Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 9, 2010

Welcome to your Thursday open thread. It looks like another nice late summer day today. Yesterday I went downtown for a 5K race. Candidates were everywhere! John Carney, Michele Rollins and Colin Bonini, though none of them mingled much.

Delaware has been in the news quite a bit with the Castle-O’Donnell race. Stephen Colbert jumps into the Delaware surge by talking to 2 different Delaware politicians – Mike Castle and Joe Biden.

Mike Castle on The Colbert Report (encore presentation):

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Better Know a District – Mike Castle Encore Presentation
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News

Joe Biden, last night:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Been There Won That – Joe Biden & Yogi Berra<a>
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News

Crazy Sharron Angle is at it again. This time she tries to explain what she meant when she said our government violates the 1st commandment:

In an interview with ABC News, Angle was asked about her past comment that the agenda of Harry Reid and President Obama violated the First Commandment. (Not the First Amendment — the First Commandment. As in, their liberal big government is a sin because it takes people’s attention and dependence away from God.)

“I said that? No I didn’t say that,” Angle told Jonathan Karl — then possibly remembering it. “Actually, that was a discussion I was having with CBN. We were talking in very Christian terms. That’s what Christian broadcast is — that’s their focus — so you speak the language of the folks that you’re communicating with. And I was speaking in their language. And the language that I used was that in our country, we have become a country that has put our faith, not ‘in God we trust,’ which is on our money — as you know.

“Not ‘in God we trust,’ but in government we trust, and that is what I was referring to — that we have allowed government in many ways to take the place of God,” Angle said.

Hey! She was just speaking Christian, no worries!


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (21)

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  1. a. price says:

    uh oh…
    Obama has spoken out against the Florida Feugo Nacht…. Republican support FOR it and blasting Obama for trying to end Christian first amendment rights while supporting terrorism in 3….2…..

  2. John Bolton is considering running for president:

    During recent appearances on Fox News, Bolton has been asked whether he would run for president. “Well, you know it’s a great honor when people ask me that question, and I have been asked that question,” Bolton said on Wednesday. “I don’t think anybody involved with politics should worry about that until after the elections this fall.”

    He also said: “I’m not saying no. That’s right.”

    As Chris Matthews said today: “Ha! Well I hope he runs — to remind the country of what everybody voted against in 2006 and 2008, and the ideology that led us into attacking a country that never attacked us, an ideology that wants to make some sort of permanent garrison in the Middle East.”

    Will he run on the we just don’t have enough wars platform?

  3. anon says:

    Bolton/O’Donnell 2012!!

  4. anon says:

    Good Lord – won’t somebody primary this mumbling fool?

    He wants a line-item veto, and he wants to reduce the deficit by cutting “waste, fraud, and abuse.”

  5. Jason330 says:

    Yeah. The plus $250k crowd has a pal in Carper. Good thing too. Nobody really looks out for the wealthy in this country.

  6. anonone says:

    “Obama wins the right to invoke “State Secrets” to protect Bush crimes”

    And likely his own crimes, too.

  7. anonone says:

    “Torture Is a Crime, Not a Secret” from the NYT

    “The lawsuit was brought in 2007 against a Boeing subsidiary, Jeppesen Dataplan, that the plaintiffs said had arranged the rendition flights that took them to Morocco, Egypt and Afghanistan to be tortured. One of the men, Binyam Mohamed, had his bones broken in Morocco, where security agents also cut his skin with a scalpel and poured a stinging liquid into his wounds.

    But the merits of the case were never considered because the Bush administration argued that even discussing the matter in court would violate the state secrets privilege. Barack Obama told voters in 2008 that he opposed the government cult of secrecy, but once he became president, his Justice Department also argued that the case should be dismissed on secrecy grounds.”

    So Obomba continues the cover-up. There is no reason to assume that he isn’t continuing the practice of “rendition flights.” Obomba should be impeached forthwith.

    Bush’s Crimes = Obomba’s crimes

  8. cassandra m says:

    The Girl Scouts are selling you lesbian, baby-killing feminist militia cookies.

    I’m thinking we should start renting space in Siberia to send these people now. Sheesh.

  9. AP is saying that they will not be publishing any visual images or text about the Florida Koran burning. Good for them.

  10. “feminist training ground for godless, man-hating, pro-abortion lesbianism” I don’t mind the godless, pro-abortion parts but the rest is very troubling.
    You know how I know this Hans fellow is right? I’ve seen Girl Scouts on bikes.Yes, abortion bikes.

  11. Joe Cass says:

    Just wondering if you’ve seen the Phil Davison stump speech.
    “This office can be used as a tool or a weapon!”

  12. Phil says:

    I always wondered why those damn cookies were so good.

  13. jason330 says:

    Thanks for that link. OMG, that guy was hilarious.

  14. pandora says:

    Shoot! I scheduled a post highlighting that guy in Joe’s comment. Should I pull it?

  15. jason330 says:

    No. Go with it. I love that guy. He is my double rainbow guy now.

  16. pandora says:

    Okay… it’s scheduled for 10 minutes from now. Grab the popcorn!

  17. anonone says:

    Anyway, Obomba is planning his own book-burning, but nobody appears to upset about that. The books probably contain evidence of war crimes and America doesn’t care about them anymore. They only care when religious nut jobs are going to upset with each other.

  18. Geezer says:

    Really? You’re going to blame that on Obama? You sound just like a deranged right-wing basket case, except you don’t spit out the word “socialist” often enough.

    This doesn’t mean I’m glad to hear it, but seriously, you really want Obama to step in and stop this one incident? Are you really that blind to symbolism? It’s one thing to decry the failure to close Gitmo. It’s quite another to take every little incident and throw it at Obama. The latter undermines your credibiility to highlight the former.

  19. anonone says:

    Who is the Commander In Chief, Geezer? Of course he should stop it, but he won’t since he has decided that crimes such as government assassinations, secret imprisonments, and torture of people should all be legal because they are “state secrets.”

    So, do you think he should have tried to stop the burning of the Koran? Do you think that having the government step-in to purchase books in order to censure them is a good precedent?