Tuesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on September 7, 2010

We’ve already honored the self-ordained preacher in Florida who plans on burning copies of the Koran this coming Saturday, and now he’s going to ignore the pleas of the general in charge of our efforts in Afghanistan. Oh well, once an asshat, always an asshat. As Keith Olbermann pointed out, where is the Republican leadership on this. Nowhere to be seen or heard.

But today we honor Tim Ravndal, the former head of the Big Sky Tea Party Association. It seems that Ravndal doesn’t like gays or lesbians. On his Facebook page in July, Ravndal implied that he supported the lynching of gays and lesbians. He’s one of these folks who seem to believe that same-sex marriage is a threat to “traditional” marriage. One of his Facebook buddies told him he could get instructions on the “Wyoming solution” by going back 10 years or so. For those who might not remember, 12 years ago, Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered because he was gay.

Yeah, this schmuck can spout off all he wants, exercising his “First Amendment rights.” But that doesn’t mean it’s right.

Tim Ravndal, you are our Asshat of the Day for Tuesday.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. Miscreant says:

    Good choice, MJ. This neanderthal has no place in politics, or in any civilized society.
    I was pleased to read that Big Sky Tea Party Chairman Jim Walker immediately condemned Ravndal’s statements, and ousted him from the group.

  2. delacrat says:

    How does a self-ordained preacher of a congregation of a whopping 50 people , that by the Rev’s own admission, never numbered more than 100, come to be taken seriously by no less every major “news” org., a 4-star general, our own esteemed MJ, and folks as far away as Kabul and Indonesia.

    …..and now Tim Ravdal, …. THE Tim Ravdal !

    Where is our sense of proportion?

  3. anonone says:

    Interesting that General Betrayus thinks that one fool burning a book is going to do more harm to American security than the scores of civilians that the American war machine is blowing-up.

  4. MJ says:

    Maybe you need to walk in my shoes for awhile. I faced years of hateful comments from classmates because I am Jewish. I still hear those comments down here in Sussex from time-to-time. And when I decided to come-out of the closet, things didn’t get any easier. Maybe you need to be the target of hateful remarks from people who don’t know anything about you, only because you are gay and/or Jewish. Maybe you need to suffer broken bones and hours of rehabilitation because you had the shit beat out of you because you are gay and/or Jewish. Maybe then you’d understand why I continue to call this asshats out.

    Now, if you want to go on about your dislike of the President and his policies, either take it over to the Open Thread or start your own blog. No one is forcing you to read our blog – it’s sort of like a television or radio – if you don’t like what you’re hearing, change the channel.

  5. delacrat says:


    You’re not calling them out.

    You’re just giving them more publicity.

    I never heard of Ravdal before I read your post.

  6. skippertee says:

    MJ, I only know you from here. I DO hope to have some future opportunity to meet you and shake the hand of a REAL MAN.

  7. MJ says:

    delacrap – thankfully none of us here have to live up to your vision of calling someone out. Maybe if you read the newspapers more, either dead tree or on-line, you’d learn something. But you troll around this site (and who knows how many others) bashing the editors because they’re not writing about the President and how he’s disappointed you. FAIL.

  8. Geezer says:

    “Interesting that General Betrayus thinks that one fool burning a book is going to do more harm to American security than the scores of civilians that the American war machine is blowing-up.”

    That’s because he’s heard of something called “video.” Muslims in various countries rioted over cartoons, you’ll recall. I haven’t seen them riot over drone attacks. Both are bad, of course, but he’s not wrong about the Bonfire of the Inanities.

  9. a. price says:

    “How does a self-ordained preacher of a congregation of a whopping 50 people , that by the Rev’s own admission, never numbered more than 100, come to be taken seriously by no less every major “news” org., a 4-star general, our own esteemed MJ, and folks as far away as Kabul and Indonesia. ”

    because he is holding a book burning! one that targets an ethnic group no less. This is exactly what i am talking about with not ignoring cancer. If this happens, and goes un criticized and unchallenged, the next one will be bigger. It will be not just Korans, but books BY Muslims. If that goes un criticized and unchallenged, the next one will be even bigger. Until you (delcrat) are saying ” Israelis kill tons of Palestinians, but if one group of Americans lynches a Muslim on the front lawn on a Mosque, everyone gets SO UPSET”
    You’ve already proven you have no clue how our government works by showing you think the president has autonomous power over congress…. now you seem to have no knowledge of the history of genocide. (i know, i know Israel is committing genocide by not letting that good humanitarian group, Hamas turn kids into bombs)