Friday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2010

I think Dave Burris would even agree to this awardee – David “Delusional David” Anderson from Dover.

Anderson posts over here as Republican David (and no, I’m not outing him) and runs that bastion of blog wingnuttery, Delaware Politics. He never ceases to amaze me, and probably a number of others, with his asinine comments about activist judges, his love of Christine O’Whackamole, and his man-love for Glenn Urquhart. I kid about his man-love for Urkel. I think he’s saving himself for Bill Colley.

He never ceases to entertain our readers with his weekly asinine comments about activist judges, what the Bible has to say about gays, abortion, patriotism, spinach, immigration, fluoride in the water, yadda, yadda, yadda. And he wonders why he lost his race for Levy Court 2 years ago.

David, you’re humorous (I get a lot of laughs out of your comments), but not in a good way. And being humorous doesn’t stop you from being named our Asshat of the Day.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (34)

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  1. Aoine says:

    Oh – I will soooooo second that one.

    his weird love for O’Donnell (sunshine, you don’t have a chance with her)

    and his incredible hypocracy and willingness to support vigilantisism against Hispanics…

    Wonder how Sam Wilson feels about him????

  2. Sam and I are long time friends. I guess that makes it even worse.

  3. Aoine says:

    dear heart – he is friends to our face only…..

    you are soooo unaware – better take that cutlery set out of your back that he put there..

    better yet – ask Joe Boothe what he thinks of you LOLOL

  4. MJ says:

    And just reading his blather on other threads tonight just validates the decision to give him this tonight.

  5. One thing that I can say about Sam Wilson is that he never tries to hide his feelings about anyone. For good or ill, you know were he stands. I think that I have no need to worry about anonymous gossips.

  6. jpconnorjr says:

    he could sell that pic to an orthodontist as a “before” shot

  7. a.price says:

    damn… regular commenters can be named Asshat? i better start getting creative! ive never won anything so lofty before!

  8. Aoine says:

    Oh david – you are FOOL TOO – ike I said – see if you can get the truth out of Booth

    Wilson will lie and smile to your face – you idiot he needs you so he uses you

    you fufil a “quota” for him and he has a use for you – just like Urguhart..

    you really don;t get it..

    no wonder they call you “Delusional David”- oh and I don’t gossip – If I say it – I know it.

    Just take a close careful look into his eyes and watch your back – ask Booth and read him carefully – he has some real strong tells if you know what to look for..

    you have a lot to learn…. poor delusional david

  9. kavips says:

    I will have to disagree with the tone of this post… David Anderson is a good man. He represents his views well…

  10. MJ says:

    He might “represent his views well,” but he’s still an asshat.

  11. a.price says:

    mj, if i pledge to EAT a bacon cheese burger, than burn one… ON yom kippur, can i be asshat?

  12. Ordinary Joe says:

    In invoke the Obama standard.

    You just hate David because he’s black. All your criticism is based upon his being black. Your denials — coupled with your attempts to prove it isn’t because he’s black — are proof that it is all about him being black.

    Face it — you criticized and mocked a black man. You are a racist, and so is anyone who rushes to your defense.

    Just like those who criticize Obama.

  13. anonone says:

    I thought it was particularly amusing when David celebrated the endorsement of O’Donnell by the very overt racist Rush Limbaugh. He would probably think it wonderful if she was endorsed by the KKK.

  14. anonone says:

    Kavips, you might not think he was such a “good man” if it were your basic human rights and freedoms that he was going down to Dover to argue against. There is nothing “good” about trying to deny a person the same civil liberties as everyone else just because that person is different than you. There is nothing “good” about trying to deny women the right to health care and control over their own bodies.

    He is a prime example of the American Taliban and there is nothing good about that at all.

  15. meatball says:

    I laugh out loud every time the folks at DP call themselves center right. Is it even possible to be to the right of Frank, Dave, Borg, Fish, Windjammer or Rick????

  16. MJ says:

    a.price – I dunno. My advice is to go to shul next week and say a few al chets.

  17. cassandra m says:

    He represents his views well…

    He represents the views of his handlers well.

    There, fixed that for you!

  18. Ordinary Joe says:

    Comment by cassandra m on 11 September 2010 at 9:48 am:

    He represents his views well…

    <bHe represents the views of his handlers well.

    There, fixed that for you!

    * * * * * * *

    Yeah, cassandra, thanks for fixing that. After all, kavips forgot that a black man can’t think for himself, but is merely able to parrot the view of the white folks who tell him what to say. Independent thought by a black man is an impossibility — why else do you think Barack Obama is so dependent on his teleprompter? Bravo to you as a compassionate, intelligent, tolerant, white liberal for having the integrity to say out loud what you and your fellow posters here at Delaware Liberal really believe.

  19. anonone says:

    “you as a compassionate, intelligent, tolerant, white liberal…” You assume things that you shouldn’t, Mr. Joe.

  20. Ordinary Joe says:

    Comment by anonone on 11 September 2010 at 11:45 am:

    “you as a compassionate, intelligent, tolerant, white liberal…” You assume things that you shouldn’t, Mr. Joe.

    * * *

    No, I didn’t. I said she was intelligent just to be polite.

  21. anonone says:

    Mr. Joe, your own stones have broken your glass house.

  22. cassandra m says:

    Amazing the dancing that people will do who don’t have their own ideas — just the ones they get from their radios.

    When you actually get two brain cells to rub together, Mr. Joe, you might actually understand that repeating what you hear from your guiding lights every day does not count as independent thought. You might actually understand that jumping in to rationalize away behavior that you’ve been demonizing your political opponents for makes you an utter hypocrite. AND you might actually understand that never looking fr either personal responsibility or family values or even a worldview based on the New Testament from your handlers makes you a stooge for those same handlers.

    But you’ll never get that, Mr. Joe — because a complex idea likely makes your brain hurt.

    Then, of course, if you actually understood the basic contempt for the ravings of your handlers — and for you for not even thinking about this stuff — you would have been smart enough to stick to your compatriots at DP. They are working at your one brain cell level, you know.

  23. Ordinary Joe says:

    Yeah, cassandra, you show yourself to be the typical hateful liberal talking point bitch, contemptuous of anyone who dares to think something other than what you approve. So lacking in intelligence that you cannot imagine a world-view other than your own, you presume that those with contrary ones must be brainwashed drones who take their views from “handlers”, just like you do.

    By the way, dearie, when did you go all Christofascist? After all, New Testament values, not even as interpreted by you, are not something that our system of government envisions being imposed upon our secular society.

    Sorry you feel threatened by the presence of a conservative in your echo chamber.

  24. kavips says:

    Perhaps I’m wrong, but I’m sensing a superficiality towards David simply because his views disagree with those on this post…

    .. and yes… it got me to thinking…

    One is whether he is being handled or is it coming from his own beliefs. I believe people get “handled” only when they are bribed. Like we’ll get you into office if you do this for us….

    David has always been the same long before he gathered the fragments left by the implosion of FSP and created a new solar system for the right to post their views… Even though he had different viewpoints, he was distinctive on the old Delaware blogasphere, as being one of the few of us who had a heart…

    One could say if one were to have a spokesperson for ideas that had lost the battle, Dave A would be the perfect Baghdad Bob to deliver it…

    My ancestors fought and some died, so we could all speak our minds.. What’s happening, I think in our discussions, not only here but on the floors of the House and Senate, is that we are looking at each of those speakers as cannon fodder. Puppets of greater forces, who need to be neutralized, so our side can drown them out..

    I see this more prevalent today on the left, and it saddens me that with power, we have republicanized ourselves…

    It used to be that we saw the other side as people first, individuals who perhaps came from different up-brings, different values, and realized we could work with them for a greater good: the betterment of our nation… When they stood up to speak, they were real people talking, just like us, putting their ideas, their hearts out on the line… Quite often they moved us to change our mind, just by the passion with which they spoke, until we looked at the facts of how what they were discussing would affect our constituency….

    But they were people first. Those of you around during the heyday of blogdom, would probably agree that something similar held true among bloggers of all parties. Dana was Dana. Dave B was Dave B. Jason was Jason. Hube was Hube. Nancy was always Nancy. LG was LG. Cassandra was Cassandra. Pandora was Pandora. Donvitti was Donvitti. Matthews was Matthews. And of course…. Tommy was the Wonk…. 🙂

    We saw them first as people. Second as whatever viewpoint they were viewing… I think in part we realize all were a special race, of people willing to argue in public, so instead of thousands of similar discussion going on in bars, churches,and cubicles, all out of the ear of those in power who occasionally, graciously might lend an ear to a town meeting,… we had a forum where interchanges and interactions could be seen by all, and well, to put it bluntly, truth could rise to the top…

    And that is the legacy of what we do… Of course, there are some who use blogging as a propaganda tool, to make noise… But they really don’t matter… Like the pastor burning Quaran’s who gets worldwide attention, only to be found out barely to have 16 people in his church, that’s only if you count all the children who are brought in the two cars parked there every Sunday..

    But most of us, just say what’s on our mind…

    A great example is the comment above, which states that anyone who is against abortion, anyone not allowing women full control over their bodies cannot be a good person. Did that utterer ever think what the converse of that statement would sound like? That anyone taking the life of a fetus, that anyone more concerned with their vanity than the life of a helpless baby, cannot be a good person?

    Both statements.. both viewpoints are hogwash. You can have opposing viewpoints and be a good person.. You can… You CAN love the man, and disagree with the message… The problem with politics today, I would venture, is not with either the policies of Democrats or Republicans.. It is with the policies of hate, mistrust, and arrogance. Unfortunately all human traits required for our survival, so they will always be around..

    We just have to have the muscle to step up and work around it… Which is why I’ll say again….

    David Anderson is a good man. He represents his views well… 🙂

  25. anon says:

    David Anderson needs to go back to high school and retake a grammar class and learn how to run spellcheck. That’s my only beef. He may be honorable, but his communications skills make him a serious headache to read.

    Then again, he’s not as bad as Frank Knotts , who hasn’t quite mastered the concept of the spacebar yet .

  26. cassandra m says:

    Ah yes — Mr. Joe indulges in the I know what I am but what are you? stupidity.

    That isn’t even an especially cogent deflection, asshole. But apparently you weren’t able to get any meaning from the moderately big words. So we’ll try again — you wouldn’t understand an independent thought if it came up and smacked you in the face. Given that, you’ll find more like (un)minded over at DP. Where they’ve indulged in the delusion that they have a brain too.

  27. Ordinary Joe says:

    Cassandra, thank you once again that you are the perfect heir to the racist KKK ideology of your Democrat Party. Wear those sheets with pride.

  28. cassandra m says:

    The people wearing the sheets are the ones with the habits of not getting independent thought. As you keep proving here. Enjoy the meeting of your klavern tonight.

  29. Mike Matthews says:

    Fascinating that Ordinary Joe is accusing you of wearing sheets, Cassandra. He obviously hasn’t met you!!! What a tool.

  30. MJ says:

    If I were Delusional David, I’d be better at picking my friends. I cannot understand why he would be friends with someone who refers to African-Americans as “colored boys” and “Ni****s.” And Sam “Grand Cyclops” Wilson does that, especially when referring to the only African-American county-wide office holder down here in Sussex.

    And you’ve got it wrong, Kavips. DD is an asshat because he IS a tool and for his frequent stupid statements. As I said on another thread, if it weren’t for “activist judges,” David would still be sitting in the back of the bus.

  31. anonone says:

    Kavips if somebody said “that anyone more concerned with their vanity than the life of a helpless baby cannot be a good person” then I’d agree with them. But we’re not talking about babies here, are we?

    I am sure that DD is a “good” person in that he probably doesn’t kick puppies or drown kittens and such. But he is a religious bigot who advocates for policies that are currently hurting and killing real people (i.e. war), endangering the planet, and preventing gays from having the same civil rights as straights.

    I remember several years ago that you argued that Nazi Albert Speer, one of Hitler’s top advisors, was a “good man” so your standard for “good men” is pretty low.

  32. anonone says:

    Mike M., is Christine living with you? I won’t tell anyone, promise.

  33. Mike Matthews says:

    Well my house is vacant (don’t ask…piecemealing that wreck) and may be the victime of one right-wing, virginal squatter!

  34. jpconnorjr says:

    mike, word had it that you made he an ex-virgin. care to confirm?