Sunday Rand Paul — What’s Going On

Filed in National by on May 23, 2010

Bet this guy is topic number one of most of the Sunday yak shows. If anything good happens or gets said, let us know here. Check out this fantastic video first, though:


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Rebecca says:

    The Republicans have been “dog whistling” to the bigots for half a century. Rand Paul and the Tea Party are simply bringing that message into the sunlight.

    It is interesting that he’s calling his followers borish and uncivilized. That’s gonna sting somebody.

  2. And the Democrats have been “dog whistling” to the Communists and the other enemies of America for about the same period, if not slightly longer.

  3. pandora says:

    OMG, you sound foolish.

  4. Here’s a really powerful diary by Meteor Blades at Daily Kos: “The World of Rand Paul & Pals.”

    We have our first hit – Jake Tapper at ABC tweeted that Michael Steele is uncomfortable with Paul’s views.

  5. fightingbluehen says:

    It’s like the “boy who cried wolf”. I think the American public has heard enough. The democrat officials and pundits have been throwing around so many racist accusations every chance they get, that no one is listening anymore.

  6. Nice bit of wishful thinking right there, FBH. Sorry, but Rand Paul just defined the beliefs of the Tea Party and most everyone is horrified. Except, of course, for the poor downtrodden racists who want the right to discriminate.

  7. pandora says:

    So is FBH claiming that Rand Paul isn’t responsible for what comes out of his own mouth? It’s the Democrats’ fault? People are bored? Good luck with that defense. How very Randian of you.

    And this isn’t going away. Republican politicians better buckle up. They are about to be asked some very uncomfortable questions. So… will they be honest and defend Rand while owning his beliefs, or will they throw him under the bus?

    This controversy is just beginning. People are stunned.

    And let’s face it, once Rand ditched the “code” he made the Tea Party views easily understandable. Big – Huge – mistake. The guy has no political savvy. He also has no one to blame but himself. And now he’s hiding. What a guy.

  8. Geezer says:

    The BP comments will have longer legs, IMHO. Either way, he’s a gift to the Democrats. The more Tea Partiers who win Republican primaries, the greater the gift.

  9. I think Democrats and left-leaning pundits had primed the media for the “tea party is racist” story. We’ve been pointing it out from day 1 since the teabagger complaints never made much sense anyway. Rand Paul tied it all together in one big bow for the media proving we were right all along.

    I agree Geezer that his BP comments will hurt him more in the long run. Not sure how much it will affect Kentucky though since they won’t be directly affected unless seafood prices go through the roof.

  10. #

    Comment by Rebecca on 23 May 2010 at 7:55 am:

    The Republicans have been “dog whistling” to the bigots for half a century. Rand Paul and the Tea Party are simply bringing that message into the sunlight.

    It is interesting that he’s calling his followers borish and uncivilized. That’s gonna sting somebody.

    Comment by A. Nony Moose on 23 May 2010 at 8:55 am:

    And the Democrats have been “dog whistling” to the Communists and the other enemies of America for about the same period, if not slightly longer.

    Comment by pandora on 23 May 2010 at 9:00 am:

    OMG, you sound foolish.

    * * *

    No, just trying to point out the foolishness of the original assertion by Rebecca.

  11. Geezer says:

    “the Democrats have been “dog whistling” to the Communists and the other enemies of America for about the same period”

    This is a pathetic comeback even for you. What’s the point of dog-whistling to people in other countries who, by definition, can’t vote for you? Like Rand Paul, your little theories hold water only as long as they don’t get field-tested.

    “just trying to point out the foolishness of the original assertion by Rebecca.”

    Fail. You might instead try, y’know, refuting it.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    If people were bored by Rand Paul he wouldn’t have run away from his schedule MTP interview this AM. Paul and his people know exactly how radioactive this is and don’t want him to have to be accountable for it.

    RWR has always been a pathetic troll who couldn’t add anything to the discussion here even if he did know something useful.

  13. The GOP leadership is going with the Rand Paul is a naive fool argument this morning. It sure makes Paul look like a tough guy, huh? He’s a baby that must be protected from the big, bad media.

  14. anon says:

    I say we sic Katie Couric on him.

  15. anon says:

    Paul seems to be genuinely surprised he was not greeted as a liberator. His bubble must be the size of Texas. Actually his bubble might BE Texas.

    Any bets on who his first carefully-controlled post-meltdown interview is with?

  16. I say we sic Katie Couric on him.

    LOLing hard at that one anon.

    It’s funny that Sarah Palin complained about mean ol’ Katie Couric’s “gotcha” question – what do you read? I mean, the nerve! It’s the same with mean ol’ Rachel Maddow, who asked him what he believes about statements he had previously made. How dare she ask him about his own quotes?

    Pretty soon, Republicans will only go on Faux News to interview each other, pretty much what Sarah Palin is doing now. I wonder how Rand Paul is going to run for Senate without ever answering any questions or participating in any debates.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Don’t forget to add in retreating to Facebook and having the so-called serious media report every silly thing you write there as though they heard it directly from you AND had a chance to question here about it.

  18. cassandra_m says:

    The Randslide — Frank Rich provides the necessary corrective to the prevailing media narrative about the Teatards. And basically reminds people of the fact that this is a right-wing GOP fear-mongers — who think they are entitled to be in power. And this bit about Rand and the racial aspects of this point in Teatard history:

    With Rand Paul, we also get further evidence of race’s role in a movement whose growth precisely parallels the ascent of America’s first African-American president. The usual Tea Party apologists are saying that it was merely a gaffe — and a liberal media trap — when Paul on Wednesday refused to tell Rachel Maddow of MSNBC that he could fully support the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But Paul has expressed similar sentiments repeatedly, at least as far back as 2002.

    So that we are clear — this isn’t new and it isn’t a *gaffe*. This is the face of the wingnut GOP.

  19. anonone says:

    A. Nony Moose, a.k.a. Rhymey, has argued here ad nauseam for the right of private businesses to discriminate against whomever they want. Rand Paul must be his dream come true.

  20. Sarah Palin is now defending Paul, saying what happened to him is the same thing that happened to her. That’s true, people got horrified once they heard both of them speak.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    And neither were especially victimized here. Paul has been saying something similar for years, as has his father. Neither was prepared to be so thoroughly embarrassed by being so far out of the mainstream that they keep pretending to be in.