The Stupidity of the Tea Bagger [Vol. 2,321]

Filed in National by on August 1, 2010

So some Tea Baggers decided to go to Colonial Williamsburg to converse with the Founding Fathers.

No, seriously.

But they are not always pleased with the answers they are getting, apparently, as it would appear that the costumed actors are thankfully educated about the historical men and women they are playing. More so then the Tea Baggers, it would appear.

They stand in the crowd listening closely as the costumed actors relive dramatic moments in the founding of our country. They clap loudly when an actor portraying Patrick Henry delivers his “Give me liberty or give me death” speech. They cheer and hoot when Gen. George Washington surveys the troops behind the original 18th-century courthouse. And they shout out about the tyranny of our current government during scenes depicting the nation’s struggle for freedom from Britain.

“General, when is it appropriate to resort to arms to fight for our liberty?” asked a tourist on a recent weekday during “A Conversation with George Washington,” a hugely popular dialogue between actor and audience in the shaded backyard of Charlton’s Coffeehouse.

Of course the correct answer is whenever you lose an election.

Sometimes, the activists appear surprised when the Founding Fathers don’t always provide the “give ’em hell” response they seem to be looking for.

When a tourist asked George Washington a question about what should be done to those colonists who remain loyal to the tyrannical British king, Washington interjected: “I hope that we’re all loyal, sir” — a reminder that Washington, far from being an early agitator against the throne, was among those who sought to avoid revolution until the very end.

When another audience member asked the general to reflect on the role of prayer and religion in politics, he said: “Prayers, sir, are a man’s private concern. They are not a matter of public interest. And nor should they be. There is nothing so personal as a man’s relationship with his creator.”

Hahahaha. You see, as much as these Tea Baggers love to preach about the Constitution, they know nothing about what is in it. Our Founding Fathers were not lunatic born again Eric Bodenweisers or David Andersons. Most of them were Deists, including Thomas Paine, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. They enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution not only the freedom to practice whatever religion you wanted freely, without interference from the government, but also the freedom from religion in prohibiting our government from establishing a national religion or excessively entangling itself with any religion. Our Founders also forbade religious tests being administered upon those who wished to serve in government (i.e. forcing someone to be Catholic or to believe in God).

But the Tea Baggers and right wing Republicans refuse to accept that, even from the mouths of the “Founding Fathers.”

More proof of their stupidity.

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  1. Musings of the Angry Webmaster | August 2, 2010
  1. Jason330 says:

    Theses actors seem are obviously Islamo-ACORN-socialist traitors.

  2. a.price says:

    are these idiots really making a trip to an amusement park to get justification for violence? ugh the teabagger mind always seems to get dumber.

  3. Observer says:

    Yeah, it isn’t like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Mason and Henry would have ever spent time there developing the basis for what became the American experiment in self-government and liberty.

  4. Joe Cass says:

    How long before someone pulls a Byron Williams on Williamsburg?

  5. a.price says:

    “Yeah, it isn’t like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Mason and Henry would have ever spent time there developing the basis for what became the American experiment in self-government and liberty.”

    they didn’t, moron. they spent time in PHILADELPHIA, DC, AND NEW YORK !
    God, you people are idiots. I bet without Googling it, you cant even tell me what williamsburg’s significance is.

  6. Aoine says:

    for Pete’s sake you have got to be kidding?? Tea Baggers are THAT dumb – I mean I know they are pretty dumb but really??I know theey had to bring in outsiders to coach and encourage them in Delaware because they didn;t have a clue but this?? LOL

    WOW, no wonder David Anderson cannot carry on a coherent conversation, and Bodenweiserr is “its my rant or no rant at all”

    have you all met him?? Quite the experience!! He cannot possibly win votes – if you disagree with him you can see the muscles in his face twitch as he tries to control his hatred of you – its quite something to see

    I expect an implosion any day now – actually, if there was someone who would pull a Byron Williams (or go postal) my money is on good ole Bodie>>>>

  7. Observer says:

    Let’s see, a.price:

    Patrick Henry gave the “Give me liberty or give me death” speech in
    A) Philadelphia
    B) New York
    C) Williamsburg

    The Virginia Act for Religious Freedom was passed into law in
    A) Philadelphia
    B) New York
    C) Williamsburg

    The Virginia Bill of Rights, which inspired the US Bill of Rights, was written in
    A) Philadelphia
    B) New York
    C) Williamsburg

    Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Mason, and Henry all served as members of the legislative branch in Virginia, which met in the state capital of
    A) Philadelphia
    B) New York
    C) Williamsburg

    I knew damn well what I was writing, just to make the point that Virginia, and Williamsburg in particular, was very much the cradle of liberty that Boston and Philadelphia were.

  8. Geezer says:

    You mean the cradle of treason, don’t you?

  9. a.price says:

    So you went cherry picking. You built questions around what you wanted the answer to be. typical Teabagger trickery. Guess what, Washington slept at an Inn in Wilmington Delaware…. had the innkeeper decided to kill him in his sleep, we wouldn’t be a country. Therefore, WILMINGTON is just as important as Williamsburg. in fact, teabaggers should come to Wilmington and ask Kalmar Nickle actors when they should off a politician for “freedom

  10. Frank says:

    When I was in school in Williamsburg, we used to refer to “Colonial Williamsburg” as “Colonial Disneyland.”

    As a native Virginian, I must protest the belittling of Williamsburg’s historical place. Pennsylvania is known as the keystone state because, without its being a central meeting place, Massachusetts and Virginia would not have been able to lead the colonies to independence.

  11. Observer says:

    No, I didn’t go cherry-picking. I made a conscious reference to Williamsburg, the colonial/revolutionary capital of Virginia, and its historical significance as a site for the development of the principles that led to the Revolution and the Constitution. Why don’t you just admit that you — and the ass who wrote the article — were wrong in belittling the importance of Williamsburg as a historical site relevant to the development of the American Republic so as to claim a false intellectual superiority to those involved in the Tea Party.

    Remember, folks, that four of our first five presidents were Virginians who had important connections to Williamsburg that were a significant part of forming them into the leaders they became — and that a great many others were a part of the Virginia government centered there and/or were educated there at William & Mary.

  12. a. price says:

    I’m not making fun of Williamsburg, which in the grand American tradition has been turned into a cheap tourist trap…. a fate that I’m glad didn’t befall REAL revolutionary sites like Yorktown and Ft Ticonderoga (yes bitch, i know my revolutionary history) yes, it it old, no it is not where EVERYTHING happened.

    I am making fun of the uneducated moronic teabaggers who were asking an ACTOR when they could take u arms against a DULY ELECTED government they were told to dislike.
    THAT is what i am mocking and belittleing.
    that said, Williamsburg is to the American Revolution what McDonald’s is to American food culture.

  13. a. price says:

    By the way, just cause they were white men from the south doesn’t mean the Grandsons of the Confederacy can claim them. You people gave up your claim on patriotism when you split up the union, caused a war that killed hundreds of thousands and fought for slavery, bigotry and oppression.

  14. Observer says:

    a.price, you get even uglier than usual when shown that you are not just a loud-mouthed buffoon, but are in fact an ignorant loud-mouthed buffoon who is delusionally wrong in his factual assertions.

  15. anon says:

    The teabaggerz probably just went to Williamsburg to pick up some new tri-corner hats from the gift shop.

  16. Aoine says:

    and here we have it – the persoanl assault when someone shows you right-wing nut jobs up

    it is too funny – a.price didn;t condem YOU just pointed out an oppostite argument – and where do you take it

    well, down to your level – you types just prove yourselves over and over
    its like watching a little trolls face get uglier and uglier when they get mad –

    actually its quite amusing

  17. Joe Cass says:

    And more stupidity from Sharon Angle on Faux (from NRO):
    Angle: “We needed to have the press be our friend.”
    Cameron: “Wait a minute. Hold on a second. To be your friend…?”
    Angle: “Well, truly–”
    Cameron: “That sounds naive.”
    Angle: “Well, no. We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported.”
    Cameron: [speechless, laughs]

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    When Fox News laughs at you…..

  19. a.price says:

    I clearly hit I nerve with Observer. Does this mean the New Confeds are going to adopt Williamsburg as their new Capital… since it is CLEARLY where ALL major events in American history happened.
    Since ive never been there…. because i dont need to ride on a roller coaster while wearing a “Made in China” Tri-corner hat to feel like I love my country, Tell my Observer…. since you are SUCH an expert on the place…. Do they have slaves? How about lynchings. DO they honor ALL southern heritage or just the parts that Teabaggers make up ant tout to show how A’Merkin’ they are?

    Call me a buffoon and wrong… Dont be upset because i saw your cute little trick there with the “i need some multiple choice answers to make my argument work”. Dont get me wrong, i applaud your stab at wit and intellect. It was just pathetic and transparent.

  20. a.price says:

    I say it again…. the ancestors of the Conservative movement, and by direct association the Teabaggers GAVE UP THEIR CLAIM ON PATRIOTISM. they ALL committed treason, fought for oppression and white supremacy, split the union and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. The fact they were allowed to return as citizens AT ALL is a show of immense compassion by the then progressive administration. This country then spent millions to rebuild the south and what do we get in return? Teabag governors again talking of secession…something that would lead to more violence and death. Just what the blood lust driven Conservative movement wants. You people hate this country because it isn’t totally comprised of you people. You choose which parts of history you want to follow, deny the things that dont sound good in a hymn and make up the rest. It is a despicable insult to everyone who actually fought and died for what the founders intended.

  21. Aoine says:

    UUUUHHHHH A=RAH A.PRICE!! well delivered

    like “they” are the only ones that fought for their country – or who put their lives on the line every day for this country

    those of us that are not old white southern guys steeped in tea – do NOT all believe in your brand of conservative christian values that exclude the poor, the minorities, the vulnerable and lash out at others less fortunate than us

    maybe if you spent more time giving a HAND UP to others and thinking its just a HAND OUT need to re-evlaute your brand of charity, and humility

    its so easy to dismiss people like us as – bleeding heart liberals etc etc and then claim YOU are the PATRIOTS RUSHING FORM THE PAGES OF HISTORY TO SAVE US ALL!! because YOU ARE NOT.

    many quietly go about our daily business – the business of being good hard working Americans, that pay our taxes and raise our children – only to be slapped in the face buy the rightous wingnuts of the Conservative movement.

    Do us a favor – get off the white horse and realize that those tax cuts for the top 2% are only going to hurt your DEMIGODS – BECK, LIMBAUGH, DOBBS, HANNITY O’REILLY they have pilfered your souls and your pockets and you don’t even realize it because you are whipped up into such a frenzy of hatred – they have you then turn on your fellow Americans and do their dirty work for them

    Remembers Nurmeberg?? the trials?? ordinary good soldiers that committed atrocities becasue thier leaders had told them it was in the best interests of their country – its happening again and you cannot/willnot see it

    Look at what they want:

    repeal of the 13th ammendment so the president can be stripped of his citizenship – because you could not prove he WASN’T a citizen in the first place..

    rereal of the 14th Ammenment – equal protections under the law for ALL peoples subject to the jurisdiction of the US and birthright for those born here – read the arguments from when it was argued – its a matter of congressionl record that the intenet was forgeiners on our soil – it is specifically referred to )the Chinese specifically)

    Secession?? – really??? how much it the Texas dollar worth?? how would Delaware operate economically and those trade agreement would be ridiculous

    no more benefits for the jobless because they created a deficit and want the people rioting in the streets to cover what they have failed to do – LEAD

    put it all together and all I see is a bunch of old scared cowards loosing a way of life and fighting to hold on to that which is familiar, but that which is preventing the United States from reaching its potential –

    as far as I am concerned?? Partiots?? no!! Traitors certainly.

  22. Aoine says:

    Ugh – I so apologize for the spelling errors.

  23. a.teabag says:

    they arent traitors. How can you betray something you never really believed in. these moron’s view of what a country should be died at Appomattox Courthouse..

  24. anon says:

    Teabaggers trying to get justification from George Washington? (or at least a representation of him)… That is funny. That and the “Gather your armies” commercial. Funny, and ignorant of history.

    I don’t think teabaggers would get much comfort from Washington. President Washington was ready to fire on American citizens to collect an authorized tax. General Washington fought too hard for representative democracy to suggest that laws passed by Congress should be overturned by thugs at gunpoint.

    On September 11, 1791, a recently appointed tax collector named Robert Johnson was tarred and feathered by a disguised gang in Washington County.[23] A man sent by officials to serve court warrants to Johnson’s attackers was whipped, tarred, and feathered.[24] Because of these and other violent attacks, the tax went uncollected in 1791 and early 1792.[25] The attackers modeled their actions on the protests of the American Revolution. Supporters of the excise argued that there was a difference between taxation without representation in colonial America, and a tax laid by the elected representatives of the American people.[26]

  25. Aoine says:

    Washington executed the leaders of soldiers that left Valley Forge when they where not paid -and he had their friends do it on top of it – then bury them…

    I do not think he would tolerate this nonsense either

  26. anon says:

    President Washington sent a 12,000-man army after the teabaggers of his day.

  27. a.teabag says:

    they were probably liberals

  28. Observer says:

    Oddly enough, a.price, my ancestors in that war wore Union blue, and were from a state where there were no slaves. A pity that you folks from Delaware cannot make the latter claim.

  29. a. price says:

    didn’t say YOU… i was talking about the movement as a whole… it is not all about YOU. that is what conservatives never seem to understand.
    However, Observer… it is funny that your ancestors fought for a president who silenced free speech and threw out habeas corpus.

  30. Aoine says:

    Hey – I come from a country that NEVER had institutionalzed slavery, we never had that problem.

    and the part of my famiy that did live in the US – were abolotitionits

    living in Delaware is a choice made relatively recently

  31. a. teabag says:

    filthy immigrant. once frau. Brewer has her way, your kind will be kicked right out!

  32. Aoine says:

    Thought she was concentrating on Hispanics???

    filthy immigrant – really?? Im so loving it

    when those morons confront me with that issue – here is the response:

    I am supposing you’re carrying a Tribal Identity Certificate coz unless you are, then we’re in the same boat.

    Oh and if that’s how you feel – my pleasure to piss you off that bad
    I bet your blood just boils when people like me drive nice cars and live in nice houses and have good, well paying jobs with kids in private schools – kids that are American citizens, tee hee (keeping of course their ancestral citizenship as well)

    ohhhh and immigrant does NOT mean I don’t vote – Im also a citizen too – LOL all the way to the bank…..via the polls

    boy that just frosts some people- its so much fun!!

  33. Geezer says:

    Observer: What state was that, the one you claim “had no slaves”? While slavery was made illegal under the Northwest Ordinance, it was by no means unknown in the territories before their admission as states. All the original colonies had legal slavery during their history.

  34. a.price says:

    the State of Reagan

  35. Observer says:

    Comment by a. price on 3 August 2010 at 5:31 pm:

    didn’t say YOU… i was talking about the movement as a whole… it is not all about YOU. that is what conservatives never seem to understand.
    However, Observer… it is funny that your ancestors fought for a president who silenced free speech and threw out habeas corpus.

    * * * * *

    It is amusing, a.price, that you think that the Confederacy committed insufferable treason that cannot be forgiven — and that the tactics engaged in to preserve the union were equally insufferable, so those who fought to preserve the Union are as bad as those who fought to leave it.

    And when you say “You people”, you clearly intended to include me in the “you”

  36. a.price says:

    first of all, i acknowledged those facts. Ya know, the war crimes committed by Lincoln and the north…. You actually had the audacity to post that comment to me RIGHT AFTER i noted misdeeds on both sides…. ..incredible…
    I also deplore the acts by one of my Fav 5 presidents, FDR with Japanese internment.
    That said, NONE of those threatened the United States the way the treasonous disloyal Confrauderacy did.

    and when I say you people, I refer to the politically ideology you claim to represent and the stereotypical behavior you display.