Your Liberal Media Not At Work

Filed in National by on September 7, 2010

The Washington Post has unveiled a new website today, POSTPOLITICS. If that name doesn’t make a thrill run up your leg than you’re a normal person. If you see “starbusts”, dude, get a life. Anyhow, their main article today, Midterms 2010: What you need to know. I’ll give you a hint, nothing much. The best example of the laziness of this “liberal” paper is describing runaway spending:

“Reckless government spending” is a perennial issue for Republicans, but in a cycle in which candidates are being targeted for their votes on the Troubled Assets Relief Program, the stimulus plan and the health-care overhaul, incumbents in both parties are at risk — and the ascendancy of the “tea party” movement only increases the pressure.

Really, we’re still going to talk about TARP, you mean the program that staved off a world-wide economic depression. Sure, the economy sucks now, but it could be a lot worse. And the stimulus plan, let’s talk about how it didn’t go far enough. Jebus, what morons. Really, “ascendancy of the ‘tea party'”. Great I love it when we give racists an open platform to spew their hate of African-Americans, Lations and Muslims. Just another freaking example if people lie and lie and lie some more, the media will take it as the truth.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. I think the unbalanced media is a big contributor to the Democrat’s woes this year. We’ve seen the ability of the Republicans to get their message out. We need something similar on our side. MSNBC is just not cutting it.

  2. Miscreant says:

    Holy Sheepshit! A left leaning rag gets dangerously close to objective journalism, not hitting the Tea Party movement with the racist broad brush, and it’s time to head to the bomb shelter.

    “MSNBC is just not cutting it.”

    Not to worry, you still have ABC/NBC/CBS//CNN/PBS, etc… and every major newspaper in the country to continue to prop up the ill-conceived policies and programs of this administration.

    For now, anyway.

  3. flutecake says:

    The problem is there IS NO LIBERAL MEDIA. All the media that is broadcast is owned by corporations. Corporations don’t want democracy. Especially democracy in the workplace (read: UNIONS).

    There is a bit of liberal sense leaking out of some hours of MSNBC, but for how long? It is but crumbs while the rest of cable/broadcast networks give the populace bread & circuses.

    Corporations have won the day, for now.

    That includes NPR, that was gutted during the 8 years of Bush and is constantly owing ADM, Mal*Wart, Big Pharma, etc. to those big sponsorships that don’t like you to call commercials. Oh, it still SEEMS civil, but no real investigative reporting happens — ANYWHERE on OUR AIRWAVES. Sorry to shout.

    Very sad, but it has to be said.

  4. Geezer says:

    Funny, Mr. Tough Guy First Responder can dot an i at 200 yards but his analysis can’t hit the broad side of a continent.

  5. Miscreant says:

    You could be right, Geezer. Oddly, I can’t even see your analysis.

  6. skippertee says:

    MSM have FAILED in my analysis.LIBERAL? NFW! Their fact checking of the wild accustions made by repubs about health care was nowhere to be found,basically,and their wall to wall coverage of SIDESHOW SARAH propelled her to the center ring of the CIRCUS!