La Shonah Tovah – 5771

Filed in National by on September 8, 2010

I want to wish all of my friends, and foes alike, a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

If I have offended you over the past year, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I ask your forgiveness.

May you all be inscribed in the Book of Life.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (14)

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  1. anon says:

    This ia a serious question. Can someone ask forgiveness without regretting the action?

  2. a.price says:

    this is a serious answer, from a jew…
    That is a can of worms you dont want to open.
    Technically you have to ask for and, receive forgiveness to be cleared. If they deny you, you have to ask 2 more time. After 3, it counts regardless of what they say…. in fact, some think the “buck” is passed on to them for being a grudge holder.
    One would assume you mean it because if you dont try, you get “one strike” against you and you get a notation in your “bad” record book. I dont ever remember being taught that motives counted… as in you ask to avoid punishment or you ask because you are really sorry.

    Judaism is confusing.
    happy new year.

  3. jpconnorjr says:

    judiasm and its adherents people of the same God of Abraham I hope are as people in this country taking heed of where we are going with religious hate , and that is a dead serious comment. Happy New Year! and lets put those white shoes away:)

  4. Tyrone Biggums says:

    judiasm and its adherents people of the same God of Abraham I hope are as people in this country taking heed of where we are going with religious hate , and that is a dead serious comment.

    Alrighty then. Next!

  5. a.price says:

    i think you were asking us all to be mindful of the islamophobia building in this country and how we all trace our beliefs back to abraham. I can assure you that in addition to finding it totally repugnant on all levels, this jew very much knows what book burnings can lead to.

  6. MJ says:

    Anon, may I suggest you Google Rosh Hashonah, Days of Awe, and Yom Kippur. After reading all of that, come back and ask your question.

    JP – you would have loved my Rabbi’s sermon tonight when he condemned Islamaphobia and noted that Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same G-D.

  7. jpconnorjr says:

    yep The Jews of all people i pray would see where this madness is leading ie: Abraham is in all 3 books same God indeed. these self appointed arbiters of morality need to be exposed.

  8. a.price says:

    ” the jews of all people”….. what exactly are you trying to say with that? I know there ARE jews who are guilty of islamophobia but it isn’t like Rabbis are holding the book burnings.

  9. jpconnorjr says:

    point taken you are correct, not artfully phrased. i probably should have left my previous post be my last word. It is however one wingnut with less than 50 “parishoners” and no real religious training who can hold the media in thrawl. being the repeat of history worrier that i am, i see another Kristal Nacht under every weird rock like this

  10. a.price says:

    i am too jp. And thank you for the clarification. no offense taken.

  11. Aoine says:

    one of the things I love about diversity – all the new year’s I get to celebrate…Chinese, Wiccan, Christian calander

    and Rosh Hashana is a favorite because of the desire to be shriven and ask forgiveness for transgressions.

    a little more of that would go a long way in this world

  12. skippertee says:

    I recognize and celebrate the Solar New Year here in the Northern Hemisphere or the Winter Solstice on December 21st.It’s the shortest day of the year and marks the time when they begin to lenghthen.
    There are also a lot less amateur drunks on the road celebrating,which is nice.
    I THINK it use to FALL on Dec.31st but due to the damn Earth not cooperating and rotating and spinning perfectly[incompetent son-of-a-bitch]we’ve seemed to have lost ten days since the introduction of the Gregorion calendar.

  13. Aoine says:

    Celtic New Year is Nov 1 – so new year’s eve is Halloween – another adopted ritual

    but the burning of the Yule Log and yule time is also a well honored tradition pre-christian and the fight between the Oak King and the Holly King on Dec 21st

    what is so funnt is that most “christians” dont realize Jesus was born in April

    Christmas was just a christian adaptation of a long-standing pagan festival -easr to convert the savages that way

    just layer over the infastructure…..

    hmmm sound familiar??

  14. a. price says:

    oh, let’s at least wait until after Sukkos to start the War on Xmas season. I was in Sears the other day…. (while at Coons campaign HQ… did i see any of you there?) they already had trees up with lights on them. *shakes head*