Delaware Political Weekly: May 17-23, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 24, 2024 18 Comments

1.  The Rev Interviews Collin O’Mara.  Since he is/was a skeptic, this extensive and aggressive interview with O’Mara comes highly recommended.  Listen to the interview, form your own opinion.  I think you’ll be impressed.  I especially love his critique of the budget process and how he proposes to change it, especially when it comes to education.  I also like his name-dropping of progressive legislators.  I suspect he has more legislative support than has heretofore been known.

2.  Ruth Briggs King Runs For Lt. Governor.  She sure got a lot of press for someone whose upside is around 42%.  Consider the Ramone/Briggs King ticket as a legislative retirement tour.  Perhaps Skittles can sponsor.  Having said that,  a Ramone/Briggs King ticket is (all things being relative) more credible than other potential Rethug pairings.  Any ticket, say, featuring Julianne Murray, for example.

3.  Kevin Caneco Gets Primary Challenger For NCC Council Seat.  No, not Bill Bell.  One George Dudlek.  He’s been a Delaware City Council member for a minute.  Actually since February.  BTW, did you know that Delaware City’s motto is : “A Historic Past…A Bright Future”?  Now you do.  Perhaps Dudlek is the developers’ choice since Caneco definitely isn’t.

4.  If You Want To Vote In The Democratic Party…Today’s The Final Day To Register As a D. . You have until 11:59 p.m.  You can do it online.

5.  Filing: D State Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton (RD 26).

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Jason says:

    His single mindedness makes REV is pretty good at interviewer. I’ve been leaning toward O’Mara since the WFP endorsement. This will just get me leaning further.

  2. Deeds says:

    The developers had to find someone to oppose Kevin i suppose. Know nothing about George Dudlek. All I can seem to gather is an older white dude from Delaware City. This has good old boy club written all over it…

  3. Julie says:

    Highly recommend the REV interview! Was all in for Meyer before Colin entered the race; not so sure now. I can understand why Colin made WFP swoon – he says ALL the right things. His vision is by far the most progressive, and maybe overly ambitious.

    One thing that bothers me – he gives off such a strong silicon valley/tech/VC vibe that i don’t think i could listen in for more than 20 minutes at a time. Its like listening to an episode of “How I Built This” on NPR, or a Ted Talk. I never found that style to be very personable or particularly genuine. When he talked about bloom/fiskar, it felt disturbingly like Mark Zuckerberg trying to explain away the harms of facebook and instagram.

    I take issue with his claim about having a daughter in traditional public school. Brennan Estates is a cloistered white-flight community that was intentionally built to encircle the Olive B Loss school and comprises the vast majority of the feeder pattern. To e a traditional public school is more like Warner in Wilmington or Eisenberg in New Castle.

    • Alby says:

      Setting aside land for an elementary school used to be standard procedure for new housing developments. I think by “traditional” he meant “non-charter.”

      It is indeed troubling if he’s not willing to concede Bloom and Fiskar were costly mistakes. I understand why those mistakes were made – most people seem to have forgotten the panic over the financial crash in 2008 coming on the heels of Chrysler and GM closing, and how throwing tax money at “job creators” looked less like a giveaway and more like an economy saver.

      • I heard him to admit that the mistakes were made based on the tenor of the times.

        Julie’s nailed that Silicon Valley tech-speak–and he does speak fast.

        But I’d rather have a racing mind than one that’s permanently set on ‘uninterested’ like Carney’s.

  4. Sams says:

    “Brennan estates” is easily 50 percent black or Indian so I don’t know if I call it white flight? Maybe at one time…

  5. Beach Karen says:

    Stop Meyer Vote Bethany 4 Governor

    Was flying over the beaches this weekend.

    • Joe Connor says:

      And proudly taken credit for by Jimmy Maravelias in multiple social media posts with pictures, somebody has money to spend on ego/vanity driven campaign moves:)

      • He has an uncanny ability to waste money.

        How many people at the beach give two shits about stopping Meyer?

      • Canny says:

        Maravelis acts like a troll/12 year old. I can’t believe so many Delaware politicians take that clown serious. He reminds of Trump where people talk behind his back all the time and know he’s a clown but want their endorsement so don’t do it in public.

  6. MonteCristo says:

    Her campaign is an absolute and unmitigated disaster and she doesn’t have the money, staff, discipline, or integrity, to fix it. Couldn’t be happening to a better group of people.

    • And you know this how? You’re deep into troll territory.

      Bring something new to the table or take a time-out.

      Enforced or otherwise.

      • MonteCristo says:

        Sorry. Know what, how? That it’s a bad campaign? Because I have eyes and ears? How is it trolling to say the woman is running a terrible campaign? Nothing new to bring to the table other than another piece of evidence that she and her enablers are a joke. Spending money on beach banners?? Cmon now. I don’t pretend to have any secret information. Perhaps this is all a ruse and they’re going to unleash a professional and well executed media and campaign strategy when we are least expecting it. But for now it just seems like a mess.

        • Bill says:

          If you seriously think her campaign authorized and paid for those banners, you pretty much have disqualified yourself from claiming to have an informed opinion.

          That is Maravelias on his own trolling Meyer. It’s a perfectly reasonable thing to question the efficacy, resourcefulness and wisdom of doing that, but everyone who’s been around for more than a minute knows that’s his game and his alone.

          • MonteCristo says:

            Of course she didn’t pay for them, she doesn’t have any money.

            I don’t need, nor am I interested in, your qualification of my opinion.

            My opinion is her campaign is bad. Can you give me some evidence that it is good?

            And I highly doubt that BHL and Co., didn’t authorize it or certainly know about it. They either thought it was a good idea or they are too scared to tell their benefactor that he’s an idiot. My guess is that it is both.

            But, I forgot that Bethany is *never* responsible for any bad decisions. It’s *always* someone else. Usually she blames her husband but Jimmy must really be a part of the family now if he’s getting thrown to the wolves.

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