Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on June 5, 2010

Welcome to your weekend open thread. I hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather. I have no weekend plans this weekend but to hopefully get my deceased iTouch restored. Wish me luck!

Another judging controversy – this time messing with the kids at the National Spelling Bee. Why do adults do these things to kids?

Round Six of the 2010 Scripps National Spelling Bee began with 19 contestants, one of whom had been reinstated after a previous judging controversy. Between the several commercial breaks, only four of the first 13 to spell got their words correct. The primetime broadcast typically begins with around a dozen spellers, so it seemed like the pool was being whittled far too quickly.

After yet another ESPN commercial break, the Bee organizers then announced that all 10 remaining spellers on stage — the four who had already gotten words right, and the six who had yet to spell — would advance to the ABC primetime broadcast on Friday night. The order of spellers, I should note, is based on the alphabetical order of their home state. So the remaining kid from Texas was in, while both kids from California — who had already spelled and missed — were out.

And then, chaos. There was some scripted bit involving Shaquille O’Neal. Everyone was trying to take pictures of Shaq. Organizers were attempting to set up a press conference for the 10 remaining spellers, less than half of whom had actually qualified for what is known as the championship round. Parents of at least one recently eliminated speller tried shouting out questions to Paige Kimble, the Bee director, and she tried to silence them.

So basically they screwed the nine kids who were already out because of TV promos. The organizers said that the remaining six who hadn’t spelled would be treated the same – that is they had to spell a word right to get into the next round and that they all would get the same prizes. We all know that’s not true, those nine kids didn’t get to go on TV while the other six did. What a boneheaded move by the organizers of the Spelling Bee.

I guess the reality of gay marriage in some states hasn’t dampened Rush Limbaugh’s ardor for marriage. He’s getting married the the 4th time today.

Conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh is getting married for a fourth time – and Elton John will sing at the reception.

The Palm Beach Post reports that the 59-year-old Limbaugh is getting married Saturday night to 33-year-old Kathryn Rogers in a Hawaiian-themed affair. About 400 people are expected to attend at the swank Breakers Hotel.

The Post says Limbaugh and Rogers met six years ago when he played in a celebrity golf tournament she ran. He was divorcing his third wife at the time. They became a couple three years ago.

I’m sure this time it will last, because Limbaugh has a great respect for women.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. fightingbluehen says:

    I have a conspiracy theory that I have come up with that I know you will all love.

    So here it is. Oil contains nitrogen, which is used as a fertilizer.
    Algae thrives on nitrogen. Algae removes CO2 from the atmosphere.
    CO2 causes global warming.

    Maybe “Oil Can Barry” Obama is fertilizing the Gulf with his oil in order to create a huge algae bloom that will save the world from the Global Warming.

  2. Actually, oil is generally hydrocarbons. Nitrogen is only a small component of oil compounds. Oil won’t help algae grow. Fertilizer comes from the Haber-Bosch process, where methane is converted to “synthesis gas” which is reacted with nitrogen to form ammonia. The ammonia is then converted to fertilizer. It’s perhaps one of the most important chemical syntheses in the world – which has allowed us to grow a lot more food.

  3. fightingbluehen says:

    So my theory is fucked. Oh well.

  4. The Rekers rentboy scandal continues. It looks like Florida AG McCollum was desperate to get Rekers as his witness.

    Disgraced psychologist George Rekers was labeled a “right-wing, religious-based” expert witness and rejected for months by state attorneys defending Florida’s gay adoption ban.

    But when they couldn’t find anyone else to replace him on the witness stand, Attorney General Bill McCollum overruled his trial attorneys, quickly hired Rekers, and paid him twice his agreed upon contract with no questions asked, according to documents released this week by McCollum’s office.

    The Rekers fee was almost a third of what the state has spent on the gay adoption ban lawsuit to date — $383,000. Half the cost has gone to attorneys fees; the rest to general expenses, including $120,000 to Rekers.

  5. SRC says:

    Rekers..it’s who you know and who you blow.

  6. anonone says:

    Obomba nominates neocon nutcase to be Director of National Security. In 2003 General Clapper was pushing the totally discredited theory that Iraq had exported its illicit weapons program into Syria.

    Good to have the grown-ups back in charge.


    U.S. Intelligence 2003 = U.S. Intelligence 2010

  7. Ishmael says:

    The ties that bind.

    Remember Rahm Emanuel’s rent-free D.C. apartment?

    The owner: A BP adviser