Rachel Maddow Discusses Christine O’Donnell

Filed in Delaware by on September 8, 2010

Yes, we have another week of hearing about Christine O’Donnell. Rachel Maddow discusses how O’Donnell freaks out Delaware Republicans.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. intractable1 says:

    I just want to spank Christine for being so naughty.
    And then spank her again for being so hot.

  2. Jason330 says:

    This thing changes by the hour. Maybe CASTLE peaked his attack too soon? If C O’D has riddenout the storm maybe she gets even more wingnut points for having moxie?

    I keep coming back to Tobin’s numbers. Castle can give away 4 out of five Protack voters and beat O’Donnell easily.

    I think the over/under line for Castle is 70% of the primary vote. Any takers?

  3. Brian Shields says:

    “In a state that is not used to competitive primaries…” Oh, you mean the establishment was normally in control?

  4. Jason330 says:

    Okay. I’ll take the over on Castle at 71% No higher. The wager is our combined bar tab at the next. Drinking Liberally.

  5. Well, the math may be very daunting for O’Donnell but Castle is still nervous. He’s upped his ad buy:

    Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) and the Tea Party Express purchased more air time last night for what’s shaping up to be a nasty run up to next Tuesday’s primary.

    Castle bought another 1,000 gross ratings points in the Salisbury, MD, market, which covers southern DE, according to Dem sources who monitor ad buying. That cost him about $75K. He has also purchased another $27K worth of statewide cable and about $43K worth of statewide radio.

    The Tea Party Express, which is doing the bidding of Christine O’Donnell (R), purchased 427 gross ratings points on cable only in the Salisbury market. That cost them $32K.

    Both ad buys start today and run through primary day next Tuesday.

    The ad buy brings Castle’s total spent on the air in the primary to about $328K. Hotline On Call reported last week that Castle purchased about $180K of air time.

  6. Politico post this video of Ginger Gibson being turned away from an O’Donnell press event.

    Speaking of Delaware, a source sends on this video of an incredulous reporter from the state’s largest paper, the News Journal, being turned away from an event attended by national press.

    That is roughly the opposite of most campaigns’ press strategy.

    Hee hee. Politico clearly doesn’t know that Gibson published the initial article investigating O’Donnell’s finances.

  7. MJ says:

    And who was the schmuck sticking his cell phone camera in Ginger’s face? It’s a shame that O’Donnell has all these big, tough guys on her staff. They actually could use some gainful employment.

  8. Isn’t that schmuck Matt Moran? One of her masturbating minions.

  9. Salty says:

    It is Matt Moron. Hi Matt, thanks for helping elect a Democrat in a heavily Republican district- N.Y.23! You must be so, so proud. And now you and the Toilet Paper Express have brought your winning ways to Delaware! We are so blessed. Tell me Matt Moron, are you proud to be associated with a group that was expelled from the Tea Party Federation for refusing to dissociate itself from a racist- Mark Williams? When will Mr. Williams be coming to Delaware to campaign for Christine- oh I so hope it is soon!

  10. Von Cracker says:

    By SkyDaddy, I hope she wins!

    Fracking retards on parade if she does!

  11. anon says:

    And who was the schmuck sticking his cell phone camera in Ginger’s face?

    Don’t know, but that’s the same mook who was wearing the Best Buy-looking uniform (blue polo + khakis) in the DC video and pushing his chest in the camera guy’s face.

  12. pandora says:

    I do believe that fashion risk was Evan Queitsch.

  13. Joe Cass says:

    I don’t think so Pandora. I believe Mr.Queitsh is a short dumpy douche bag with the prince valiant. And a masturbating minion of the stalked one.

  14. Aoine says:

    ginger should file an assault complaint against him – he approached her form an agressive angle and touched her

    he’s probably home “masturbating” about her now – after checking O’wackjobs bushes

    ya know = I wonder – which “bush” of O’donnell’s do they check every night??

    sorry Pandora = I dont mean to be mysogynistic but the similie was funny

  15. RSmitty says:

    Best Buy guy definitely was not Evan. It may have been Matt Moran, but never met the guy, yet looks similar to anoter recent pic that was identified as him. (*edit* NOTE: just saw Salty’s comment above, so I believe Salty and I are correct)

    Lightbulb moment…”Moran”…maybe he was the inspiration for the subject of Geek’s costume at last Halloween’s Drinking Liberally.

  16. RSmitty says:

    OK, this comment was on another thread, but works better here:

    Overheard on a phone conversation tonight (OK, I was speaking to one of the well known bloggers here): “The tagline of Matt Moran and Team Hoffman: ‘Winning? The hell with winning, we’ve mastered losing better than all of you! Suck it!’”

  17. flutecake says:

    Well, I can’t resist… a geek note: that’s a Flip video camera, not a cell phone he’s holding. Better video than a cell phone. Just sayin’.