Delaware Liberal

Tuesday’s Asshat of the Day

We’ve already honored the self-ordained preacher in Florida who plans on burning copies of the Koran this coming Saturday, and now he’s going to ignore the pleas of the general in charge of our efforts in Afghanistan. Oh well, once an asshat, always an asshat. As Keith Olbermann pointed out, where is the Republican leadership on this. Nowhere to be seen or heard.

But today we honor Tim Ravndal, the former head of the Big Sky Tea Party Association. It seems that Ravndal doesn’t like gays or lesbians. On his Facebook page in July, Ravndal implied that he supported the lynching of gays and lesbians. He’s one of these folks who seem to believe that same-sex marriage is a threat to “traditional” marriage. One of his Facebook buddies told him he could get instructions on the “Wyoming solution” by going back 10 years or so. For those who might not remember, 12 years ago, Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered because he was gay.

Yeah, this schmuck can spout off all he wants, exercising his “First Amendment rights.” But that doesn’t mean it’s right.

Tim Ravndal, you are our Asshat of the Day for Tuesday.

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