Delaware Liberal

Delaware’s Premiere Political Number Cruncher Looks at Protack & O’Donnell and Finds Them Wanting

These two posts by Tobin have a leitmotif.

This post looks at the Ting/Protack/O’Donnell primary numbers to get an idea of how many “Protack” voters O’Donnell needs to win to make it a race (assuming Mike Castle has the Jan Ting voters locked up and O’Donnell still has the most easily duped, idiot voters locked up).

Spoiler Alert: O’Donnell has no chance in hell. If Castle keeps the Ting’lers (the Ting-o-philes?, the Jan-Sports?), he can give away something like 4 out of 5 “Protack” voters and still kick her ass.

This post looks at how Mike Protack made out in his various primaries in the NCC district that he is now running for council person in. Spoiler Alert: Voters don’t like Mike Protack.

The Bottom Line: Elective politics is, in the end, a numbers game. I never cease to be astonished by the fact that O’Donnell and Protack can’t grasp that simple fact.

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