Memory Lane

Filed in National by on September 14, 2010

This could be (but it is likely not) the last day of Mike Castle’s career in politics. Will his fellow Republicans retire him in favor of a unqualified idiot who opposes masturbation? We will find that out later tonight. Most of the Delaware Liberal crew will be at Timothy’s on the Riverfront, where the Democratic Party is hosting a Primary Watch party. The waterfront is the place to be tonight, as the GOP is having their watch party at the Chase Center on the Riverfront. If I go there with a video camera to ask Christine a question, will Evan Qevicted try to threaten me? Perhaps. One of the many unanswered questions tonight.

While we wait, here is a trip down Memory Lane:

The answer is yes, no matter what happens tonight.

Update: Some cartoons from our illustrious founder, Jason330, who started Delaware Liberal in part because of his wanting to defeat Castle.

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  1. Christine O’Donnell Beats Off Mike Castle | Delaware Punchline | September 15, 2010
  1. liberalgeek says:

    Today, the comb-over looks more natural.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    $1.50 for a Delaware Today????

  3. a. price says:

    more important question…
    will there be a DL table or an impromptu “drinking liberally” tonight?
    and will a.price finish his laundry in time to come down?
    what an exciting tuesday!

  4. Yes, I imagine there will be a DL table. Look for geeks with laptops!

  5. Mike Castle looks better bald.

  6. Do we know if there’s wifi at the party? I never assume these things, but I’m going to feel bereft without my laptop. I’m letting my assistant editor cover primaries tonight, though, just in case.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    All balding men look better bald. The combover and the toupee are the worst things to do. Accept it, and shave it.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Bill, that is a good question. I have my own ATT card.

  9. I’m bringing my air card. I know I can tether my BB to my computer but I don’t know how to do it.

  10. The waterfront is the place to be tonight, as the GOP is having their watch party at the Chase Center on the Riverfront. If I go there with a video camera to ask Christine a question, will Evan Qevicted try to threaten me?

    I seriously doubt O’Donnell will be at the Republican party gathering. Call it a hunch.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, where is the Crazy Chrissy contingent camping out?

  12. skippertee says:

    ” Yes, I imagine there will be a DL table. Look for geek with laptops.”
    I thought we’re going to a bar.Don’t you mean lapdances?

  13. pandora says:

    I just checked, Timothy’s has wifi.

  14. DelDem asked “$1.50 for a Delaware Today????”

    The doctors and dentists with subscriptions could afford it, even back then. And thanks to Pierre and Mike, they probably got a tax write-off for it.

  15. Well I hope they do have wifi, as pandora says, because I ain’t shelling out the money for my day pass on my Verizon broadband device.

  16. pandora says:

    Bill, I called and asked if they had wifi. They said yes.

    I have my Delaware Liberal pin – and will be wearing all black out of respect for the death of the DE GOP. I will also have my laptop.