Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 4, 2010

Welcome to your weekend open thread. It looks to be a beautiful weekend and Earl was kind of a bust. Do you have travel plans for Labor Day?

I know we’ve been talking a lot about the nasty Delaware Senate primary, but in Colorado the governor’s race on the GOP side is really nasty. The GOP is trying to force their candidate Dick Maes (of abortion bike fame) out of the race after a series of credibility-damaging stories have come out.

Top Colorado Republicans are attempting to convince gubernatorial nominee Dan Maes to drop his bid for governor by the end of Friday, a well-placed Republican in the state tells POLITICO.

In a meeting Friday morning, party chairman Dick Wadhams and other members of the state GOP executive committee met with Maes to present what one called “damaging evidence” that hasn’t yet been made public but would further erode his standing as a candidate, according to the source.

A second Republican consultant confirmed the account and said while there was no explicit ultimatum presented by the chairman to Maes, the message was clear.

“It was: Do you really want to put your family through this? If you stay in the race, you’ll have to endure this and this,” said the Republican, citing potential reports by the Denver Post.

Crazy Tom Tancredo is running as a Constitution Party candidate and has been urging Maes to drop out. I imagine at this point even plagiarist Scott McInnis is starting to look good. Yesterday was the last day for someone to withdraw (in CO) and have their name taken off the ballot. It’s being reported that Maes refused. So now even if Maes is convinced to drop his bid, his name will still appear on the ballot in November.

LOL, GOP fail:

If the NRSC wants to paint Oregon Senator Ron Wyden as an out of touch D.C. Democrat, they’re gonna have to try harder.

“Despite his claims that he is ‘like Oregon,’ it’s clear from Ron Wyden’s record that he has simply lost touch with his constituents during his 14 years in Washington,” reads a recent NRSC press release. “Senator Wyden is a career politician who has championed a reckless economic agenda that has driven our national debt to a staggering $13 trillion and failed to create jobs as the Evergreen State’s unemployment has skyrocketed to 10.6 percent.”

The Evergreen state is Washington. Wyden represents Oregon. You know, proofreading something one more time is never a bad idea. Oopsie!


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (12)

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  1. jason330 says:

    I guess that’s what happens when you download wingnut PR templates from the internet tubes.

  2. jason330 says:

    Nice work nut bags. “U.S. Quran Burning Sparks Indonesia Protests Outside American Embassy”

  3. delacrat says:


    Speaking of books and protests, could we ever manage this here?

  4. Mike Matthews says:

    Who’s the nutbags, Jason? I wholeheartedly believe anyone should have the right to burn a book of worship without (real) nutbags protesting and promising violence outside of embassies. As obnoxious as the wingnuts are for burning the Quran, the real crazies are the Islamic nuts who’d like to silence those who *dare* to treat their book with such “disrespect.”

  5. Miscreant says:

    “Nice work nut bags. “U.S. Quran Burning Sparks Indonesia Protests Outside American Embassy””

    A veritable confederacy of morons, for sure. In the face of this outrageous provocation, I guess the Muslims could always burn some Bibles in turn, but I imagine they’ll opt for usual beheading of some Christians instead. Or, maybe they’ll take the high road and merely condemn this act.
    My money is on an atrocity or two.

  6. jason330 says:

    Mike, I’m all for free speech. In fact, I hate me some Tony Blair – give me a she and an egg and I am all over that free speech.

    As for religious nutbags of all strips – have we really become the country that burns Qurans but can’t allow a community center run by non-Christians in Manhattan?

    BTW – How is your girl C O’D holding up? We expect a head’s up if (when?) she drops out prior to the primary.

  7. Miscreant says:

    “Speaking of books and protests, could we ever manage this here?”

    Figuratively, this is already being done on a daily basis by our current administration. Hey, it’s a free country. I think you should be put in charge of organizing such a bold protest. Take Matthews with you for moral support and comedy relief.

  8. jason330 says:

    “Figuratively, this is already being done on a daily basis by our current administration.” Really? Care to provide an example of the White House figuratively throwing eggs at Tony Blair.

    Miscreant, you and A1 need to get together for a good circle jerk. Too bad Criag’s list is out of service.

  9. Miscreant says:

    As always, I could be wrong, but I thought one of your resident “Harpies of Doom” was referring to Bush (because he wrote “here”). Please forgive me if I’m wrong. In retrospect, I probably am.

    “Miscreant, you and A1 need to get together for a good circle jerk. Too bad Criag’s list is out of service.”

    Thanks for the invite, but there is no way am I qualified to replace you as pivot man of this esteemed group, as I’m not a team player like you. Sorry to hear about your dating service.

  10. Aoine says:

    OK – the nutsbags in the US burning the Qurans and the nutbagz in indonesia protesting are both nuts bagz

    here is my questions – why is one group considered by you right wing nuts REAL nut bagz and the others just protestors???

    trust me – they are both REAL nutbagz

    however – that being said – if the nut bagz in the US were not doing what they are doing the nut bagz in indonesia would not be protesting it

    didn’t you people take logic or critical analysis in college??

    plus – I know my mom told ne that if someone did something just to annoy me (like my brother loooking at me) to ignore it and he would stop – when I was very young I didn;t understand that but as I MATURED I figured out that it works….

    like what is this??? 5th grade??

  11. Miscreant says:

    “… trust me – they are both REAL nutbagz”

    I think we’re all in agreement on that. Essentially, both groups are protesting something. We have a radical Christian group provoking the (rather easily provoked) Muslims and, in response they are protesting at an embassy, requesting that our government step in to stop the burning, and even issuing some threats. It will be interesting to see to what degree the radical Islamic factions will go in their response. Just based on their recent actions (beheading and/or slaughtering Christians, students, Shiites, etc., for doing far less), I’d bet there may some violence.

    The radical Christian group has to be fully cognizant of the possibility of violent retribution, and I hope the assholes can live with what they may cause. I was hoping some of the more moderate Christian groups would step up and condemn the book burning (maybe they have?).

    You seem to have matured beyond the 5th grade.
    Props to your mama.

  12. jpconnorjr says:

    the NJ piece on DCGP is an important commentary on the transparancy or more so the lack thereof of the bidding process. DSAMH is a VERY clubby place. http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20100905/NEWS02/9050374/Gambling-council-s-deals-questioned