What Goes Around Comes Around [The DE GOP Civil War]

Filed in National by on August 5, 2010

Dave Burris and his associates at Delaware Tomorrow have been doing good work in exposing radical right whackjob Christine O’Donnell for what she is recently. So good that I wish he’d stop, because I actually want Christine’s campaign to remain intact as a servicable vehicle for the Teabagger whackjobs.

Christine’s rabid followers, like EvanQ and others, have been fighting back. Today Evan went on Delaware’s Rush Limbaugh wannabe’s (Rick Jensen) show to charge that Burris, Michael Stafford and the other writers at Delaware Tomorrow are being paid by the Castle campaign to write horrible things about Christine, like the truth.

Burris then laments…..

All [EvanQ and Christine’s followers] have is conspiracy theories, wild accusations with no proof and more “attack the messenger” politics. And trying to bring Stafford’s employer into the conversation is the worst kind of awful there is. He didn’t even have anything to do with Wanda’s post. Should we start talking about your employer & what you do for a living?

And all I have to say is what goes around comes around. Burris has practiced this exact kind of politics for years. It is the kind of politics that defines both the Delaware and national Republican Parties. Indeed, he outted Kavips’ name, addresss and I believe employer when Kavips dared to criticize the Casear Rodney Institute (CRI). And he recently said he was proud of that and would do it again. So Burris, how does it feel? I hope it burns.

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  1. jason330 says:

    AMEN! Dave, You can’t shake hands with the Devil and say you were only kidding. This GOP is your motherfucking creation GOAT FUCKER!!

  2. Seriously though, Wanda Maximoff’s (did I get her name right?) series exposing Christine O’Donnell is a must-read. I doubt it will do anything to dampen the true believers but it shows she is completely unelectable, no matter what Rasmussen says.

  3. anon says:

    Kavips dared to criticize the Casear Rodney Institute (CRI)

    And we STILL don’t know who is paying CRI. But we do know somebody is.

  4. anon says:

    I thought kavips denied that was him … that some guy had lent him his laptop or some such ridiculous thing.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    That doesn’t matter, anon. It was Burris’ intent.

  6. anon says:

    I was just trying to clarify that the person Burris outed wasn’t kavips, according to kavips.

  7. think123 says:

    On the subject of dirty stuff, yea, the two conservative sites are the only blogs I’ve ever posted where they do a Peeping Tom deal, look up your IP address, screw privacy rights publish your real identity – and for nothing much more than outwitting them. Sicko vengeful. The good news, they are devout Christians and want lower taxes..

  8. WTFC says:

    Does anyone care one bit what Burris thinks? He was our region chairman for what? 10 months? I don’t think the guy has lasted at anything.

    There is a cadre of hatchet men like Burris who spurt out bromides and attempt to be something. He is helping Christine every day.

  9. cassandra m says:

    the two conservative sites are the only blogs I’ve ever posted where they do a Peeping Tom deal, look up your IP address, screw privacy rights publish your real identity

    Which is a perfectly good reason not to comment over there, really. But this form of cyberbullying is GOP SOP — remember Michelle Malkin tracking down the SCHIP kid and sending her flying monkeys to harass that family? Or how about the NRO guy who outed Publius? At least that guy had the grace to apologize and enough generosity of spirit to recognize what he did wrong. In the main though, expecting better behavior from these people is a fools game.

  10. Geezer says:

    More ad hominem attacks from WTFC. Do you do ANYTHING other than attack people personally? Can you offer up any evidence to oppose the documents DelTom has posted about O’Donnell? Do you realize how feeble the arguments in her favor are when they consist of nothing beyond “Mike Castle doesn’t vote the way we want him to”?

  11. Joe Cass says:

    Circular firing squad. Jesus loves the NRA