Delaware Liberal

O’Donnell Supporters Get Excited

If you’re an O’Donnell (or Urquhart) supporter and you read a poll like this, you might get excited:

There’s one missing piece to Christine’s campaign resurgence and that is the voice of the Delaware voters. What do the voters think of Christine? Preliminary polling results from the educational non-profit group Founders Values suggests that conservative T.E.A. party candidate Christine O’Donnell out polls Congressman Mike Castle among likely Republican voters in Delaware by more than 3 to 1. In a survey of likely Republican voters the results give O’Donnell the edge 65%-18% in the race for the Republican to square off against Democrat Chris Coons in the November general election.

Also being released are the preliminary results of polling among the same likely voters for the U.S. House Republican Primary battle. The preliminary results in that race give Glen Urquhart the edge 53% to 18% over establishment candidate Michele Rollins.

If you’re part of the reality-based community you might be a bit skeptical. Dialogue Delaware digs a little deeper.

The problem for O’Donnell and Urquhart is the poll might not qualify as scientific. You decide.

The results come from the Founders Value, a group that identifies themselves as a 501(c)3 education group and organizes tea party rallies across the state.

Evan Queitsch, communications director for the group, explained in an e-mail that the poll is the result of the group sending e-mails to 300 “likely Republican primary voters.” Queitsch explained that since 60 responded to the online survey, it “a sampling base that is statistically in line with our projections.”

The group includes a 5 percent margin of error “to account for individuals misreading or not understanding the questions.”

So, of the 60 Republicans who answered the questionnaire from Founders values, 39 said they would vote for O’Donnell and 32 said they were voting for Glen Urquhart. I’m sure Michele Rollins and Mike Castle are shaking in their boots right now.

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