Grizzly Power in Alaska

Filed in National by on August 25, 2010

Yesterday I read an article on Talking Points Memo with the following title: “Why Sarah Palin Is About To Lose Big Time In Alaska’s Primary.” The article was referring to Palin’s support of a teabagger candidate for Senate, Joe Miller, over sitting Senator Lisa Murkowski.

There are few public polls for this race but operatives for both Republicans and Democrats tell TPM they expect Murkowski to prevail tonight by a wide margin. Still, in a last-ditch effort to boost her preferred candidate Joe Miller, Palin recorded a robocall you can hear below suggesting Murkowski is a waffler who prefers Democratic policies. And even though several Republicans have been toppled this year by tea-party-favored candidates like Miller, those claims are a stretch.

The poll average was 62-30 Murkowski over Miller. Palin’s popularity in Alaska stands at 41-46. Palin did not make any appearances for Miller, but she did record a robocall.

It must have worked because as of this morning Joe Miller holds a 2% lead over Lisa Murkowski (just under 3000 votes) with 77% counted. This could be a big upset in the making, stay tuned. If Murkowski loses, the Alaska Senate race automatically becomes a top tier race for both parties. The Democratic candidate is Sitka mayor Tony McAdams.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. MJ says:

    And in Florida, it was nice to see Bill McCollum, one of the GOP managers during the Clinton impeachment scandal, lose his bid for higher office for the third time. Karma’s a bitch and then she bites you in the ass, three times over.

  2. Geezer says:

    Just a question: If she’s a mama grizzly, doesn’t that make her victims campers in their sleeping bags?

    Talk about a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea, Scott (the guy who defeated McCollum) is a health-care mogul who recently settled a case of $1.7 billion in Medicare fraud. That’s the level of ignorance our electorate — our Republican electorate, at least — has sunk to.

  3. Well Florida GOP voters had the choice between McCollum, who is wasting Florida’s money on the health care law challenge and wasted taxpayer money on paying George “Rent Boy” Rekers to prevent gays from adopting or Scott, who stole taxpayer money. Oy, what a choice! Democrat Alex Sink has to like her chances against Scott, especially since he’s already been softened up by the brutal GOP primary.

  4. BTW, I win the run-on sentence award for the day. Yay me!

  5. Geezer says:

    UI: One story I read this morning said the Republican primary winner is the automatic front-runner. Yet another reason to avoid Florida at all costs.

  6. In Florida? I think Alex Sink is leading in the polls there. Scott has a lot of money and a lot of baggage.

  7. MJ says:

    Sink has some baggage (due to some ethics charges filed by “citizens” against her), but she has wide name recognition and has won state-wide office. And she didn’t steal $1.7 billion of taxpayer money. Now if Charlie Crist would endorse her……..

  8. Sink has the early lead in Florida, plus there’s an independent candidate in the governor’s race as well who could get the votes of disaffected McCollum voters.

    A new Public Policy Polling survey in Florida shows Alex Sink (D) leading Rick Scott (R) in the race for governor, 41% to 34%, with independent Bud Chiles (I) at 8%.

    “Sink is doing well because she has a higher degree of party unity than Scott does and because she’s the favorite with independents. 72% of Democrats say they’ll vote for Sink while only 57% of Republicans are committed to voting for Scott. Sink also has a 37-28 advantage with independents.”

    Key finding: “Scott has dreadful personal favorability numbers with 49% of voters holding an unfavorable opinion of him while only 28% see him favorably. His numbers are even worse with independents than they are with the population at large — a 54% majority of them see him in a negative light.”

  9. skippertee says:

    Grizz ARE tough customers,that’s for sure.But,for my money,the baddest bear of all has GOT to be the POLAR BEAR.
    You run into one on the ARTIC ice,better have a high-powered rifle and be a sure shot ’cause they WILL EAT YOU! Anything they see on the pack translates as food to their brain.And they are not really white,per say.Their skin is black and their hair is clear with a structure that captures sunlight[heat]and transmits it to the skin surface.The wonders of evolution!
    I learned this at the Anchorage zoo when I went down to see the Itidarod during some time off.I was up on the slope bending BIG INCH pipe for an ancillary line owned,but NOT being built,by BP.Good job.