Asshat Comment of the Day

Filed in National by on August 2, 2010

Hopefully, this can become a new daily feature, like the open thread. This will be dedicated to totally outrageous comments from the wingnut, teabagging right.

Tonight’s entry – Duke Brooks, sitting in for Bill Colley today (he usually hosts “Radio Free Delmarva” from 7-10): “If I were in charge, any Mohammadean (sp) who is in this country must leave. If they are foreign born, they must go back to their country of origin. If they are citizens, they must convert to Christianity. The only religion allowed will be Christianity.” He also went on to condemn diversity in the Armed Forces. Guess the Army/Navy/Air Force is only reserved for whites.

And I kept hearing that progressives were the ones who were intolerant. BTW, Duke, it’s Mohammedan, not the way you pronounced it.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (29)

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  1. Ooh, good idea for a daily feature. Perhaps you can take nominations throughout the day.

  2. MJ says:

    Sure, UI. Here that, send your nominations to Provide a link for your nominee.

  3. I think Mohammadian is an alternative… but why is he using it at all? What is this, 1804?

  4. Aoine says:

    wow great idea – there is sooo much material to choose from….

    might be a hard choice…..

  5. jpconnorjr says:

    and these people worship the constitution? WHAT CONSTITUTION????

  6. Joe Cass says:

    “they must convert to Christianity”.
    Does that mean that radio asshats must behave like christians?

  7. I don’t think most of them know what’s in the Constitution or they want to pick & choose which things they like.

  8. skippertee says:

    “they must convert to Christianity”
    Actually,if there were true justice,once promised by the Great Father In Washington,all would worship the GREAT SPIRIT and follow his TEN COMMANDS,faithfully,and not corrupt them for their own means.Doing this has angered the GREAT SPIRIT.And the children suffer all across the nation.HE cares not what you call yourselves or HIM.No one who lives has seen HIS FACE.We are all equally ignorant to HIS identity and we all seek the same warming embrace of HIS benevolent smile.

  9. jason330 says:

    Joe Cass, Bravo.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Ok, so this paragon of tolerance believes the First Amendment has to be repealed then.

  11. Joe Cass says:

    Simply cherry picking, DD
    “Iffen ya ain’t with us, ya agin’ us.”
    The right are so deep in their own feces they would eat their own with a side of dispersant.

  12. MJ says:

    Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war…………….

  13. a.price says:

    Ive got a great idea/battle ground for Brook’s Crusade. They should dress all in white… white robes, white masks… the whole nine. They make their stand in North Philly… and make sure to carry a bunch of Obama is Hitler signs.
    it cant fail

  14. anon says:

    Does this ‘wipe still sell real estate down in Ocean City? Someone ought to get an Islamic foreign-born customer to approach him and make an offer on a property. See if he refuses it on principle or is greedy enough to take the commission.

  15. Aoine says:


    Secession Posted by Bill Colley on July 12, 2010 at 9:16pm
    View Bill Colley’s blog
    Today I had an email from a neighbor. “Okay, here’s the word from a trusted friend with trusted information from at least two local higher ups in both the local National guard and the Coast Guard. Both are saying that they have gotten word to pass on to their men that they are to prepare for urban combat training. They gave no details as to the when or where, but only mentioned that this was nationwide and happening now.They are saying that this is what they are telling them they were hired to do. ‘Just like the race riots in the sixties.’
    Celente has also been somewhat prescient in viewing the future. He has predicted food riots in our major
    cities within two years.

    gotta love these whistleblowers’ – curley thinks the Wikileaks folks aout to be shot – but this is OK??

    ASSHAT COMMENT – SECESSION IS IMMINENT – Asshat commentator – bill colley

  16. Duke Brooks says:

    And not a ONE OF YOU called my show!
    Some questions: If it is FAIR that the mohammedans can build a victory shrine next to Ground Zero, is it also FAIR that Christians cannot build a CHURCH in Mecca? There are mosques in Rome, there are mosques in Germany, England, France, Holland, Spain and in every other country on Earth. Is this FAIR? Do you leftists really think that when Europe has a mohammedan population of 30-50% that Christian worship will NOT be curtailed, taxed and regulated? Do you think the mohammedans will be as tolerant, open-minded and accommodating to Christians as you insist we are to them? Do you think that the great Gothic cathedrals of Europe will still stand 100 years from now?
    Really? You DO?
    Do you know Lenin’s phrase, “useful idiots?”
    As far as the First Amendment is concerned, its basic precepts are now part of the UN Declaration of Human Rights…but that’s not followed in Saudi Arabia, is it? Is that FAIR? Your great PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT president, the “man of peace,” Woodrow Wilson, had Congress pass a sedition law that led to the arrest of over 100,000 Americans for criticizing our efforts in WW I. The Supreme Court UPHELD the unconstitutional law. Americans were JAILED for speaking out against the Great War in Europe. So, I suppose the First Amendment is as inviolable as the koran…or is it?
    There are now almost 100 mosques in NYC. WHY does the Cordoba Initiative INSIST that a new one be built at GROUND ZERO? And why is it called “Cordoba INITIATIVE?” Have you ever read one page of history? Mohammedanism seeks to destroy Judaism and Christianity. You are HELPING THEM DO IT. When you are ORDERED to wear a shroud (“burka”), will you have the backbone to say “no?”
    When your church is shut down and converted to a mosque, will you timidly and meekly comply? LOSE YOUR RIGHTS in deference to a mohammedan theocratic caliphate and you won’t have the backbone to resist, will you?
    This is NOT a “misunderstanding.” This is a WAR for civilization.
    Whose side are you on?

  17. Duke Brooks says:

    1)I don’t sell real estate anymore. Misguided laws, focused on “diversity” prevent real estate agents from protecting the interests of our nation.
    2) ALL RELIGIONS are acceptable in America…including Native American faiths that use psychoactive mushrooms, although that part of their worship has been “struck down” by the courts. Mohammedanism is expansionist, violent, murderous and is the VERY DEFINITION of intolerance. FOR THAT REASON alone, it cannot and should not be allowed in this country. Don’t misquote me.
    3) Why don’t some of you call my show sometime?

  18. liberalgeek says:

    AssHat of the Day – You were marked as spam, I suspect because some other blog somewhere realized what an idiot you are and blocked you. I’m leaving your comments here as a lasting reference to your utter stupidity and bigotry.

  19. MJ says:

    Aoine – It looks like Duke Brooks wins the Asshat of the Day award for a second day in a row.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    He’ll wear it as a badge of honor, no doubt.

  21. Ummm…why am I supposed to care what Saudi Arabia builds again?

  22. liberalgeek says:

    I do love reminding Republicans that life isn’t fair.

  23. cassandra m says:

    Wow. The Asshat of the Day appears for a command performance. An unsurprisingly uninformed command performance, but still.

    Don’t know how you did it, MJ, but we’ll remember that when we hand out bonuses this year….

  24. MJ says:

    My guess is he doesn’t sell real estate anymore because he violated so many HUD/FHA rules about equal opportunity housing that he was facing revocation of his license. He should probably be banned from the profession if he cannot follow the law.

  25. a.teabag says:

    In your hate filled foam-mouthed (yes still constitutionally protected) rants that poison the air waves, you have linked ALL Muslims with this fringe group that seems to keep you up at night with a shotgun pointed at your door.
    You are one of those conservatives who think of New York as faggy and liberal and not the real America. So what do you care if peaceful people practicing their religion want to build a discrete community center.
    Did you EVER stop and think that Muslim Americans who more than likely worked in the WTC were killed that day?
    Of course you didn’t. You don’t think. You spout vile extremist rhetoric, but veil it in moral patriotism so your listeners can trick themselves into thinking they aren’t racists, but concerned Americans…. the worst part is you aren’t even original.
    You are a cheap, talentless Rush Limbaugh rip-off who wouldn’t be able to cut it as a real news man and instead has to parrot right wing talking points for cash

    Also, you confuse shrooms with peyote cactus, and i doubt you would take my call.

  26. MJ says:

    Asshat also said “Private Manning should be given a “fair” trial and then put up against a wall and shot.” Hmm, guess he doesn’t believe in American jurisprudence. Got some news for you Alfalfa, the UCMJ also protects the rights of the accused.

    And of course, he had to chime in with the “Obama has committed treason” tripe.

    And I thought Curly was off his rocker. This one is truly scary. I think he needs to get back on his meds.

  27. Aoine says:

    I AGREE – give him the ASSHAT award

    now we know where WGOP gets their “talent” from – good fill in for Curley

    oh and BTW – why would we call his show – so he can make himself look good – LOL – if I ignore it – it might go away
    they get further and further to the right – each trying to out do the other


    peace out

  28. Geezer says:

    I’m guessing that’s satire. OK, I’m hoping that’s satire. All right, I’m scared if that’s not satire.

  29. anon says:

    FOX tells Glenn Beck:”Ixnay on the azi-Nay! (at least while Jews are listening!)”

    Will WGMD have a similar meeting with AssHat?