Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 15, 2010

Welcome to your Thursday open thread. How’s things and stuff?

Michele Rollins has a good fundraising quarter:

Michele Rollins, the Republican Party’s endorsed candidate for Delaware’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, will report donations of more than $585,000 when she files her first campaign finance report with the Federal Election Commission Thursday, her campaign manager says.

More than 500 donors — most from Delaware — contributed to Rollins’ campaign, her campaign manager Matthew Hunter said.

500 donors and $500,000, she’s getting a lot of donations from big money people. Like I said last week, John Carney needs to step things up and start raising his profile.

Sharron Angle’s crazy interviews are already taking a toll on her poll numbers. A new poll shows Harry Reid with a 4% lead over Angle:

As Jon Ralston reports, the new poll by Fairbanks, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates, commissioned by the liberal Patriot Majority PAC, shows Reid at 44%, and Angle with 40%. The survey of likely voters has a ±4% margin of error.

That just goes to show there’s a big difference between a generic Republican and an actual candidate.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (39)

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  1. jason330 says:

    This is awesome. The comic-con people are going to have a field day with the Westboro baptists.

    Westboro Baptists To Protest Comic-Con “Idol Worship”

  2. jason330 says:

    $585,000 and she can go back to the well after the primary.

  3. Castle raised something like $850,000 last quarter as well.

  4. cassandra m says:

    Jerome a Paris posts a Photoblog of some of the Construction of the Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea up at The Oil Drum. This farm is built for 500MW electricity while Bluewater was to be 450MW (I think). Definitely click to go see a little of the kind of activity that should be going on off the coast of Delaware one day.

  5. cassandra m says:

    DC Court of Appeals strikes down challenge to Washington DC gay marriage law.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll say this for the Westboro folks, at least they spell their signs right when they get their hate on.

  7. MJ says:

    Maybe a giant sinkhole will open up and swallow the spawn of Phelps. I believe he had the featured role in Jeepers Creepers 2.

  8. MJ says:

    Klansman’s name stripped from UT Dorm. I guess this means that the bedsheets need to stay on the bed.

  9. The Libertarian Party is really taking off!

    Brent Wangen of Millsboro, a candidate for Delaware’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, reported donations of $1,659 in his second-quarter campaign finance report, filed today with the Federal Election Commission.

    Wangen, a Libertarian, reported $340 cash on hand.

    Who wants to take the bet that this is more than Rose Izzo raised?

  10. jason330 says:

    Libertarian Motto Contest. I’ll start.

    Libertarians: Even more anti-social than regular Republicans!!

    Libertarians: Free to be irrelevant !!!

  11. Ishmael says:

    PPP: Obama, Palin tied 46/46 in 2012
    July 15, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

    No, this is not coming from Rasmussen or an internal GOP poll, but from the normally Democrat-sympathetic Public Policy Polling. PPP pitted Barack Obama against five potential Republican challengers for the 2012 presidential campaign, and the only one Obama beat was … Jan Brewer. Even that, PPP admitted, resulted from Brewer’s lack of name recognition. The headline, though, is Sarah Palin’s dead heat with the President:

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Libertarians: Now don’t you already feel better about your party?

  13. Financial regulation reform has now passed the Senate.

  14. jason330 says:

    I wonder how Carper is going to explain his vote to his paymasters?

  15. anon says:

    Libertarians: Finally, a third party not headed by somebody named Wolfgang.

  16. jason330 says:

    Libertarians: A Third Party. A very very very very distant third.

  17. Officer Friendly says:

    If a Klansman’s name was stripped from a UT dorm, does that mean that they’ll fumigate Robert Byrd’s Senate office and ditch all the furniture and rename all the pork projects he brought to West Virginia that were named after him? Oh wait…they won’t because he was a Democrat.

  18. MJ says:

    @ Bad Cop – at least Byrd apologized for his sins. This bigot from UT boasted about how he loved to beat darkies and was an unrepentant racist, as was his brother. And more than likely, this UT law professor was also a Dem. Your comment FAILS!

  19. anon says:

    Calling Byrd a Klansman makes as much sense as calling Reagan a Democrat.

    (Reagan switched from D to R in 1962)

  20. jason330 says:

    MJ – The wingnut pea brain works on the kind of basic stimulus response basis that you find in lower order species such as mullosks. Any mention of “klan” produces a mention of Byrd. It is 100% predicable.

  21. a.price says:

    Calling Byrd a Klansman makes as much sense as calling Reagan a Democrat….\

    or calling the pope a nazi… or sarah palin a governor… or ted kennedy “sober”

  22. BP is now reporting that the latest capping procedure has stopped the oil leak.

  23. a.price says:

    hey, BY THE WAY…
    Is everyone hopeful the cap seems to be working?
    All I can say is thank god!
    Now BP wont lose all that valuable profit yeilding oil to those greedy american wetlands. they can FINALLY get back to harvesting it and selling it us…. whew! (but really, the thought of what WE have done to OUR planet is enough to make me cry. It would be nice to think that this disaster would lead to a change in how we get enery, but the R-tards will never let that happen. oh well, hope i die old and senil before the Earth kills us all.

  24. a.price says:

    ui, ya beat me to it.

  25. anonone says:

    Ha ha – a.price blames the republickins while conveniently forgetting that Obomba was purchased by Big Oil a long time ago.

  26. anonone says:

    I’m sure that everybody will say this is the Senate’s fault…

    “Obama Hires Former WellPoint Exec to Implement Health Care Law”

    “Liz Fowler, a key staffer for U.S. Sen. Max Baucus who helped draft the federal health reform bill enacted in March, is joining the Obama administration to help implement the new law…

    For some good background on Fowler and the insidious role she played in killing the public option, watch Bill Moyers’ recent segment here.

    Clearly, this is a telling indictment of the health care law itself, strongly suggesting that it was constructed by the Obama administration — as some progressives argued — as a massive taxpayer-financed giveaway to private insurers like WellPoint. And let’s be honest: In investment terms, Fowler has been a jackpot for the health industry. The industry maximized her public policy experience for their own uses when they plucked her out of the Senate. Then, having lined her pockets, they deposited her first into a key Senate committee to write the new health care law that they will operate under, and now into the administration that will implement said law. Any bets on how much Fowler will make when WellPoint (or another health insurer) inevitably rehires her in a few years?”

  27. pandora says:

    Crooks and Liars takes a different view.

    It’s worth noting that the Senate Finance Reform committee version was certainly included in the Senate version of what ultimately became the Affordable Care Act, but so too were provisions from the Senate HELP Committee’s version. Harry Reid, as you might recall, combined pieces of both to make the Senate bill, and that version included a watered-down, ineffective public option which was ultimately stripped away from the final version because Joe Lieberman wanted to punish liberals more than he wanted to see people have access to health care.

    Liz Fowler didn’t take out the public option. She didn’t kill it. And she didn’t lobby against it. Is it possible that she simply has a different policy opinion from others? Or that she actually doesn’t have a different opinion but made a calculation about what was possible with this Senate Finance Committee?

    Health care, whether it’s government-run single payer or covered by private insurers, is one of the most complex areas of public policy there is. Implementation of the Affordable Care Act needs policy wonks at the helm. If Liz Fowler is anything at all, she is a policy wonk, one who has earned a doctorate and a law degree, and who has spent her entire career in the policy area of health care.

    Seems like a natural choice to me. Don’t forget she also worked for Pete Stark (an ardent single payer advocate). Why does the Wellpoint 2 years carry more weight than the Stark/Moynihan? Because it fits the narrative or because there’s evidence of malfeasance? If there’s evidence, where is it? A difference of opinion over policy does not mean corruption is afoot.

  28. Obama hires former Stark staffer doesn’t have the same scary ring to it does it?

  29. anonone says:

    I’d suggest that you listen to Bill Moyer’s commentary to see the ugliness of this appointment:

  30. shoe throwing instructor says:

    Question??? yesterday the fed made it,s pridicting for the future of the economy, the most alarming point, and I quote, high unemployment will remain a problem for five or six more years, this information was absent from the news journal,s account of what the fed said, was that intentional? and was it right or wrong? my opinion, in times of economic disaster, with-holding facts may cause more suffering, it,s like under-reporting the strength of a hurricane headed your way. Any thoughts?

  31. anonone says:

    Obomba and his team of genius economic advisors have decided that saving Wall Street bonuses was more important than saving Main Street jobs. While 9-10% unemployment was once viewed as a crisis, Obomba and his team are trying to make it the new norm, hoping no one will say much about it after a while.

    But JPMorgan is going GREAT, so be happy and shut up already.

  32. shoe throwing instructor says:

    anonone; It,s not just JP Morgan that,s doing great, 90% of the multi-nationals are beating profit expectation, main street may be in shambles, but wall street is doing just find, while I can not rejoice in the overall job the Obama team is doing, a good bit of this unemployment began well before he took office, private sector job creating has lagged for the past ten years, globilization has taken millions of jobs and recreated them in cheaper labor markets, we need to face up to the fact that another great depression is on the horizon if we don,t take steps to stimulate the economy, the repubs have not been helpful at all in that regard.They still act as if the trikle down theory will eventually pull us out of this tail spin, and that,s not going to happen, if the party of no takes back control of congress, than we will fall faster and deeper into a full blown depression.

  33. Ishmael says:

    unemployment will be 12% or higher by election day.

  34. anonone says:

    shoe throwing instructor, we do need another stimulus, but the first one was too little and too full of tax cuts (for the sake of “bipartisanship”). Meanwhile, big banks are borrowing from the government at essentially zero interest, and then lending back the same money to the government with interest, thus pocketing the difference. Nice work, if you can get it don’t you think? Plus, big corporate “citizens,” those poor overtaxed entities, are sitting on record amounts of cash which is not being reinvested.

    Obomba said unemployment would be at 7.5% now because of the stimulus. Didn’t happen. Wall Street recovered, but Main Street didn’t. That wasn’t an accident. That was mission accomplished for Obomba Bernanke, Geithner, and Summers.