Eh, So Much For Politeness

Filed in Delaware by on September 3, 2010

Is it just me or has almost every primary race in Delaware devolved into a negative-fest? Chip Flowers posted the following message on Facebook yesterday:

Another great week for our campaign! Our polls show a strong lead and supporters of both of my opponents have now resorted to stealing our signs! Seriously! 250 signs stolen this week alone! Imagine, if they steal signs what will they do with $3 billion of your money… Thank you for the great support and let’s show them on Sept. 14th how to win with class!

Is he going to release this poll or is this a bluff? Let me see if I can keep up with the charges in this race: Flowers has claimed that someone made harassing robocalls claiming to be from his campaign, that Jones-Potter’s campaign wouldn’t let him speak at Wilmington RD committees, that Jones-Potter’s campaign has passed out literature about domestic violence incidents and that someone is stealing his signs. Jones-Potter’s camp is claiming the Flowers campaign leaked information about her city contract to embarrass her. Flowers also claims she is ducking debates.

Seems a bit extreme for a position that is not all that powerful.

Korn vs. Matlusky – I haven’t seen much on this one – is this one relatively clean?

Walsh vs. Navarro – As we’ve discussed before, Mike Walsh is very unhappy about being challenged. Navarro has accused Walsh of being out-of-touch with modern technology and behind the times. Walsh has said that Navarro is unqualified for the job and couldn’t in good conscience vote for him.

What about other primaries? What are you seeing? (The Castle-O’Donnell nuclear primary aside).

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    About the robocalls and the signs: this questioning strains credibility. Are you suggesting that a candidate would make harassing calls or remove his own signs as a pretext for making accusations against any opponent? I’ve come to expect more rational dialogue on this site.
    The actions of the Jones Potter campaign with regard to the domestic violence claims have been well documented on Delaware Liberal.
    As for the Jones Potter suggestions about the source of the information about the city contract — ask Nancy Willing and Adam Taylor how/where they found out. It didn’t come from the Flowers campaign.
    On the debate matter: the facts speak for themselves.

  2. anon says:

    The Booth-Bodenweiser race was turned nasty because of Bodie’s brother. But the two candidates themselves have seemed fairly polite.

  3. I said nothing about a candidate removing his own signs or making his own robocalls. I’m simply documenting the charges that have come from the Flowers campaign.

  4. anon says:

    UI – I, too, read that as you were saying Flowers’ claims seemed a bit extreme. Were you actually saying that if true, his claims document extreme behavior on the part of his opponents?

  5. Rebecca says:

    The news in the Korn-Matlusky race is being covered by Nancy Willing who is doing a great job at exposing Matlusky’s incompetence. She’s pointing out that the “CPA” can’t get his DE-Department of Elections filing right.

    It isn’t that hard. If you file electronically you can actually keep all your campaign records on the state’s server. The site walks you through each reporting requirement and has very specific instructions. Even somebody as tech-challenged, non-accountant as me can do it.

    Yet somebody who aspires to be our next State Auditor can’t figure it out.

    In my opinion poor Ken is being used by his brother, the former Republican National Committeeman. He’s being badly used by his brother who has thrown him into the deep-end and Ken can’t swim.

  6. anon,

    I’m not making a judgement either way on Flowers’s claims. I’m simply saying this is what he’s claimed. You can make your own judgement whether they’re extreme, and if so if you think he’s exaggerating or not.

  7. What I think is extreme is just the number of charges of bad behavior thrown out by both camps. My opinion is that the number of complaints that Chip has show he’s behind and not ahead.

  8. anon says:

    My opinion is that the number of complaints that Chip has show he’s behind and not ahead.

    … or just that VJP has more message discipline. Or had.

  9. Yogie says:

    This is a silly post…next topic please

  10. MJ says:

    VJP was at the Eastern Sussex Democrat (that’s what they call it) Club lunch yesterday. She spoke about being open and transparent while running the Treasurer’s office. When she was asked about the NJ article and the contract and how that jibes with her claim about being open and transparent, she gave a long-winded (10 minute) response. When she was told that she didn’t answer the question, she again blamed the NJ reporter for not writing an accurate story and blamed “a leak,” for the info even getting out there. She didn’t win over anyone since she appeared to be ducking the question.

  11. Geezer says:

    More evidence that, whatever her abilities as a treasurer, she’s a train wreck of a candidate.

  12. Yogie says:

    “More evidence that, whatever her abilities as a treasurer, she’s a train wreck of a candidate.”


  13. anon says:

    Considering that the treasurer’s job is basically a no-show deal, that’s not saying much.

  14. mediawatch says:

    VJP should just follow Anon’s reasoning: Step up and say it’s my part-time job, and that I’m running for a full term because the pay will provide me with economic security while I build up my consulting business.

  15. Geezer says:

    Ho ho ho. Now that’s a thigh-slapper. You support Flowers. We get it.

    As for whether he’d steal his own signs, he was certainly eager to capitalize on the leak of his legal problems. And he’s had no shortage of astro-turfing folks showing up here to tout him and attack Velda. So yeah, I’d say it’s unlikely, but not impossible, that he’d try that form of perception manipulation for his own benefit.

  16. As far as Matlusky goes, I’ve seen a lot of advertisements for him. On buses, billboards and in the newspaper. I’ve gotten one mailing from Korn. Either Korn thinks he’s comfortably ahead and/or he’s saving a blitz for the last week.

  17. In the 24th, I’ve gotten 3 recent big glossy mailers from Kay Gallogly in the last 2 weeks. I’ve had lit drops from Osienski, but not recently. Osienski is the only one with signs in my neighborhood but it’s a fairly small one.

  18. UI, check out the DE Way for the word on Matlusky. Also, the WDEL debate was fascinating. Wonder why DL is hands off of this one.

    Matlusky just filed his second amended 30-day campaign finance report and it raises more questions than answers.

    What do the mavens at DL think of this: if two checks for $1,200 each were cut by Matlusky family members to Delaware Today magazine, that were earmarked for Ken’s big campaign ad in their Sept. issue, are they really to be considered in kind contribution to Ken’s campaign as filed?

    It looks like a cash contribution pass through to me.

    And if Ken Matlusky is claiming these third party checks as in kind receipts can he also then call them in kind expenditures to Delaware Today if those checks never entered his campaign coffers?

    Further, Ken’s relative, Christine Matlusky (also listed at his brother John’s home address) gave him $1,200 in March. That gift is now being “refunded on the 8-day campaign finance report” and the in kind receipt to Delaware Today in June that was originally filed as a contribution from a Sussex Realty company, Matson Realty, is now completely changed and filed as an in kind gift from Christine Matlusky. That is an illegal doubling of the allowable amount to a campaign. …at least until his 8-day filing is submitted…

    Interesting stuff. Glad you asked.

  19. UI I am pretty sure that Korn is assuming that he can win easily and is saving his money for the general. I asked him if he were prepared to spend if Matlusky kicked in a major campaign offensive on air in the last week and he said he sure is ready!

  20. Velda is related by marriage to one of the most filthy, immoral individuals I have ever run across or should I say who has ever run over me – I have the tire tracks to prove it. There is no doubt that Charles and his dirt-ball pals are doing whatever they feel is necessary to screw up the opponent – that ‘s his MO. I am so glad to see Geezer’s smear job based on what again? Go Geezer!

  21. Geezer says:

    Whoa, whoa, it’s not a smear job. I’m saying it’s not beyond the realm of possibility. Does Charles really have enough supporters to steal that many signs?

  22. If Jones-Potter’s only ‘claim of bad behavior’ by her DEM opponent is that he ‘leaked’ the contract then please know that I got the information months ago from a city worker directly (Charles is not loved in his district, people). As I am sure I noted on this blog, I wrote about the contract I was investigating on Ginger Gibson’s blog and that is where Taylor picked up on it and he submitted his own FOIAs to PIC and CoW and wrote the story.

    I also was told of Charles III’s city contracts through Public Works by this same city worker. Check out the portal site for the city SMBEO and you will see his contracting company and that it is registered at Velda and Charles, Jr.’s home address. Just sayin’. Charles is Public Works chair. What kind of pressure couldn’t he exert on the city dept. in that position to make sure his kid was taken care of? What kind of pressure could he exert on the executive branch (Finance dept.) to get his wife a lucrative consultant’s job while she was otherwise not employed?

  23. Geezer, sign stealing seems to be a Delaware passtime. Seen it, felt it, never done it! I remember going around with Karen Hartley-Nagle sign-posting duty around Newark and seeing Tom Gordon’s signs smashed down, by heavy boots presumably, and or gone-missing from day to day.

  24. Geezer says:

    Yes, I’m well aware of it. By the same token, unless you’ve got evidence, charging your opponent with it seems petty.

  25. Yogie says:

    It obvious Potter is down in polls or she wouldn’t feel the need to steal her opponents signs.

  26. Miscreant says:

    “Geezer, sign stealing seems to be a Delaware passtime.”

    It is in Sussex County, especially those nice Realtor signs. The ones with the metal frames with the aluminum inserts are preferred. When covered with reduced size silhouettes, or bulls-eyes, they make superb target holders for big bore handgun, and small bore rifle shooting.

    While satisfying as targets (some more than others. I can dot the “i” in Bodenweiser at 200 yards), the political campaign signs are made for temporary use, and are not nearly as durable.

  27. Jefferson says:

    He said both of his opponents. Look at Route 1. I was in Dewey twice in August, once in the middle and once at the end of the month. Chip had a lot of signs up on Route 1 in the middle of August, especially small signs. When I went back two weeks later they were gone until you got to Sussex. I did notice a proliferation of Republican signs on Route 1, though, during that period–particularly Bonini signs. He doesn’t have much in Wilmington either yet he has a lot in Sussex and the rest of New Castle County. (I can’t speak on Kent, other than Route 1 where his signs mysteriously begin reappearing when you cross into Sussex) Put two and two together…

    Regarding some of the other allegations referenced in the treasurer’s race, it is a fact that Velda’s husband for weeks was walking around with a manilla folder and showing it to everyone under the sun to defame Chip. Velda did absolutely nothing. Let me guess: she had no idea this was happening, right? It is a fact that she has ducked debates. Ask Allan Loudell. Regarding the “leak”, the person who originally broke the story stepped forward and said Chip had nothing to do with it.

    The auditor’s race has taken a turn for the worse as well. Korn went after Matlusky for his campaign finance report filing error, insinuated that Matlusky is a GOP plant. Matlusky criticized Korn for going bankrupt and being a serial candidate. This is just from their lone debate!

  28. Joe Cass says:

    Mis can dot the i after walking 600 yards. She has to go back to get another crayon because her Sharpie dried up.

  29. Miscreant says:

    Hey, Joe! Think you can score me some of that shit you;re smoking, little man?

  30. Geezer, I agree that it is not the best form to charge your opponent with stealing signs since it is usually the goons far down the chain of command doing stuff like that to express their ‘loyalty’. In fact, it could just as likely be the other party…. heh.

  31. Yogie says:

    Is anyone else ready for these primaries to be over? I want to go back to good ole’ Democrats vs. Republicans.

  32. aykm says:

    As far as report filing, I have filed reports for over 15 years with the Dept. of Elections and have had many conversations with staff regarding the inaccuracies of their new online forms. The in-kind section is completely wrong. An in-kind contribution is services, goods, etc. you received from someone and an in-kind expenditure is what you gave to someone. This online form requires you to list in-kind receipts and in-kind expenditures as exactly the same which is completely inaccurate. My guess is so that the math works out. In previous incarnations of the forms the in-kinds were listed separately and had no effect on the bottom line total.

    Not saying that Matlusky was right or wrong, but to someone who tries to fill out the report using generally accepted accounting practices this online reporting is a disaster.

  33. I would say that the bottom line with an in kind contribution is that it is NON CASH. It is a restaurant providing cupcakes or a meeting room free of charge. The value of the goods/service is then the receipt.

    Ken’s family gave the maximum amount in a check to a magazine….unless they donated something worth exactly $1,200 each. The receipt Ken claims is advertising as if his family donated advertising they possed to the magazine. NOT.

    And then there is the expenditures. Ken can’t claim in kind expenditures to the magazine just because his family cut some checks. An in kind expenditure must be some goods/service of value. Ken could conceivably paid the magazine in CPA services but that isn’t what he said. He said his campaign expended advertising to the magazine as an in kind payment. Perhaps the system is hard to understand but the concept of in kind donations is skewed here badly.

  34. aykm says:

    Nancy, As I said, I am not making any judgements as to what Matlusky has reported regarding his family, Delaware Today, or whatever. I am only saying that the Department of Elections online report requires that whatever you put in for an in-kind receipt, you must put the EXACT SAME THING as an in-kind expenditure. Look at every other report – they all have the same in-kinds listed as both receipts and expenditures. That is the only way the DOE will let you fill out the online report.

  35. OK, I get your point and it is a doozy.

    I am writing the Attorney General for an opinion on the Matlusky – Delaware Today in kind problem so perhaps that much attention will force the Dept. of Elections to take a look at how their computerized filing represents in kind contributions.

  36. Correction – Found out yesterday that the Potter kid got his contracts with L&I, not Public Works.

  37. Geezer says:

    “It obvious Potter is down in polls or she wouldn’t feel the need to steal her opponents signs.”

    Don’t be silly. If it shows anything, it’s a high level of animosity. In many races both sides are victimized.

    Sign stealing is like kids on mischief night. As Nancy pointed out, it’s usually low-level supporters with more zeal than brains. Sometimes it’s just a matter of whoever got to a prime spot last deciding to do something to improve his candidate’s visibility.

    IMHO, billboards are a lot better use of the money because they can’t be stolen and they don’t have to compete for attention at busy intersections. Chip was smart to invest in them.

  38. vader says:

    Don’t fell bad Nancy. If you remember, wern’t there were some alleged suspicious activity of Charles and the Chair of L&I targeting individuals in his district? So maybe, there was no pressure….I predicted the Flowers’ signs would “disapear” two weeks ago.

  39. Jefferson – just sayin’ you are making an incorrect statement by saying that Korn “insinuated that Matlusky is a GOP plant”. I listened to the debate and it was Loudell who brought it up not Korn.

  40. Rebecca says:

    Out here in Republican land two-years ago my signs disappeared almost as fast as I could put them up. Everyone wanted a souvenir of my race. At least that’s what I told myself every morning when Dad and I went out to replace them.