Who is Contacting Me? Trinidad Navarro, That’s Who

Filed in National by on September 4, 2010

I have not been paying any attention to this NCC Sheriff race, so when I got this Navarro mailer, I had the same reaction that many of my unplugged in neighbors probably had. I thought, “Trinidad Navarro” sounds like he might have played third seat trombone for the Miami Sound Machine.

While I guess Navarro has a little name recognition from being interviewed on WDEL every time someone’s pit bull fulfilled his genetic mandate and chewed some kid’s face off, or a drunken Wilmington Manorite shot a drunken Hedgevillian, he is still mostly an unknown commodity.

So let’s see what this Navarro is all about. First impressions?

– The picture: What is he like, 19 years old? What a fresh faced lad he is.

– The bullet points: Wants to create policies and procedures for the sheriff’s office. Oh shit, you mean they are currently winging it?

– The bio: Jeez that’s a lot of volunteer work. I’m getting tired just reading the list.

– The Reverse side: Nice personal statement. Nice family picture. The dog is a Collie, not a Pit Bull. That is a big plus for me.

I guess I’ll vote for him.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Navarro probably has better name recognition than Walsh because he works as a spokesperson for the NCCo police department. I haven’t gotten any mailings from either Walsh or Navarro. There are Navarro signs around my neighborhood.

  2. MJ says:

    Didn’t this Trini guy have a band back in the 60’s & 70’s?

  3. Johnny Longtorso says:

    I wonder if he has a brother named Tobago.

  4. jpconnorjr says:

    Saw him at the Arden Fair, he really did look that young:)

  5. I don’t know a whole lot about the race, though I’ve been looking into it. My conclusion, as a first-time voter here in the County, is that I’m going to have to vote for Trinidad Navarro. It’s pretty simple. For a job like sheriff, nobody should be in office for 30 years and keep getting elected. Think about how much the job must have changed in 30 years, especially with all the technology added to criminal justice and law enforcement since 1980. I was well into the negative years old in 1980, so to speak, so this is especially of concern to me. Walsh’s entire campaign is predicated upon keeping him in office for the sake of keeping him in office. That’s it. In a campaign video on his website encouraging supporter to vote for him in the primary he literally says, “…I been in that position quite a while, and I’d like to remain in that position. And it’s important for you to come out to keep me there…”
    Seriously? That’s all you’ve got? You’ve been in the job for 30 years and you like being there so everyone should vote for you?

    I’m impressed by what (admittedly little) I know about Navarro, and I’m totally unimpressed by Walsh basically demanding that people re-elect him as sheriff because he’s enjoyed being there for 30 years. I’m not even sure somebody should be in the US Senate for that long, but I know a sheriff definitely shouldn’t be.