Delaware Liberal

Monday’s Asshats of the Day

Without a doubt, today’s co-winners are doing everything they can to stoke the misinformation about President Obama’s religion.

Franklin Graham and Mitch McConnell do themselves or our country any great service by questioning the President’s religion.  They only add fuel to the fire of the anti-Islamic movement that seems to be growing in this country.  And it is shameful.

Question – who appointed these two yahoos to sit in judgment over anyone and their faith?  Graham is an Elmer Gantry wannabe, selling snake oil under the guise of saving souls.  He is only “famous” because his daddy was a preacher, having tent meetings around the country and gathering a following.  Franklin doesn’t hold a candle to his father, in terms of faith or compassion.  His comments about Obama “being born a Muslim,” and having “the seed of Islam” passed on to him from his father are just plain nonsense, and none of his business.

Problem here is that in Western society, many believe that the parents’ religion is passed from the mother to the children.  It’s been a question for eons that has caused problems in some families of mixed marriages – how do we raise the kids.  I have many friends who are raising their kids both as Christian and Jew, so that their children will get some sense of what both religions stand for.  But we have Franklin Graham, self-appointed judge of who is what religion, telling the world that Obama’s “problem” is that he was born a Muslim, even though his father had become an atheist by the time he met Obama’s mother.  Graham should just STFU.  Seriously, who does he think he is?

McConnell doesn’t help matters much by saying that he has to “take the President at his word” that he is a Christian.  Wow, let’s be a skeptic and play into the hands of all those teabaggers and Muslim haters and continue a non-story.  I’m sure the nutjobs at the anti-mosque rallies this weekend loved hearing all of this.  Senator, take some advice and just STFU.

I’d hate to see what these two experts would say if a Jew were elected President.  My guess is that we would hear stories about how we kidnap Christian children around Passover so we can make matzah, along with being responsible for killing Jesus.

This just reminds me that every time we mix politics and religion, someone gets burned at the stake.

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