More Like This, Please

Filed in National by on June 22, 2010

The DNC has released a new ad trying Joe Barton and other BP apologists to the Republican party governing philosophy.

I wish they would show this every day until November.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Phil says:

    One could easily be made with this administration apologizing all around the world. Or placing America in the same realm when it comes to human rights violations. Or wait, maybe even one with just Obama bowing to various leaders of state. Or….

    I’m sure we could also find some clips out of context too. (at least rand paul’s comment, not barton.)

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Should BP apologize for their mistakes? If so, shouldn’t the US apologize for their mistakes? It helps no one to never admit that you are wrong.

    Dear world: That whole George Bush thing… sorry about that.

  3. Geezer says:

    See, Phil, the difference is that America goes around killing civilians around the world, and so has something to apologize for to people in other countries, whereas … oh, never mind. If you don’t see it by yourself at this point, you never will.

    So my question is, whose dick do you want to suck more, Joe Barton’s or someone at BP’s?

  4. Phil says:

    Don’t be blinded by your own rhetoric. Obama has changed nothing from the Bush administration. Warrantless wiretaps, suspension of habeas corpus, retalliation against whistleblowers; he has continued them all. He even has a ‘secret war’ that is in more countries than Bush was. If you truly hated Bush for the things that he did, shouldn’t you you be seething in anger over Obama’s lies? In many ways, Obama is worse. He goes, and bows and apologizes, then sends more people to secret prisons (Bagram and pakistan) and expands the war on terror.

    Get your head out of the sand. You are so tied up with this left vs right bs that you can’t see the big picture.

  5. Geezer says:

    “If you truly hated Bush for the things that he did, shouldn’t you you be seething in anger over Obama’s lies?”

    I do. That fails to explain why you are defending Joe Barton by attacking Obama.

  6. Phil says:

    Haha, I wasn’t defending Barton. I was pointing out the irony of a party that is terrible (for the most part) at governing calling the other party terrible (for the most part) at governing.

    Even the out of context clips line I said, “…not barton.”

  7. Geezer says:

    Sorry then. I misunderstood. My bad.

  8. jason330 says:

    Okay. I’ve searched my soul and here is why I’m not quitting on Obama.

    I watched the election news closely. Very closely. And it always looked like Obama was fucking up. I was always biting my nails and thinking “oh fuck!” What I didn’t know was that there was a master plan underlying all the apparent miscues. The Obama team was working a very long story arc. An arc I could not see with my puny human eyes.

    So now I’m thinking, “I’ve been here before.” I’m thinking that what seems like fuck ups to me are really dots of paint on a huge canvas. When the big reveal comes it is going to be fucking straight up kicking the shit out of Republicans, holding them to a mid-term ten seat pick-up in the house and pissing in Sarah Palin’s sweet tea. (Rhetorically speaking)

    The reveal is going to be so kick ass. It is going to be like a motherfucking supernova of Democratic cosmic jujitsu. Obama will establish a Democratic majority that will last for 80 years and Obama will be regarded as a better Democratic President than Kennedy and Roosevelt.

    That’s what I tell myself as I rock slowly in the corner, in a puddle of urine. (Mine and Liberalgeek’s…don’t ask.)

    That’s why I’m not bailing… yet.