Beaten Down By The Man

Filed in National by on July 9, 2010

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and John Boehner are sad. They are sad because of the terrible prejudice they’re facing – a tax on tanning beds. See if you can follow this logic:

Mention the new “tan tax” in a major news outlet and cries of discrimination and reverse racism often follow.

The complaint surfaced on reader comment boards to blogs and news Web sites back in December, when it became clear that the levy — a 10 percent surcharge on the use of ultraviolet tanning beds — was likely to be included in the new health-care overhaul bill. Since then, it’s been repeated by conservative commentators such as Rush Limbaugh and Doc Thompson, a fill-in host for Glenn Beck who intoned in March, “I now know the pain of racism.”

The case can seem deceptively simple: Since patrons of tanning salons are almost exclusively white, the tax will be almost entirely paid by white people and, therefore, violates their constitutional right to equal protection under the law.

Doc Thompson, I’m sure MLK would be marching over this. 🙄 Using this logic I guess cigarette taxes discriminate against smokers, alcohol taxes discriminate against drinkers and payroll taxes discriminate against workers. In other words, join the club. Also it’s unfair to say it discriminates against white people – I’m white and I would not go near a tanning bed.

Delaware has already passed laws restricting tanning beds. Senator Bethany Hall-Long sponsored the “Michelle Rigney Act” which restricted tanning bed use by minors. (I guess Senator Hall-Long discriminates against white people and minors.) The law was named after Michelle Rigney, a 22-year-old who died from melanoma.

Some people say that a tax on tanning beds is for health purposes, hoping to limit the behavior while raising revenue to cover the costs of illness related to them. Others might say the tanning tax is there because President Obama is prejudiced against white people. I report, you decide.

BTW, as far as I know the Sun is still free.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. a.price says:

    Is it just me, or is there a “hockey-stick” graph type feel to white men feeling persecuted lately? I really do hope Rush and Boner and Beck get to feel real discrimination in their lives. All these pathetic over privileged, under-burdened wanna-be victims need to feel what it is like to truly have it tougher because of who they are. The only thing guys like Rush and Beck ever have had ot over come is their own self inflicted drug addictions.
    Lucky for them no all groups are a class-less as the male WASP.

  2. skippertee says:

    Listen,I’m no fan of Boner’s.That being said,I do,sort of,admire that orange post nuclear glow he has about him.How does he do it ?
    I’m attending a 40th class reunion in early Sept.I avoid the sun.Do those spray on tans work ? The home variety ? Or,should I seek out a professional ?

  3. That being said,I do,sort of,admire that orange post nuclear glow he has about him.

    You do? Really? I think his unhealthy glow comes from his habits of smoking, drinking and tanning beds.

    I think the spray-on tans work but I would recommend going to a professional. There’s that do-it-yourself stuff but you have to be careful on how you apply because otherwise you’ll look streaky.

  4. pandora says:

    Boehner’s coloring looks more like cheap spray tan, mainly because the color is so unnatural. I can’t imagine anyone’s skin tone darkening to that awful orange color.

    Skippertee, go to a professional, and I’d do a trial run before the main event!

  5. a.price says:

    Dont go tanning. Tanning beds use mainly UVA rays, which dont get you very dark, but DO put you at higher risk for skin problems than UVB rays… which you can really only get from the sun.
    My advice is wear something that compliments your natural skin color and dont go jeopardizing your health to impress people from High School. That stuff is for GOP oppressed white men, and Snookie.

  6. anon says:

    Can we exempt Limbaugh, Beck, and Boehner and allow them to tan as long as they want for free?

    (Boehner, aka “The Annoying Orange.”)

  7. xstryker says:

    Anyone else wondering if Boehner is supporting the Netherlands in the World Cup?

  8. a.price says:

    i am! AND I just started following a new twitter account.

  9. Phil says:

    They should put a tax on sunscreen and sunblock instead. Most of them contain either vitamin A or a derivative of it which creates carcinogens when exposed to UV rays.