Delaware Liberal

I Guess Christine O’Donnell Is Still Running

Just for grins, I thought I’d check out what’s going on with one of Delaware’s favorite losers, Christine O’Donnell. I guess she’s still trying to run for Senate, her website has been active lately. She’s touting the very important crazy blogger endorsement (Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugged) and has a post that crowning Mike Castle as “King RINO.”

She was interviewed by the rightwing blog Red State. They loooooove her. Here’s what the interviewer wrote about her(haystack/Dave Poff):

My conversation with who I personally hope becomes the next US Senator from Delaware, Christine O’Donnell, is after the jump…

Down boy. Here’s O’Donnell on her electability:

As we wound down our conversation, I asked her for her thoughts on the campaign ahead…winding down to the primary and on (hopefully) to the general election:

We need to keep hitting our benchmarks so we can keep executing our ground game. We have a good strategy, and this fight is winnable. I’ve been challenged by critics about whether – even if we prevail over Castle – I could win against Coons in the general. I say “yes, I can.” We have a strong grassroots effort here in Delaware which is on the ground and growing every day.

This is a fight for the heart and soul of not only the Country but the Republican party as well. We’re fighting against the worst “Republican” in recent memory. He has sided with the Democrats 70% of the time, and gets a failing grade from a host of organizations including the NRA, CFG, and many others. Are we really satisfied with a liberal politician solely because he has an “R” after his name? I don’t think so. And, to take him out, we need to come together, get out the message, get people to the polls, and get the donations we’ll need to cross the state of Delaware to educate people on what is really at stake in this race.

We’ll go door to door. We’ll call phone to phone. We’ll send out all the literature we can in order to win this race. But, these things require postage and they require gasoline to drive across the state and talk to Delawareans…and these things will be paid for by donations. A $20.00 donation to O’Donnell for Senate is like $200.00 anywhere else…and if we can raise $300,000.00 we can fully implement our campaign plan; an efficient (and we believe effective) plan to put a true Conservative in Biden’s old seat.

Red State is running a grass roots money bomb for O’Donnell right now. She’s up to $5000 whole dollars. That should pay her mortgage at least 2 months.

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