Delaware Liberal Primary Endorsements

Filed in National by on September 13, 2010

We know you’ve been waiting in anticipation!  Here’s where we stand.

US Senate – Coons

US Congress – Carney

Attorney General – Biden

NCC Sheriff – Navarro

Treasurer (Jones-Potter vs Flowers) – No Endorsement

Auditor – Korn

RD 2 – Bolden

RD 3 -Keeley

RD 8 – Q. Johnson

RD 9 – Griffiths

RD 10 – Williams

RD 24 – Wilde-Gallogly

RD 27 -Jaques

SD 20 (Bunting v. Mitchell) – No Endorsement

SC Recorder of Deeds- Brady

*It should be noted that endorsements did not require unanimous consent.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (54)

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  1. anon says:

    Keeley is in RD 3.

  2. pandora says:

    Fixed. Thanks, anon!

  3. anon says:

    SD 20 should be Bunting v. Mitchell. Perry is Mitchell’s first name.

  4. pandora says:

    I’m so embarrassed. Fixed… again.

  5. yeoman says:

    I’m curious – why Johnson in the 8th and why not Becky Walker in the 9th?

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Hopefully the “Ugliness in the 9th” post clears up the Griffiths question. As for Johnson, it appears that his opponent isn’t running much of a campaign at all. She doesn’t appear to be involved in the community at all, with the exception of running against Johnson’s wife for the school board.

    In short, she is a great unknown. Johnson, despite some policy differences that I have with him, has done a reasonably good job representing the district.

  7. Darn, I was hoping somebody could make up my mind on the Treas race, since that was the only one on the list I hadn’t decided yet. Oh well, I know y’all didn’t want to start a flame war. Guess I’ll decide when I walk into the voting booth tomorrow!

    (Although I’ve found whenever I think I’m undecided when casting my vote, I actually go with the person I initially planned to vote for before all the wavering.)

  8. anonone says:

    Vote for Velda. She is Markell’s choice. The stuff about the consulting contract is nonsense; there was nothing illegal or unethical about it, and it wouldn’t surprise me if previous treasurers, including Markell, also did consulting gigs on the side. And she’d probably be a good governor someday.

  9. Rooch says:

    I heard a very scary story about Flowers using his position to do a complete audit of a business to get back at them. I can’t back up the story, but it worries me if someone uses their political power to follow their personal agenda.

  10. Yogie says:

    Flower’s has no political power at this point…so how could he use it to his advantage? Chip Flowers is the clear choice for State Treasurer.

  11. anon says:

    “I can’t back up the story” … so why repeat it? Jackass.

  12. To Get My Vote says:

    Rooch who ever told you that story is full of crap. Chip is a corporate lawyer and has always been a lawyer. There is no way he could have anyone audited. Either the story teller is lying or you’re lying. Either way, quit repeating a story that is not true.

  13. Been There......... says:

    I intend to keep my vote private. I will say this:

    My life will return to normal once that home wrecking Alice in Wonderland (get a hair style you look a mess with that ‘high school’ hair with the split ends) and her gimpy stoner husband crawl back into the marsh below the canal and stay there.

  14. fatladysings says:

    Velda Potter will win! No doubt in my mind. Flowers has a long history of opportunism. You should hear what the women are saying down at the Y, bout ole Chip and his fondling ways. Course some on this blog in particular will simply call these allegations or rumors, there appears to be a pattern with this guy. Just sayin.

  15. Yogie says:

    Go CHIP Go!

  16. To Get My Vote says:

    Must be the night before the election…folks are getting desperate with their lies.

  17. Brooke says:

    Seriously? Nothing in the treasurer’s race and no discussion of the NCC sheriff endorsement? Or did I miss that while lounging poolside at Disney.

    VERY interesting. I look forward to returns.

  18. Belinsky says:

    Navarro is a Republican who can count. Like his mentor, Gordon, he realized there are more Democrats, so he’s running as one.

  19. Belinsky says:

    Vote for Velda. She is Markell’s choice. The stuff about the consulting contract is nonsense.

    A1 is absolutely right. We’ve had many a state official who also served in the National Guard or Air Force reserves, but they were guy things.

    Velda came up the old-fashioned way. She has a lifetime of accomplishment.

  20. mediawatch says:

    Gotta love those VJP fans. When they’ve got nothing good to say about their candidate, they resort to unsubstantiated rumor and insinuendo about her opponent. But the polls close in 9 hours.

  21. Geezer says:

    If she’s Markell’s choice, why did he refuse to endorse her?

  22. Brooke says:

    Geezer, since answering that question might involve implied criticism of Governor Markell, you don’t really expect an answer HERE, do you? 😀

  23. anon says:

    “We’ve had many a state official who also served in the National Guard or Air Force reserves, but they were guy things.”

    What a complete crock of shit, Belinsky.

    When you’re serving in the Guard or Reserves, there is a clear deliniation between your civilian job and your military one. You can’t get credit for doing both at the same time.

    Velda just wants us to trust her that she didn’t shirk her duties as Treasurer for a separate payday, while refusing to back it up with her records. As a matter of course, I don’t trust anyone who says “Trust me.”

    And color me offended, but comparing running a series of motivational seminars at $150 an hour to service in the armed forces is an insult.

  24. Belinsky says:

    My post was positive, no slam on her opponent, nor his many earnest supporters. She’s just better.

  25. Markell is staying out of the primaries.

  26. mediawatch says:

    Absolutely correct, UI, Markell is staying out.
    And he’s got too much class to go public with his upset over VJP using his photo and a two-year-old quote to give the impression of an endorsement.

  27. MJ says:

    It continues to amaze me how low VJP and Charlie can get when mining for votes. I’m glad I voted for Chip; as it stands, if, by some quirk, VJP wins the primary, this is one Democrat who will not be voting or supporting her (not supporting the rethuglican Bonini either).

  28. Belinsky says:

    Anon’s blast errs on many levels. Never having hired a trainer or other consultant, he’s no doubt got sticker shock about a field he doesn’t know. Her hourly rate’s 1/3 of Chip’s; that’s the market. I love my military, but the Natl Guard and Reserves are a double-dip, whether for congressmen, judges or attorneys general.

  29. To Get My Vote says:

    What does Chip’s hourly rate have to do with this convo…it’s legitimate!

  30. mediawatch says:

    How can we be sure $150/hour is market rate for government consultants if the government involved didn’t put the contract out for bid? If you do the math, it also comes out to more than $2,500 per woman trained, but no one has presented any evidence that the money spent has either resulted in promotions of participants or improved their performance. We know the cost, but haven’t seen the benefit. That’s not VJP’s fault — it’s the city’s (and that includes Jim Baker, who put the money in the budget, and Charlie Potter, who voted for it).
    As for Chip’s hourly rate — he’s billing the private sector, so it’s not my tax dollars (or yours) that are being spent.

  31. anonone says:

    There is no evidence – none – that she “shirked her duties as Treasurer .” The treasurer’s position is not a pay-per-hour job and the Treasurer does not punch a time clock in and out. So, Anon, your feigned outrage to try to gin up a scandal is a one big fail.

    And, btw, $150/hour is cheap for a consultant of her background and qualifications and Wilmington needs all the help that it can get.

  32. To Get My Vote says:

    Its already a scandal, too late.

  33. Geezer says:

    Can we please stop pretending the contract was legitimate? It was no-bid, it was for the wife of a councilman, it’s for an extremely non-essential service. At best, it’s a way to funnel money to her in exchange for her service as a financial consultant. At worst, it’s graft. What consultants charge for such “services” is really beside the point — no city running $5 million in the red after two months of the fiscal year can realistically justify any such expense.

  34. Belinsky says:

    Employee training is essential for all large employers. Anger management might be a suitable course at your shop.

  35. anonone says:

    Make up whatever nefarious scheme that you want, geezer, but there is no evidence or official complaint from the city or state of any impropriety or illegal or unethical actions, or that her services were not legally procured and did not benefit the city government.

  36. To Get My Vote says:

    After all this, do you really think the city is going to file a complaint? It makes them look bad! Spin it how you want, that contract is terrible on all fronts!

  37. fatladysings says:

    WDEL and the News Journal have used this “double dipping” bullshit to their advantage. If every double dipper in the Delaware legislature were exposed, the entire legislature would be vacant. Why doesnt WDEL go after the “real double dippers”? Graft my ass! The republicans realize that Chip Flowers can’t beat Bonini, which is why they are attempting to take Potter down. But you can bet your ass Bonini will use those domestic violence cases against Flowers should he win. Today, I was told that “Flowers is like his brother, both have trouble with women”. All you jerks who think this guy is okay you better think again. Potter did absolutely nothing wrong. Her press release to the NJ was held for two weeks, all letters to the editor of support for her were never printed.

    Belinsky anyone who heard Al M. on WDEL re Potter should be understanding how Al is the one who needs mass anger management.
    We only have a few hours left of this political season and then we will see who the voters support inspite of the Stooge Journal and WDEL (both republican owned/operated/by republican management).

  38. fatladysings says:

    Geezer: the entire democratic party endorsed her! Get over your lameass self. You are not a starmaker although you think you are.

  39. fatladysings says:

    Hey Mediawatch…its no rumor! The cases are filed, go down to the courthouse and see for yourself. You might ask why WDEL or the Stooge Journal didnt request them? If you think for a second the republicans don’t have them, your belief in the tooth fairy is obvious.

  40. liberalgeek says:

    FatLady – How many of those cases actually panned out?

    Also, your statement of “all of the Democratic party endorsed her” is open to debate. She certainly didn’t win all of the RD’s in NCC and I don’t know if downstate did any endorsements.

  41. fatladysings says:

    Geek: you havent done your homework. Go to her website and SEE how many endorsed her? “How those cases panned out”! Have you actually read the “cases”? After all this time and you didnt take the time to read about your candidate before your supporting him? How many years have you been attending meetings in the City, or for that matter even no how many people from the city are very aware of Mr. Flowers and his past. You see sometimes your past does catch up with you. He wanted to claim two women “were trying to exploit him”. Read the damn cases and see if “exploitation was their motivation”! They banned together because they were so fearful of him, damn you people are dense.

  42. To Get My Vote says:

    Awwwww fatlady…you are sounding real desperate. Please quit trying to sugar coat what Velda did. It was at the least improper and represents a serious conflict of interest. You keep bringing chip into the equation….I guess you cannot comprehend not guilty. No media outlet wants to discuss a non-story…velda’s contract is far from that! Get over it, Velda made a pretty lame decision and it came back to bite her.

  43. Geezer says:

    “Employee training is essential for all large employers. Anger management might be a suitable course at your shop.”

    Aw, boo hoo hoo. You and “fat lady” (yet another new alias, dear? what an imagination you have!) are preaching to a very small choir. Let’s just say that if Markell really backed Velda, he would have endorsed her. He didn’t. Chip might be in over his head, but at least he had the common sense to know that his legal problems made him look bad. Velda just has a couple of screechy, supposedly progressive would-be PR agents. Yes, I’m talking about you two, and A1 too.

    By the way, nobody has spoken more often or more forcefully against the state’s other double dippers than I have. And claiming I am working for Bonini? Don’t you people EVER learn? Ultimately you have nothing but the ad hominem attack for ammunition. And the argument that, because Velda “worked her way up,” she’s entitled to fleece a bankrupt city of $40,000 per annum.

    Fatlady: The one who needs to get over herself is you. You’ve been trying to influence people for two decades and the next “star” you make will be the first. You are so jealous of me you have repeatedly tried to get me fired. Do us all a favor and learn to keep you fingers still and your mouth shut.

  44. liberalgeek says:

    FatLady – actually, so you are in favor of “guilty, even if proven innocent” Got it. I can use that to strengthen my personal animosity to you. Thanks.

  45. Geezer says:

    anonone wrote, “there is no evidence or official complaint from the city or state of any impropriety or illegal or unethical actions, or that her services were not legally procured and did not benefit the city government.”

    Let me get this straight: The city is funneling money to the Potters through the city budget, but because the city didn’t file a complaint against itself nobody did anything wrong? No wonder you don’t understand Obama’s dilemma. I don’t think you can comprehend simple arithmetic, or why that big shiny thing appears in the sky in roughly the same spot every morning.

  46. fatladysings says:

    Get you fired! I dont listen to your show unless someone calls me to do so. And you have exposed yourself..more anger management problems! No I didnt claim “you worked for Boninin”, I stated the truth. WDEL is a republican owned/operated republican station. If you want to keep your contract and your job, you do what you know you must. You havent known me for two decades, I have been working in the city of Wilmington since the 1970’s and yes I know where many bodies are buried or attempting to stay buried. People talk, people remember and people vote on those memories. The contract was in 2007 long before she was appointed or Markell elected. You know that yet your station continues to bombard the citizens with false information. Go after the true double dippers. The ones who collect two paychecks from the State and two pensions (thats in both parties). The claim that Velda double dipped because she had a contract before she was appointed is a fact. And yes, that contract was on her resume. It wasn’t questioned! Why not check facts first. She was working to clean up the City of Wilmington as far back as the Sills administration. She did such a great job she would of course be first in line to continue working. Why not the finance dept. and training those women who work there. Dont you think those dealing with the cities finances should be as well trained as possible? How many consultant contracts did Markell or any of the previous governors have before they elected? This was a made up “scandal” and you know it. I dont make stars or even try. I try to pick the best candidate and support them, just like the rest on this blog. I don’t have a micropohone to destroy people based on bullcrap. You do!

  47. fatladysings says:

    Geek: Answer the question. Did you read those cases? Yes or No?

  48. fatladysings says:

    Geezer: I do not work on Veldas campaign. I support her and voted for her. She has a complete team of people who are working on her campaign and doing a fine job. It bugs the hell out of me to see what some of you on this blog write even when admitting you didnt do your homework!

  49. MJ says:

    Fatlady – the “entire Democratic party” DID NOT endorse VJP. In fact, since we couldn’t get a unanimous vote in the 14th RD, we voted not to endorse, although the majority backed Chip. Same as with the other RD’s in Sussex as well as the County Party. You’re talking out of your ass.

  50. To Get My Vote says:

    Uggghhh….fatlady you’re talking a whole lot and not saying anything. Give it a rest, we know who you support. Have fun crook and crew!

  51. anonone says:

    What part of “or state” did you not understand, Geezer? And why is paying for someone’s services automatically “funneling money?” Just because you say so? Not.

    Once again: No complaints + no impropriety + no ethics violations + no law breaking = Nothing wrong.

    As usual, when you have nothing to substance except your own made-up interpretations of events you resort to your very boring and irrelevant personal attacks. More of your own self-described “mental masturbation” apparently.

  52. fatladysings says:

    We know who you supoort? This from a socalled “progressive group”? Uggghh! The majority of you are so politically naive and devoid of history your comments frankly make me laugh.

  53. To Get My Vote says:

    Yes, you have way too many times. We get it, you like the crook!

  54. Geezer says:

    Hey fatlady, I’m not the one who has to make up new names for the blogs every few weeks because his own name carries ugly connotations. My record speaks for itself, and so does yours. You have no credibility in this town with anyone but yourself and your phone booth full of fans. And yes, you have tried to get me in trouble with my bosses every time I say something you disagree with — because, despite your contention that you’re “progressive” (which basically means you hate everyone with more money than you, which is pretty much everyone), you are actually just a mean, angry person who tries to silence those she cannot agree with. You are a warped, damaged person, and it comes out no matter what screen name you use.

    Same goes for you, A1, though in your case I don’t know your off-line identity. Your lack of intelligence shines through in everything you write. How would you all attack me if you didn’t know who I was? As for “or state,” I don’t believe the state has any say in how the city spends its money. But you have made perfectly clear your stance: If it’s not illegal, it’s not immoral. To call you a piece of crap would be an insult to crap.