Wingnut Rats Jump From The Decks of The SS O’Wackadoodle

Filed in National by on September 2, 2010

The crazy Rube Golderberg machine that is O’Donnell/Castle race is running out of kinetic energy some ten days too early.

Even Red State is waking up to the fact that O’Donnell us a flat out fraud:

(O’Donnell) is a mix of J.D. Hayworth and Debra Medina–totally unreliable, flat out of her mind, a professional (yet tactless) politician, and someone who can really do a lot of damage to the wider credibility of the tea party movement.

Worse for O'(Insert insult here), as reported here at DL earlier today, she has lost WGMD, Delaware’s wingnut Masada.

I feel slightly bad for Chris Coons that she didn’t come closer, but I’m having a hard time containing my happiness that we have not yet become a state that would tolerate an O’Donnell.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. pandora says:

    It will be interesting to see what the “true believers” over at Delaware Politics make of this. If she loses (and I believe she will) I don’t see them handling the loss very well. Castle may have to write off those votes.

  2. dv says:

    who is Rube Golderberg? Sounds Jewish, but other than that not its not ringing a bell

  3. anon says:

    Until she loses Bill Colley (PM host at WGMD), she hasn’t lost the heart & soul of the nutjobs who call the station. Gaffney is just a whore who will spread ’em for whoever forks over the most dough for commercials.

    Want a half-hour “interview” about your cell phone store? Gaffney’s your guy. Are you a power company looking for a recurring “guest” spot where you won’t face any questions harder than “So just how great IS your company?”? Give Gaffney a call.

    It wasn’t too long ago he was freezing himself in a block of ice for ratings. Now he’s trying to pass himself off as a journalist? Don’t give this egotistical asswipe more attention than he deserves.

  4. Truth Teller says:

    AS Libs we should be cheering her on unless we are stelth Castle supporters

  5. She’s lost RedState? Bummer for her, they were the ones pushing the “Castle has a secret deal with Biden” rumor for her.

  6. Miscreant says:

    “Gaffney is just a whore who will spread ‘em for whoever forks over the most dough for commercials.”

    Truth. I’ve always said this misogynistic turd is one paycheck from being a flaming liberal.

  7. jason330 says:


    I get the political dynamics, but there is something so loathsome about O’Donnell and the teabaggery she stands for that makes me recoil at the thought that even 50 Delawareans could vote for her.

    Anyway, Coons has a shot against Castle, so I’m invoking the Ric Flair rule. To be the man, you gotta beat the man.

  8. a.price says:

    Jason, that is BY FAR the funniest headline i have ever seen. * tips hat *

  9. anon says:

    I am not used to seeing wingnuts blinking in the bright light of reality.

  10. Yeah, that is pretty strange anon. I mean they love Sharron Angle, Joe Miller and Rand Paul.

  11. BTW, didn’t Republican David tell us that Christine’s money woes would attract voters since they could relate to it?

  12. anonone says:

    What attracts voters about Christine? ( . Y . )

  13. Joe Cass says:

    I built a Rube Golderberg machine once; it manufactured dradels.

  14. MJ says:

    Y’all need to read the comments over at WGOP – hilarious –

  15. anon says:

    As awful as Christine was, Gaffney was worse. I have never heard a radio host speak to a Senatorial candidate that way. She could have been sliced and diced just as much without the condescension. No honest politician should come within a mile of Gaffney. Gaffney was lucky to have a deserving target in Christine, otherwise the story would have been about Gaffney.

  16. I agree anon, Gaffney was worse.

  17. mediawatch says:

    Gaffney was no worse than Sean Hannity or Laura Ingraham carving up a blithering interview subject.

  18. V says:

    Christine’s ideas about touching your naughty bits were featured on Jezebel this morning

  19. anon says:

    Update from GiGi@TNJ, complete with the hiding-in-bushes deets, Gaffney roundup and Castle’s one-word response –

  20. Miscreant says:

    “Y’all need to read the comments over at WGOP – hilarious –…”

    It is high comedy. Yesterday, I noticed that asshat Duke Brooks, and that controversial guy who ran for school board, were among the first to defend Gaffney’s interview prowess. Strange bedfellows… IYKWIM.

  21. anon says:

    That controversial guy who ran for school board (TCGWRFSB) must be considering another run and needs to suck up to Gaffney.

    I won’t write his name here because an earlier comment of mine which named him is still in moderation, for some confusing reason. I’m not sure why – he posted on WGOP … I mean WGMD … under that name, so he’s not trying to hide anything, is he?

  22. Miscreant says:

    “That controversial guy who ran for school board (TCGWRFSB) must be considering another run and needs to suck up to Gaffney.”

    Could be, This time, I’m voting for the SOB if he does run. (As long as he maintains his integrity by not sucking up to Gaffney too much)

    “I won’t write his name here because an earlier comment of mine which named him is still in moderation,”

    Outing isn’t tolerated here.

  23. anon says:

    To clarify, Miscreant – I didn’t out anyone. I named a former political candidate. I didn’t say the former political candidate went by another name here at DL. Or that anyone at DL was in fact the former political candidate. I just wrote the individual’s name, and the comment went into moderation. It’s still there.