Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on June 14, 2010

Welcome to the Monday open thread. It’s a hot Monday following a hot weekend. I hope you all managed to stay cool!


The U.S. scores a huge upset in the World Cup by holding England to a 1-1 tie.

There’s some interesting things going on in the Nevada Senate race. Harry Reid is getting support from Nevada Republicans. Republican Reno Mayor Bob Cashell has announced his support for Reid over Angle:

Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee for Senate in Nevada against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, has already lost one big-name Republican in the state: Reno Mayor Bob Cashell, who had previously supported Sue Lowden in the GOP primary — and now says he’s supporting Harry Reid.

“I think Sharron Angle is just too far to the right for me,” Cashell said on Wednesday, in an interview with the local NBC affiliate. “She’s an ultra-right winger. I can’t support her. I don’t support her.”

Cashell elaborated: “Oh she’s wild. She’s wild. I mean, with the wild ideas she has going back to Washington, our state will suffer and we would never get anything done. And so I’m supporting Harry Reid, and I will go all the way for Harry Reid.”

Soon after Cashell announced his support, Nevada’s First Lady Dawn Gibbons announced her support for Reid:

Nevada First Lady Dawn Gibbons, a Republican and soon-to-be-ex-wife of recently defeated Gov. Jim Gibbons, said in an interview she is supporting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s reelection bid because he is the better candidate on the economy. But she thinks Reid (D-NV) has quite a fight on his hands this fall.

Gibbons, a former state assembly member, has been up close and personal with Reid’s Republican rival, Sharron Angle. They served together in the state legislature and were even opponents in a three-way GOP primary for the state’s 2nd Congressional district seat in 2006.

In Nevada Republicans aren’t quite ready to salute and get in line for Sharron Angle.

See also Swing State Project, they have a post on Reid’s lucky break.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Failed political maven Steve Forbes is actually asking his employees to help get him Twitter followers. Remember this douchebag move next time some wingnut wants to tell you how much more efficient the private sector really is.

  2. Rand Paul is not a board-certified opthamolagist. He started his own certification board, which only certifies a handful of people. Also from that article:

    The Courier-Journal began seeking comment from Paul Tuesday. When the newspaper tried to interview him at two Louisville events Saturday, he wouldn’t comment.

    “I’m not going to go through all that right now,” Paul said while at the Great Eastern National Gun Day Show and JAG Military Show, in Louisville.

    Asked when he would talk, Paul said: “Uh, you know, never. … What does this have to do with our election?”

    Jesse Benton, his campaign manager, said later Saturday that Paul would only answer questions submitted in writing.

    The sad thing to me is that Paul’s avoidance of the media probably won’t hurt him a bit.

  3. cassandra m says:

    Harry Reid sends out an ad on the whacko Angle.

    This is very good….and something tells me that this is just the beginning.

  4. jason330 says:

    That’ll leave a mark. I want to hear more about Angle’s Scientology plan to provide prisoners with back rubs. Thanks for the link.

  5. Apparently Fox & Friends did a fawning interview with Angle that’s getting slammed by Nevada media folks. In it, she denies she wants to “privatize” Social Security, she wants to “personalize” it. From what I’m reading it sounds like she’s saying keep giving checks to people already on SS and move younger people to 401Ks. Yeah, so pretty much the same proposal with a new name.

  6. Alabama, the state for whacked-out political ads:

  7. Ishmael says:

    Wow, gotta say, the Obama’s FBI is very patient when dealing with moonbats.

  8. PBaumbach says:

    ‘gather your armies’ followed by ‘I approve of this message’

    what is the definition of sedition?

    The last I checked, the tea tax referenced was instituted by a colonial power (England) over its colony (America) without representation, but the health care law referenced in this ad was approved by a majority of both houses of congress and signed into law by a majority-elected President.

    it is simply amazing.

  9. anon says:

    What bad luck… the Founding Fathers are magically brought back to life, and they end up in a teabagger’s basement getting a lecture on tax policy. What are the odds?

  10. delacrat says:

    Barber is going for the 200 year old white men vote.

  11. mike says:

    This truly must be a great time to be a Democrat. I mean, with Alvin Greene winning the Democrat primary in South Carolina there is finally someone who can finally relate to his constituents. Here you have a candidate who has no money, no job, lives with his parents, had no campaign staff, no campaign fundraising, and has the speaking abilities of a rock. Oh, and he’s currently under investigation of felony pornography charges. And today I see where you have a current elected official in Bob Etheridge who is caught on tape assaulting a college student. The Democratic party really does look promising. Keep up the great work guys. Obama will be proud of you.

  12. anon says:

    Just got the call for a Mike Castle online town hall…

    First caller wants crackdown on cell phones while driving. Castle responds and wants national legislation for hands-free. “dangerous as drunk driving”

    Second caller asks about cost of student loans, Castle drones on and on.

  13. anon says:

    Third caller asks something about gas tax, CAFE standards… I didn’t hear the whole question because I got another phone call. Castle starts talking about mass transit, wants to support it with federal money, drones on about energy independence, takes a shot at OPEC and Venezuela, etc.

  14. anon says:

    Fourth caller asks Castle how her grandchildren will deal with federal debt, makes a lot of teabagger commentary while asking her question.

    Castle says, what can be done to help the private sector create jobs… “tax credits….” “regulatory changes…”

    Yes, Castle is actually is calling for more tax cuts and deregulation.

  15. anon says:

    Next caller asks about first time homebuyer program. Castle starts talking…

    More mush from the wimp.

    Can’t stay on the line, I have to go somewhere… that’s why these surprise town halls suck.

  16. Ask Castle if he supports Rand Paul and Sharron Angle and what form that support will come in.

  17. fightingbluehen says:

    How about that Democrat congressman from North Carolina roughing up some kid.
    Imagine if a Republican did that, what a shit storm there would be.

  18. anonone says:

    “In a newly optimistic tone, President Barack Obama promised Monday that “things are going to return to normal” along the stricken Gulf Coast and the region’s fouled waters will be in better shape than before the catastrophic BP oil spill.’

    Who is he kidding?

  19. Phil says:

    they aren’t going to stop that for months short of a nuke.

  20. jason330 says:

    A similar gusher in the Gulf on a PEMEX rig took nine months to cap and required drilling a relief well.

    (The BBC still does actual reporting. It is kinda nice)

  21. anonone says:

    BP spokesperson says that “things are going to return to normal” along the stricken Gulf Coast and the region’s fouled waters will be in better shape than before the catastrophic oil spill.”

  22. Geezer says:

    “How about that Democrat congressman from North Carolina roughing up some kid. Imagine if a Republican did that, what a shit storm there would be.”

    Fine. Imagine the congressman was a Republican, and the “kid” was a Marxist — or worse, a Muslim — trying to ambush interview him. Liberals would be outraged, but you’d be cheering.

  23. anonone says:

    LOL, Geezer!