O’Donnell’s goon squad looks to be loading up to unleash an ethics attack on Castle.
A few weeks back, this post detailing a corrupt group of GOP legislators, began popped up to the top of “Mike Castle” google searches.
And now, we have the rough outlines of “Mike Castle is a money grubbing ethics challenged scum-bag” theme trotted out here – and picked up for a slightly large audience here.
These are the buzz words to listen for over the next couple of weeks…
“Since Castle’s election to Congress in 1992, three of Castle’s top five contributors have been from the banking industry — MBNA Corp (acquired by Bank of America in 2006), Bank of America and Morgan Stanley. And 10 of his top 20 contributors were banking firms.”
I’m sure I speak for everyone here when I say that I hope O’Donnell’s attacks are vicious and effective.