New Rasmussen Poll – Little Change In Senate Race

Filed in National by on September 7, 2010

Rasmussen released a new poll of the Delaware U.S. Senate race and it still shows Castle with a lead, but he’s still under 50%.

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Castle earning 48% of the vote, while Coons gets 37% support. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate, and nine percent (9%) remain undecided.

The race is little changed from early last month, when Castle held a 49% to 37% edge over Coons, a country executive who has never sought statewide office. July was the first time in Rasmussen Reports surveying of the race this year that support for Castle dipped below the 50% mark.

Coons leads conservative activist Christine O’Donnell, who is challenging Castle for the GOP Senate nomination in a primary next Tuesday, by a 47% to 36% margin. Given that matchup, eight percent (8%) prefer another candidate, while nine percent (9%) are undecided.

Last month, Coons held a similar 46% to 36% lead over O’Donnell after the candidates were virtually tied in July.

Castle captures 71% of the GOP vote, while O’Donnell earns 63% support among voters in her own party. While Coons is backed by 70% of Democrats against O’Donnell, he earns the vote from just 55% of Democratic voters when matched against Castle. Voters not affiliated with either major party prefer Castle over Coons but favor the Democrat if O’Donnell is his opponent.

Rasmussen didn’t poll the Republican primary match-up. Also, Rasmussen has not polled the DE-AL race. I guess that goes against the Democratic doom story they want to sell.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. The DSCC has launched a website: Mike Castle’s House of Waffles. What do you think?

  2. Jason330 says:

    The waffle theme could have legs. Castle’s ability to be on every side of every issue might be his undoing.

  3. John Tobin says:

    I understand the appeal of the waffle house,but I did not agree with it when the flip-flop accusation was used against John Kerry and I am not so sure I like this either.
    The argument seems to imply that people of good will can not review their position without being opportunistic.
    I remember the rap on George W Bush was that his opinion Wednesday was the same as his opinion on Monday ,no matter what happened Tuesday and I think that did well raising the point that you might not want leaders who have no flexibity.
    Taking credit for passed legislation you openly opposed may be somewhat hypocritical(Castle on the earmark ban),but honest re-evaluation of an issue and changing one’s opinion seems like a positive thing for a leader.

  4. Jefferson says:

    Coons has been stuck in the 11-13% range ever since his initial burst. I suspect he will close the gap some as Democrats tune in during the general election but at the moment it unfortunately seems like Castle is on his way to a 7-9 point victory.