne Conlin within 9%.

  6. Fake Digby says:

    I think anyone who wears an American flag on a t-shirt to school should be suspended for being racist and inciting a riot! In fact, I think they should be arrested.

  7. SRC says:

    Fake: it is improper flag etiquette to use the symbol as a tee or a lapel pin but hell who’s gonna stop ’em????? Ignorance is bliss.

  8. We have an interesting case down here involving a Mexican flag in a school and the suspension of the kid who destroyed it. I’m with the school on this one — — because it is a straight up case of vandalism and destruction of property. That makes it very different from the kids in California, who were well-within their rights under the First Amendment and California law —