Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on June 8, 2010

Welcome to the Tuesday edition of your open thread. It’s another beautiful day in Delaware. Share your happy thoughts on today’s open thread.

Fired, for being too pretty.

In many ways, the story of her life has been about getting attention from men—both the wanted and the unwanted kind. But when she got fired last summer from her job as a banker at a Citibank branch in Midtown—her bosses cited her work performance—she got even hotter. She sued Citigroup, claiming that she was fired solely because her bosses thought she was too hot.

This is the way Debbie Lorenzana tells it: Her bosses told her they couldn’t concentrate on their work because her appearance was too distracting. They ordered her to stop wearing turtlenecks. She was also forbidden to wear pencil skirts, three-inch heels, or fitted business suits. Lorenzana, a 33-year-old single mom, pointed out female colleagues whose clothing was far more revealing than hers: “They said their body shapes were different from mine, and I drew too much attention,” she says.

As Lorenzana’s lawsuit puts it, her bosses told her that “as a result of the shape of her figure, such clothes were purportedly ‘too distracting’ for her male colleagues and supervisors to bear.”

Wait…wut? So, when a man goes to his boss and says he’s distracted by his good-looking colleague the boss punishes the woman? It’s pretty telling that there was a list of perfectly acceptable clothing that was forbidden – turtlenecks? pencil skirts? fitted business suits? This sounds a lot like the Taliban – a man’s lack of self-control is actually the fault of the woman, so she should be punished. There’s so many different ways that our patriarchal society tells us that a woman’s body is public property. This is just one of them.

Sign at a BP gas station:



About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (66)

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  1. I’m telling everyone right now that if someone starts something about Israel or Palestine in this thread, I’m going to moderate it. It’d be nice to have a thread everyone else can enjoy.

  2. Check out this brief in the anti-HCR lawsuit by Virginia AG “Kooky” Cucinelli.

    Normally, lawyers presenting arguments to a court focus on facts, legal sources, and legal precedent. Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli prefers a different tactic. In an often-incoherent brief attacking the Affordable Care Act, Cuccinelli argues that a 236 year-old colonial boycott of British products somehow renders the new health care law unconstitutional:

    [A]ll of the taxes except those on tea were repealed leading to the Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable Acts, and the First Continental Congress. Throughout the period from the Stamp Act forward, Americans responded with non-importation and non-consumption agreements. … In light of this experience, the founding generation would have regarded as preposterous any suggestion that Great Britain could have solved its colonial problems by commanding Americans to purchase tea under the generally conceded power of parliament to regulate commerce.

  3. pandora says:

    Thank you, UI!

  4. Ishmael says:

    Centuries after vanishing, Galileo’s fingers go on display in Florence science museum

    FLORENCE, Italy (AP) — Two of Galileo’s fingers, removed from his corpse by admirers in the 18th century, have gone on display in a Florence museum now named after the astronomer. The Museum of the History of Science had shut down for two years for renovations. It reopened Tuesday, calling itself The Galileo Museum. Last year, the museum director announced that the thumb and middle finger from Galileo’s right hand had turned up at an auction and were recognized as being the fingers of the scientist who died in 1642. The digits are now displayed in slender, glass cases.

    no political meaning attached, just weird/interesting.

  5. Speaking of science museums, did everyone see that the Franklin Institute has a new Cleopatra exhibit?

  6. fightingbluehen says:

    On the radio this morning,(yes it was WGMD) a lot of people were calling in with their stories of census workers visiting their houses as many as five and six times.

    Three different census workers came to our home, and my wife had to fill out the census form two times, once when we got it in the mail, and once when a census worker came.

    Then another showed up in a couple of days. My wife told the lady to beat it, so she did. The census worker showed up a couple days later on a sunday evening at dinner time, with back up!

    I wonder how many people this has happened to ? If it’s a large percentage, I suggest that maybe the Government over hired.

    Maybe on purpose.

  7. anon says:

    Debbie Lorenzana should be a pharmaceutical sales rep. That is, if her reality TV career doesn’t pan out.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    I wish that Thomas Jefferson would rise up and challenge this Cuccinelli fool to a duel. Just of wits, mind you, which would leave this Cuccinelli thinking that his ancestors made a mistake coming here in the first place. Sheesh.

  9. MJ says:

    I’m with you UI. By the way, did you hear the one about the rabbi, priest and imam………


  10. delacrat says:

    Comment by Unstable Isotope at 12:05 pm:

    “I’m telling everyone right now that if someone starts something about Israel or Palestine in this thread, I’m going to moderate it.”

    “I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind or real freedom of discussion as in America.”

    – Alexis de Tocqueville

  11. A father and son have been arrested for threats to Bart Stupak and his family:

    In the most explicit threat from the letter, the author threatens to “paint the Mackinaw Bridge with the blood of you and your family members. … Maybe you will be the main character of a story that parents tell their children as they cross the bridge decades from know [sic]. The red paint of Bart Stupak!”

    The letter, which was sent in May and addressed to the “Stupak family,” includes several threats.

    “Actions and decisions carry consequences. Are you and your family prepared for those consequences? Is your wife, Laurie Ann, prepared for those consequences? Is your son Ken and his family prepared for those consequences?” it reads in part.

    “Without going into great detail and potentially spoiling the surprise of your fate I wonder if you have ever watched the Showtime Series Dexter?” the letter reads, a reference to a TV show about a serial killer. “I have been a faithful fan since its inception. I believe that this show stirs a primeval emotion that is within us all just waiting to be explored.”

    Toward the end, the letter, signed “The Devil within Us,” says this fate can be avoided if Stupak resigns immediately and admits that his health care vote “was wrong and under handed,” or if he follows “in the footsteps” of his late son, Bart Stupak Jr., who committed suicide in 2000.

    The author of the letter says he’s willing to die in “pursuit of our freedom.”

  12. pandora says:

    That letter is frightening, UI. Know what else is frightening? How these crazy people will react when the Tea Party candidates fail to win big.

  13. MJ says:

    Who told its all a comedy that s/he could chime in. Guess s/he didn’t read UI’s warning. Moderate it UI, moderate it.

  14. a.price says:

    UI, the writer of that letter is just an american patriot who is using his right to free speech.

    Add another “lone wolf” to the right wing…. I think sarah palin actually has a good plan for all those lone wolves…

  15. pandora says:

    LOL, a.price! I never made that connection. Nice leap!

  16. a.price says:

    So i get it.
    Delcrat and the other liberal sheeple who buy into the anti-israel propaganda can cry about their right to defame Isreal on a blog… A BLOG… BUT they take issue with a nation enforcing a legal blockade and soldiers defending themselvs against an ambush.
    Just making sure I understand the double standard. (UI, i’m sorry i’m quite sure this will get moderated… it is your blog and therefor your call and i respect that … unlike SOME lefTEAbags. But i am a petulant child and have to make my point :p )

  17. MJ says:

    UI – a.price broke the rule for today. Sorry big guy, but you’re being naughty.

  18. anonone says:

    They should mount one of Galileo’s fingers on a stand and then give the finger to the Vatican.

  19. its all a comedy! says:

    For those of you who can get democracynow.org…its on Comcast Cha. 20 at 7:00 listen for yourselves and then decide what, who to believe.

  20. its all a comedy! says:

    I see all my comments are waiting moderation errr…..censorship. If you moderate my comments you have lost all credibility. Before you do such an undemocratic act…why dont you go to democracynow and see for yourself.

  21. MJ says:

    Sometimes, it’s better not to embrace the lunatic right. Taitz’s candidacy is one sure way to sink the entire GOP ticket in CA.

  22. MJ says:

    IAAC! – why not start your own blog and that way, you can pimp anything you want and set your own rules. UI set the rule for today, and even a.price had his comment moderated.

  23. Geezer says:

    @MJ: But…but…but…what about the propaganda industry? Are you trying to put Americans out of work?

  24. The rule for today is not that you can’t talk about it. The Monday Open Thread has been very active on the issue. I just want to have some threads free of the fight. I feel it’s been hashed out to death so I’m just trying to move on to other subjects. There are other things going on in the world and the I/P fight tends to drive away most other people except for a few.

  25. Changing the topic, Those of you in Kent County may want to drop off aid to the Dover Fire Victims at the YMCA on S. State Street down from Kent General/BayHealth Hospital in Dover. 150 people plus were made homeless and 2 died.

  26. a.price says:

    i knowingly broke the rule and will accept the moderation… maybe i also like the idea of UI punishing me 😉 Delcrat is still a lefTEAbag

  27. David,

    Thanks for posting about the Dover Fire Victims donation. I read that story. It was such an awful tragedy. I’m sorry to read that a 2nd person died.


    Consider yourself spanked.

  28. anon says:

    So the thread isn’t open but it is ajar.

    Today’s rule is way better than the “I’m tired of talking about the public option” rule.

  29. MJ says:

    David – The Y has been overwhelmed with donated items for the fire victims. The city is now asking people to contact the Mayor’s office for info on where donations may be dropped off.

  30. Rebecca says:

    I’d like to take advantage of this open thread to let you all know that Mike Barbieri will be kicking off his campaign this coming Saturday morning, that would be June 12th, at 11:00AM to Noon at Coventry Ridge Park on Dunsinane Drive, Coventry Subdivision off Airport Road. Mike will have free hot dogs and sodas on hand. Rep. Barbieri is one of our House caucus members who bring clear thinking and cool deliberation to the sausage making in Dover. We need him there. Help re-elect Mike, please.

  31. anonone says:

    7 More Americans killed in Afghanistan yesterday. The war has now lasted longer than Vietnam.

    “And its 1,2,3 what are we fighting for?
    Don’t ask me I don’t give a damn,
    The next stop is Afghanistan,
    And its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates,
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why,
    WHOOPEE we’re all gonna die!”

    Country Joe and The Fish – I Feel Like I’m Fixin To Die Rag

  32. Mark H says:

    “Consider yourself spanked”

    Pics or it didn’t happen 🙂

  33. I think Darryl Worley said it best.

    I hear people sayin’. We Don’t need this war.
    I say there’s some things worth fightin’ for.
    What about our freedom, and this piece of ground?
    We didn’t get to keep ’em by backin’ down.
    They say we don’t realize the mess we’re gettin’ in
    Before you start preachin’ let me ask you this my friend.

    Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?
    To see your homeland under fire
    And her people blown away
    Have you forgotten, when those towers fell
    We had neighbors still inside goin through a livin hell
    And you say we shouldn’t worry bout Bin Laden
    Have you forgotten?

    You took all the footage off my T.V.
    Said it’s too disturbin for you and me
    It’ll just breed anger is what the experts say
    If it was up to me I’d show it everyday
    Some say this country just out lookin’ for a fight
    Well after 9/11 man I’d have to say right.

    Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?
    To see your homeland under fire
    And her people blown away
    Have you forgotten when those towers fell
    We had neighbors still inside goin’ through a livin’ hell
    And we vow to get the ones behind Bin Laden
    Have you forgotten?

    I’ve been there with the soldiers
    Who’ve gone away to war
    you can bet they remember just what they’re fightin’ for

    Have you forgotten
    All the people killed
    Yes some went down like heroes
    In that Pennsylvania field
    Have you forgotten
    About our Pentagon
    All the loved ones that we lost
    And those left to carry on
    Don’t you tell me not to worry ’bout Bin Laden

    Have you forgotten?

    Have you forgotten?

    Have you forgotten?!

  34. Jason330 says:

    Program note: Donviti and I willbe doing another podcast tomorrow so there is that to lookfoward to.

  35. I thought you and Donviti broke up?

  36. Jason330 says:

    So did I. Like mrsa, this podcast is hard to kill.

  37. nemski says:

    Gawd. I don’t know what’s worse: a Jason330/Donviti podcast or several threads yammering about Israel/Palestine.

  38. pandora says:

    Oh, I know what’s worse.

  39. anonone says:

    Me, too.

  40. Jason330 says:

    We are marginally more interesting than an Israel/Palestine thread and more nourishing than a bowl of tacks.

  41. pandora says:

    You’re being modest, J.

  42. MJ says:

    A1 – if we didn’t have this ongoing debate, I would think you didn’t love us (me) anymore. And you should have started the rag off the correct way – Give me an F; give me a U; give me a C; give me a K. What’s that spell? Firetruck. 😉

    Oh, and why weren’t the I/P comments on this thread moderated? 🙂

  43. MJ says:

    Early, early returns in AR show Lincoln with a 326 vote lead on Halter.

  44. MJ says:

    With 3% counted, Lincoln has a 3600 vote lead on Halter

  45. pandora says:

    Things just flipped. Halter takes the lead. Looks like a nail-biter.

  46. pandora says:

    And now it has flipped back again.

  47. Joanne Christian says:

    UI–Your new “picture” upsets me. Everytime I see it, I do a double-take–it looks like a tortured kitty. Please reconsider a different kitty picture–or is it a totured kitty?

  48. They are calling it for Lincoln.


    The new pic is from nemski. It’s a kitten playing with yarn.

  49. Joanne Christian says:

    Whoops!!! Sorry UI!!! See that–I was so upset. Hey nemski–MJ’s kitty is cute.

  50. xstryker says:

    Well, sh**. Say hello to Senator Boozman.

  51. anonone says:

    “The major labor federation AFL-CIO took sharp objection tonight to a White House official’s assessment that they’d “flushed $10 million of their members’ money down the toilet” in the “pointless exercise” of supporting the failed bid of Bill Halter to unseat Sen. Blanche Lincoln.”

    I wonder how much Democratic Party members’ money the White House, DSCC, and DNC flushed down the toilet for Specter? The White House is now showing open hostility towards progressives.


  52. pandora says:

    I had just read that article before you commented, and am curious how you take a comment by one anonymous official and turn it into “The White House is now becoming openly hostile to progressives.”

    That’s quite a leap.

  53. MJ says:

    Interesting note on the CA election results – more Dem voters in the gubernatiorial and senate primaries than the Confederate primaries (I love using that new term for the rethuglicans). Also, there was a undervote between the Dem gubernatorial voters and the Dem senate voters, but that flipped in the Confederate senate primaries. Brown had minor opposition in the primary as did Boxer. Thoughts?

  54. anon says:

    When the President appears in ads for Lincoln against Halter, that is open hostility to progressives from the White House.

    I am OK with it though. Getting beat by Boozman is the second-best way to get rid of Lincoln.

    Having people like Reid and Lincoln in Senate leadership and committee roles is harmful to Democrats. Neither of them will support a Democratic bill unless they have first Republicanized it.

    A freshman wingnut Senator is less harmful to Dems than a powerful conservadem. I’d rather take my chances with beating the wingut another day with a fresh progressive, rather than give another ounce of support to Reid or Lincoln or Carper or Lieberman or Nelson, etc…

    If the only way to get rid of them is by beating them with Republicans, let’s get on with it. I’m tired of their games and now I want whatever comes next.

  55. anon says:

    Obama’s support of Lincoln is doubly painful for progressives… remember, Obama’s support is Lincoln’s reward for her HCR vote after gutting the public option.

  56. pandora says:

    I’m still having trouble making the leap. This strikes me more as basic party politics – the incumbent gets the backing.

  57. anon says:

    After this, Coons should expect no more than tepid handwaving from the White House and the Dem establishment. If Obama likes Lincoln, he is going to love Senator Castle.

  58. MJ says:

    One thing that might have factored into Halter’s loss was the fact the AR Sec of State closed 38 of 40 voting locations in a Halter stronghold (we all chatted about this last week). Wonder if they’ll do the same in November to help Lincoln.

  59. anonone says:

    Hey pandora, there are ways to win and lose graciously. Rubbing a loss in the nose of the AFL-CIO, a long-time political ally, is wrong on merits and politically dumb, unless the White House is trying to impress their corporate bosses, which is the only reason that makes any sense.

  60. pandora says:

    I get that, A1. What I’m having trouble with is crediting one anonymous source for what the entire WH thinks. It was a stupid statement that I have trouble viewing as a WH political strategy.

  61. anonone says:

    A “senior White House official” is usually very high up the food chain – probably Rahm Emanuel. Don’t you think that it sounds like something he’d say?

  62. Were there 100,000 votes in that one county for Halter? I think that’s the number of votes he lost by. I’m sure the voting problems in one of Halter’s strongest counties probably helped Lincoln but I think the last minute blitz by Bill Clinton and President Obama probably helped more.

  63. pandora says:

    Here’s the point. I don’t know who said it, and neither do you. BTW, where did you read that this was a “senior White House official?”

  64. It was in Politico, pandora. That same person also talked to Mark Ambinder.

  65. anonone says:

    “A senior White House official just called me with a very pointed message for the administration’s sometime allies in organized labor, who invested heavily in beating Blanche Lincoln, Obama’s candidate, in Arkansas.”



    I don’t know for sure, obviously, but I am just pointing out that “senior White House official” is usually somebody very close to the President, like his Chief of Staff. There was a lot of discussion about what various press euphemisms to unnamed sources meant during the Scooter Libby trial. “Senior White House official” during the Bush years often meant Rove, for example.

    BTW, it is revealing that this “senior White House official” called Smith to say this. He/she wanted to be sure that this was in the press this morning.

  66. pandora says:

    Okay. It was just that in your first link (and on kos) they didn’t use that term.