Delaware’s Premiere Political Number Cruncher Looks at Protack & O’Donnell and Finds Them Wanting

Filed in National by on August 22, 2010

These two posts by Tobin have a leitmotif.

This post looks at the Ting/Protack/O’Donnell primary numbers to get an idea of how many “Protack” voters O’Donnell needs to win to make it a race (assuming Mike Castle has the Jan Ting voters locked up and O’Donnell still has the most easily duped, idiot voters locked up).

Spoiler Alert: O’Donnell has no chance in hell. If Castle keeps the Ting’lers (the Ting-o-philes?, the Jan-Sports?), he can give away something like 4 out of 5 “Protack” voters and still kick her ass.

This post looks at how Mike Protack made out in his various primaries in the NCC district that he is now running for council person in. Spoiler Alert: Voters don’t like Mike Protack.

The Bottom Line: Elective politics is, in the end, a numbers game. I never cease to be astonished by the fact that O’Donnell and Protack can’t grasp that simple fact.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. cassandra m says:

    For both Protack and Christine, these elections are about putting on a performance more than anything else. They are looking for a higher profile — not an opportunity to govern.

    But someone earlier this week thought that Castle was quaking in his boots over the teabaggers coming after him — it is tough to see any Castle quaking from where I sit, since he seems to have this part of his campaign completely on cruise control.

  2. anvil says:

    A person with narcissistic personality disorder:

    •Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
    •Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
    •Has feelings of self-importance
    •Exaggerates achievements and talents
    •Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
    •Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
    •Requires constant attention and admiration
    •Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
    •Has obsessive self-interest
    •Pursues mainly selfish goals

  3. jpconnorjr says:

    Chrissy has NPD no doubt. Protack on the other hand is more of a tragic figure, almost Prometheus like, he is destined to push the rock forever and never succeed.

  4. anon says:

    it is tough to see any Castle quaking from where I sit

    We’ll find out in November if the teabaggers are doing any lasting damage to Castle.

  5. JustTheFacts says:

    Go to 6.45 in this video and wait.

  6. anon says:

    Protack on the other hand is more of a tragic figure, almost Prometheus like, he is destined to push the rock forever and never succeed.

    That was Sisyphus, who was being punished for being a tyrant in life, which means he at least reached executive office. Prometheus on the other hand was actually useful to the human race.

  7. JustTheFacts says:

    This one is good too – go four minutes in…

  8. jpconnorjr says:

    oops…. i stand as being mytholgically challanged:) my bad I think i will go drink a stiff hemlock

  9. dv says:

    Michelle Rollins = the white witch? Just the facts???? interesting as all hell.

    where the hell do people find this stuff

  10. @dv: It was actually super easy to find. I also found it (right away) while doing research on her earlier this year before she announced.