Tornoe’s Toon: The Treasure Of The Sierra Velda

Filed in National by on September 1, 2010


“If you was to make a real strike, you couldn’t be dragged away. Not even the threat of miserable death would keep you from trying to add $10,000 more. Ten, you’d want to get twenty-five; twenty-five you’d want to get fifty; fifty, a hundred. Like roulette. One more turn, you know. Always one more.”

– Howard (played by the great Walter Houston ) in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

To a gold miner, enough is never enough. In the same way, the $100,000+ salary Velda Jones-Potter brings in as the state’s Treasurer must not be enough. That’s why she continues to moonlight as a “consultant” making $150 an hour for the city of Wilmington, even though it looks bad from all angles.

The News Journal ran an editorial making this very point:

Has she no concept of public perception on conflict, greed or double-dipping into government funds? (Even if she performed her consulting on a day off from her treasurer duties, she was receiving vacation pay from the state, unless she demanded a day off with no pay, which is doubtful.)

BTW- The money for the consulting gig is approved through the city’s operating budget, which is voted on by the same city council her husband sits on. Convenient.

As noted here by Unstable Isotope, her response to all of this is pretty weak:

Jones-Potter said she thinks someone sympathetic to Chip Flowers, her opponent in next month’s Democratic primary, leaked the news of the contract.

Of course Velda isn’t talking about this much, especially with a primary coming up. Which reminds me of another quote from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre:

“Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”

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About the Author ()

Rob Tornoe is a local cartoonist and columnist, and can be seen in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Press of Atlantic City, The News Journal, and the Dover Post chain of newspapers. He's also a contributor to Media Matters and WHYY. Web site: Twitter: @RobTornoe

Comments (24)

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  1. Good ‘toon. I hope you’re prepared for the deluge of emails a Treasurer’s primary post brings.

  2. Yogie says:

    Haha great cartoon!

  3. Fedora says:

    This is hysterical. Even though her gig may be legal, it cost her my vote. Pick one job or the other!

  4. MJ says:

    I should print this off and hand it out at the Democratic party lunch I’m going to tomorrow.

  5. heh, too funny. SUCH A GREAT ARTIST! I wish I could draw like that. The WNJ is really hurting for an in house political cartoonist who isn’t a million years old…hint, hint. Rob’s got another 60 years in him.

  6. PSB says:

    the ‘badges’ lines were later used in Blazing Saddles

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Nancy – Delaware Liberal has a binding contract with Rob that extends 60 years into the future. The News Journal can have him in April of 2070. 🙂

  8. anonone says:

    It is amazing how jealous people are of another’s success.

  9. Rob Tornoe says:

    Sorry Liberal Geek, if Nancy can convince the News Journal to drop some dough on me, I’ll be out of here faster than a Muslim at a Tea Party rally.

  10. Phil says:

    I think the fallout for this wouldn’t of been so bad if she came out and declared it from day one.

  11. Geezer says:

    “It is amazing how jealous people are of another’s success.”

    Especially when it’s unearned.

  12. Belinsky says:

    No real argument that Velda didn’t earn her income. The real issue is her managing of perceptions, particularly in this environment.

  13. anonone says:

    I have noticed that local female politicians seem to get disproportionally more scrutiny and criticism than male politicians on this site.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    Only Sarah Palin. She really gets under their skin. Otherwise, it’s a pretty fair balance of targeted attacks. Stick around–the targets keep moving. I know you said local though…..

  15. IronyLover says:

    Picking on local female politicians, hmmm — you’re forcing me to look for the similarities between Velda Potter and Chrssie O’Donnell.

  16. Delaware Dem says:

    There are none. Velda is much more intelligent, classy and competent.

  17. Delaware Dem says:

    And IronyLover, you are an idiot if you think we are picking on Christine O’Donnell because she is a woman. She is dangerous theocratic moronic Palin clone. That is why we pick on her. As for Velda, while I am personally a supporter of hers, others here are supporters of Chip Flowers, based on substantive policy issues. But rest assured, if she loses, I will support Chip, just like I expect ALL of Velda’s supporters to do.

  18. jpconnorjr says:

    D.D. “She is dangerous theocratic moronic Palin clone” She predates Palin:)

  19. skippertee says:

    I’m sure poor Velda was only thinking ahead,wisely,and remembering THIS line from old Howard:
    “Hey you fellas, how ’bout some beans? You want some beans? Goin’ through some mighty rough country tomorrow, you’d better have some beans.”

  20. Geezer says:

    Belinsky: While I generally agree, she didn’t “earn” any $150 an hour.

  21. Delaware Dem says:

    JPConnor… true enough. Then Palin is an O’Donnell clone.

  22. A place to be somebody says:

    Issued by the City of Wilmington today (John Rago)

    News Release
    Thursday, September 2, 2010

    Mayor Directs Cut in Government Spending and Warns of Layoffs/Service Reductions Unless City Unions Agree to Salary and Benefit Concessions

  23. Jefferson says:

    Why doesn’t Velda show some leadership skills and become the FIRST Wilmington politician to give back money earned by “less than kosher” means in order to mitigate, if only slightly, the city’s budget situation?

  24. Yogie says:

    Or better yet…maybe she should resign as Treasurer and give us back our tax dollars