“Pushing Your Produce Cart To Market Down Rutted Dirt Roads”

Filed in National by on August 8, 2010

The headline above refers to the economic future that I’ve argued Republicans are pushing for with their cynical “all taxes are evil” schtick.

As it turns out, I was not indulging in hyperbole.

From WSJ via MYDD:

It is also amazing to me that conservatives think the world around them comes cheap. They love to complain about taxes but they don’t seem to realize to that taxes also pay for things like electric lighting and roads.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Paved roads, historical emblems of American achievement, are being torn up across rural America and replaced with gravel or other rough surfaces as counties struggle with tight budgets and dwindling state and federal revenue. State money for local roads was cut in many places amid budget shortfalls.

In Michigan, at least 38 of the 83 counties have converted some asphalt roads to gravel in recent years. Last year, South Dakota turned at least 100 miles of asphalt road surfaces to gravel. Counties in Alabama and Pennsylvania have begun downgrading asphalt roads to cheaper chip-and-seal road, also known as “poor man’s pavement.” Some counties in Ohio are simply letting roads erode to gravel.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. Thank God they paid $20 less in taxes last month!

  2. WTFC says:

    Ah yes the old liberal gripe, Republicans and taxes. Be honest for once and ask yourself why we tax so much? Let me help out the demented liberals of the world. We tax to attempt to cover spending, way too much spending. You complain we need more taxes to cover spending which never ever works. How many times has Social Security taxes gone up over the years and the program has been stolen from over and over by the so called well meaning liberals.

    So, why don’t the the Marxists who frequent this site lay it out. How much taxes and at what rate for all of us. Should we tax 90% or 70% or what rate?

    Liberals have hijacked any chance of an economic recovery for the US. Obama has run up the credit cards and there is no credit left. Look in the mirror you fools.

  3. jason330 says:

    You need to read the post in order to merit a response. Keep trying. You can do it.

  4. Cyclone Ranger says:

    “I’d rather my kids drive on a gravel road than stick them with a big tax bill,”
    Right up to the point the vehicle flips and the kids get hurt, then the lawsuits begin. Those evil Democrat lawyers.

  5. Observer says:

    Republicans have no problem with spending for roads and other essential government services.

    And if that’s what the increased taxes over the last couple generations were going towards, you would hear no complaints.

    But with taxes instead going to transfer payments and entitlements instead, there is simply less money for roads — and the ObamaCare debacle will guarantee that not only our roads are reduced to gravels, but our health care system will become its medical equivalent.

  6. anonone says:

    Republickings have no problem with borrowing trillions to pay for wars and countless defense boondoggles and then trying to steal from social security and medicare to pay it back.

  7. Can You Spare A Dime? says:

    Republicans spending on wars? You mean the pretend President Obama who widened the war in Afghanistan? The guy who lost 66 troops last month and the Liberals are silent? Can’t wait for McChrystal to tell the world what a wuss Obama is.

    Hey dopey, no loser Liberal or demented Democrat has paid back a dime of the depleted trust fund. It is all gone thanks to the crooks you support.

  8. Rebecca says:

    A fact or two might be nice here. Sheesh.

  9. Rebecca,

    Facts just confuse them, the poor dears.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Facts have a notorious liberal bias. For instance, the US has overtaken the Caymen Islands and Switerland as the world’s largest tax haven. That’s how abusive our tax system is, it punishes the wealthy so much that they shelter thier money here.

  11. Rebecca says:

    Jason and U.I. you are right. I wish I could create my own reality. We could all have champagne cocktails every night on the beach and watch the sunset. That would be a lot more fun than constantly shoveling against this tide of pure and utter horse hockey. Conservatives. What a joke.

  12. Can You Spare A Dime? says:

    For FY 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets.

    And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009. Let’s remember what the deficits looked like during that period: (below)

    If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

    In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.

  13. a.price says:

    is this really the kool-aid the Baggers are drinking? man, they have NO roots in reality of any kind do they?
    Dont worry ‘baggers. when we fix the country you destroyed, yoiu can still live here as full citizens. you dont even have to pass a moral test.

  14. dv says:

    this really is job creation at it’s best. Just think of the chipped window business in these states!

  15. meatball says:

    There are already many chip and seal roads in Sussex. I live on one.