Delaware Liberal

No Homo Mayors, Burn a Koran

I know you are all excited about the Dove World Outreach Center’s “Burn A Koran Day” this September 11th, but first they’re working on “No Homo Mayor Protest” scheduled August 2nd. Craig Lowe is the first openly Gay mayor of Gainesville FL. What’s gotten Pastor Terry Jones in such a tizzy? The church’s front yard was covered with signs of cowardly hate to Islam. And just the other day, the signs were vandalized. Jones, being the quick thinker his is, blamed “the homos”.

Free speech is hated by homosexuals and they do not like to hear the truth about their perverted lifestyle. We are protesting our openly homosexual Mayor Aug 2. Maybe they did it, (not the Mayor himself, surely) but the more likely trigger for this attack is the burn a Koran Day plan.

Love it when Christians get their hate on. BTW, check out his picture, doe he look like someone you’d let near your children? I think not.

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