Delaware Liberal

Asshat Comment of the Day

Hopefully, this can become a new daily feature, like the open thread. This will be dedicated to totally outrageous comments from the wingnut, teabagging right.

Tonight’s entry – Duke Brooks, sitting in for Bill Colley today (he usually hosts “Radio Free Delmarva” from 7-10): “If I were in charge, any Mohammadean (sp) who is in this country must leave. If they are foreign born, they must go back to their country of origin. If they are citizens, they must convert to Christianity. The only religion allowed will be Christianity.” He also went on to condemn diversity in the Armed Forces. Guess the Army/Navy/Air Force is only reserved for whites.

And I kept hearing that progressives were the ones who were intolerant. BTW, Duke, it’s Mohammedan, not the way you pronounced it.

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